Chapter Seven
Writen By Crystal! This is the third day, the day when Sting and Rogue come in! :D Enjoy minna!
~No one's P.O.V.~
Sting jolted up awake from his sleep. He wiped off the sweat that was forming on his forehead. It was nothing but a dream, a nightmare, he told himself. That girl never existed, it was just the schizophrenia. Ever since that day 7 years ago, he had been told that he had a rare case of schizophrenia, where he could hallucinate girls or women only. He had persistently asked his father if she was real or not, but Weisslogia had always changed the topic whenever he did. When he finally had enough, he told himself that that girl had been his first hallucination, and decided to embrace the schizophrenia. That didn't stop the nightmares however. He slowly sat up in bed and rubbed his eyes just as the door opened. A young nurse with short dark purple hair and green eyes smiled warmly at Sting.
"Hello, I'm Nurse Kinana," she greeted. Sting smirked.
"Why hello there," Sting said in a seductive tone. Flirting with women was his way of escaping the fact that he had schizophrenia, and he honestly didn't give a damn if people thought he was weird. Kinana sweatdropped, but kept her smile. She had been warned that her new patient was going to be very flirtatious, but she was one of the most tolerant out of all of the nurses. Kinana smiled brightly.
"Can you tell me your name?" she asked nicely.
"Sting Eucliffe, but you can just call me Babe, " Sting wagged his eyebrows.
"Um, I'll just call you Sting," Kinana smiled nervously. She walked up to Sting and handed him a piece of paper.
"Wow, your phone number already?" Sting smirked cockily. He didn't take the paper though; he was thinking that Kinana was another one of his hallucinations.
"Um, no, it's your schedule," Kinana sweatdropped. "And I think you should take it out of my hand.." Sting blinked a couple times before he realized that she was serious and that she was actually real.
"O-oh," he said plainly, losing his cockiness. He took the schedule from her hands. "Thanks." Kinana smiled.
"No worries!" Kinana grinned. "Here, these are your pills that will help you with your schizophrenia." Kinana handed Sting a cup of pills, and Sting looked at it weirdly in his hands. "It's lunch time right about now, so when you're ready feel free to head to the cafeteria!" Kinana waves and leaves the room. When the door closed, Sting looked back at the pills in his hands. He always had a problem of differentiating who was real and who wasn't.
"Are you going to take them Sting-sama?" Sting flinched a bit, but smirked.
"Nah, I ain't giving up on you." He looked up to see a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes.
"Yay, Sting-sama's going to keep seeing us!" Another girl, this time with hazel eyes and sand hair appeared out of nowhere.
"Please Sting-sama, won't you sign my paper??" A girl with black hair and brown eyes showed a piece of notebook paper to Sting.
"Please please, one at a time ladies," Sting laughed.
"No, sign my cheek first!" the blonde shoved the black haired girl out of the way.
"No, if anyone's going to get a signature from Sting-sama it's me!" the brunette huffed. They started arguing, and the voices started to collide in Sting's head. It gave him a headache and he had to put one hand on his head.
"L-ladies, no need to fight.." he tried to sound confident and cocky, but the pain and the voices were starting to get to him. The "girls" didn't listen to him and instead their voices got louder and echoed throughout his head.
"He signs me first!"
"No me!"
"NO ME!!"
"GUYS IF ANYTHING HE'LL SIGN ME FIRST!!!" The voices got less recognizable and started to sound more dark. Soon enough the schizophrenic couldn't take it anymore.
"WOULD YOU ALL SHUT UP!?" Sting suddenly screamed, clutching his head with both hands now. Sting waited for the pain to disappear before slowly releasing his hands. He looked around to see that the girls were gone from his room, as if they just vanished. He sighed and ran a hand through his spiky blond hair.
"Maybe some lunch will help me," he sighed. He got up and stopped at the door. He closed his eyes and tried to compose himself. When a cocky smirk appeared on his face, he opened his eyes and opened the door confidently. As soon as he did though, the first thing he saw was a boy probably around his age slightly drooling with his mouth slightly agape at the sight of a cake-decorated door. Well well well, what do we have here.... Sting thought as his smirk grew wider.
Might at well take these before lunch, Rogue thought as he popped two flavorless white pills into his mouth. He then swallowed it with a gulp of water. Wiping his mouth, he walked out of the mental institute's bathroom. He looked around at the array of doors before him. Most of them were painted, but some were still blank. His mouth started to water as he saw a door decorated with cream-filled sweet-looking cakes, but he mentally slapped himself before drool started to show. He couldn't be tempted by one of 7 deadly sins. He closed his eyes, waiting for a sarcastic remark from the darker side of him.
"Heh, you must love sweets," a voice sneered. Rogue was about to retort when he realized something. That's not his voice.. He turned his head to the right to see a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes smirking at him. His back was leaned against a blank door, which Rogue presumed was his. He silently sighed, thankful that the pills actually worked for once.
"I-I like sweets," he responded in his usual quiet tone. He then cocked his eyebrows at the attire of the spiky blond. Seems excessive for someone in a mental hospital, he sweatdropped. Perhaps he worked at a night club or something and was just entered..?
"I can tell," Sting chuckled, walking over to him. Rogue stepped back in fear. He didn't want anyone to come too close to him, or else he might hurt them. "What? I'm not going to bite," Sting smirked. "Although, I have been told I have sharp teeth." Rogue sweatdropped. He wasn't sure if he was trying to be nice, cocky, or mocking. He chose all 3.
In the back of Sting's mind, he knew that he needed at least one person who's actually real to help him through this hellhole. To him, this emo person seemed like a good choice. The fact was that he was real, and that's all he needed. Despite Rogue's very obvious hints, Sting slung his arm around him as if they knew each other from way back when. Rogue flinched, not accustomed to human contact. Sting mentally sighed with relief. If he started hallucinating boys like Rogue, he would definitely have to have a straitjacket on him.
"W-what are you doing?" Rogue finally asked. Sting snapped out of his thoughts and smirked.
"What? We're friends now aren't we?" he said. "You should be thankful that you're friends with someone like me."
"I don't even know your name," Rogue said flatly. "And you don't know mine. Hell, I don't even know why you're here in this mental hospital."
"Whaat? You don't know me?" Sting gasped. "That girl over there is practically screaming out my name!" He pointed behind Rogue, who
turned around to see nothing.
"Um....?" Rogue frowned, looking back at Sting. He would say that he should get help, but that's probably why he's here. Sting blinked, realizing that the girl was probably not real.
"Uh, forget I said anything," he laughed nervously, taking his arm off of Rogue's shoulders. "The name's Sting. Sting Eucliffe." He looked over to red-eyed boy as if waiting for something. Rogue still felt uncomfortable, but sighed.
"Rogue Cheney," he mumbled, but Sting picked it up.
"Heh, that name suits you," Sting laughed without thinking. Rogue cocked his eyebrows at him. "A-ah, in a good way I mean," Sting corrected himself. "Sorry, it's hard to let go of the arrogance," Sting mumbled, looking down. It was hard to let go of the cocky act, but if he wanted a friend, he needed to tone it down. Rogue was a bit surprised by the gesture, and realized that he might have a couple things in common with this...well, he didn't want to think weirdo.
"Nah, it's okay....friend." Sting brightened up and smirked.
"Haha! I knew you'd succumb to my charms," Sting said smugly. Rogue once again sweatdropped. Charms..?
"I'm not a homosexual," Rogue deadpanned. (A/N: I will NOT have Stingue in here. *^* But don't worry, they will be shipped with other people. ^-^) Sting laughed. He may not be normal, but he knew that saying something like that so nonchalantly wasn't normal either.
"See? We're not so different," Sting grinned. "We're not like other people." Rogue thinly smiled back.
"Yeah," he responded quietly. They both started walking down the hall, just as a group of friends were doing the same as well.
At the cafeteria, Sting and Rogue got to know each other better. "So, why are you here in the first place?" Rogue asked quietly.
"Eh, schizophrenia," Sting shrugged, poking his chicken salad. "Dumb ol' dad tricked me into coming here, saying that he was going to bring me to a night club."
That's why he's dressed like this, Rogue sweatdropped.
"So, what about you?" Sting looked up to face Rogue.
"M-multiple personality disorder," he mumbled, looking down at his chocolate pudding.
"Ehh??" Sting amused, stabbing a piece of chicken.
"You thinking differently about being friends now huh?" Rogue chuckled darkly.
"Nope," Sting replied, taking a bite of his salad. Rogue's eyes widened and he looked back at the blonde.
"Yeah, I mean, everyone here hath some sorth of mental willness wight?" Sting mumbled with a full mouth. After swallowing, he continued. "Besides, I only hallucinate girls. Don't get me wrong, I'm totally not complaining, I mean, that hot chick over there is definitely a sight to see." He smirked, glancing over to a table in front of him. Rogue turned around to see a red-headed girl sitting with a bluenette and two boys; one with long black hair and one with spiky black hair.
"Unless your hallucinations can come alive, I'm pretty sure she's real," he smirked. Sting's eyes widened and he murmured something along the lines of "holy shit." Rogue chuckled. He had to admit, it was not boring being around him.
The only question is if you can keep a friend like him, a deep voice laughed manically in his head. Rogue froze and dropped his spoon as a response. It clattered onto the floor, leaving a very loud clack as a result.
Erza, Gray, Gajeel, and Levy all turned around them to see the new patients of the mental institute. Erza slowly shrunk next to Levy, her Anthropophobia taking effect. "Heh, well what do ya know," Gajeel smirked. "It's a perv and an emo."
'Wonder what they're in for, being weirdos?' a masculine voice sneered.
'How 'bout we go over there and give them a so called greeting?' another voice suggested, probably smirking if it had a face.
'Now don't do that,' the same feminine voice scolded. 'If you do that, you'll ruin any chance you have with being friends with them.'
"What if I don't want to be friends with them?" Gajeel grumbled under his breath, earning him a weird look from Gray and Erza.
I knew it, he must be nuts! Erza thought in her head. No no no, you're friend with him Erza, you can't think stuff like that... Erza decided not to pay attention to him and looked down at her macaroni and cheese.
Who says I'm talking about them? the feminine voice said. It took a couple seconds, but Gajeel realized what "she" was talking about. Gajeel glanced over to Levy, who didn't really see what was so interesting; people were going to come day by day, and this institute was not exactly a "normal" place. So, she went back to poking her salad.
Fine, Gajeel grumbled in his head and went back to stuffing his face full of macaroni.
Levy glanced over to Erza, who had not talked at all since yesterday. She was worried that she wasn't going to talk to her at all, since she did have an illness that made her fear people. Finally, after long minutes of debating, she finally spoke up.
"H-hey, Erza?" The red-head jumped at the sound of her name, but turned her head towards the bluenette.
"Y-yeah?" she stuttered, trying to sound calm.
"I'm sorry about yelling at you last night.." Levy muttered apologetically. Erza's eyes widened, but she offered a weak smile.
"I-it's okay," she said, then went back to her lunch. She didn't want to go into further detail about what happened yesterday. Levy frowned, but decided that an "it's okay" was better than silence, so she went back to her salad.
Gah, must I eat this for the third time? she thought in her head, but closed her eyes and shook her head. No, you must eat. It's the least you can do for Erza. She paused for quick second before stuffing her face with salad.
Back at Sting and Rogue's table, Sting looked at Rogue weirdly. "Hey, you okay?" he asked. Rogue snapped out of his thoughts. He had been thinking about how quickly the pills had worn off.
"Y-y-yeah," Rogue stuttered. "I-I'm going to go get a new fork.." Rogue slowly got up and started walking towards the utensil and condiment area. As he looked for the forks, his vision suddenly started to get hazy. He placed a hand to his pounding head and immediately ran out of the cafeteria before he could do anything.
Sting watched as he disappeared. Wonder what's up with him, he frowned.
"Moh, Sting-sama!" Sting slightly flinched and cursed under his breath. He could never get used to girls like the blonde that just talking popping out of nowhere.
"Sting-sama hasn't been paying attention to us this past hour!" a brunette complained.
"I blame that emo," the blonde crossed her arms and pouted.
"Why do you need friends when you have us??" the brunette whined.
'Because you're not real, Sting thought in his head, but in reality he said, "A-ah, gomen girls, but your bae needs a little time to himself."
"Aww, but we wanted to spend some time with you!" the two said in unison. Sting sighed and let his head hit the table with a dull thud. When he looked back up, they were no longer there.
It hurts, but it works, Sting smirked. He then picked up his barely touched tray and dumped it into the trash can. Wasn't that hungry anyways, he thought as he walked down the hall. He debated on whether or not to go find his new emo friend or not, but decided not to and went to go look for someone who knew where this stupid "group session" thing was held before he could even start taking advantage of "free time".
¤Timeskip To Curfew¤
By the time Sting got to his room, it was already 10:00. Just in time for curfew, Sting sweatdropped. After the group session (or in his case a nap session), he had went to the gym to let the "girls" admire his muscles while he worked out. After he got kicked out of the gym for being their too long, free time, dinner, and the rest of the day went by in a flash. Let's see what the old man packed for me.. Sting thought as he looked through the suitcase that he found laying on top of the nightstand. He flipped open the lock and opened the lid. He was a bit disappointed when he saw the clothes that his father thought "a proper teen should wear". Looks like I'm going to have to save this outfit, he sighed in his head as he rummaged through the old case.
Sting's eyes widened as he heard the sound of something solid and probably glass. He dug deeper into the pile of clothes until his fingers touched something smooth. He grabbed ahold of it and brought it up to his view. He was stunned and his hands started to tremble as he looked at the old framed picture. It was the last picture taken before his mother died 8 years ago. The last picture taken when they were a family. At the time of this picture, Sting didn't know he was a schizophrenic yet, and he honestly lived a happy and normal life. Only when he saw a drop of water drip onto the glass frame did he realize that tears were flowing down his cheeks. He quickly wiped them away, using his blue gloves as an absorbent. He then looked around to make sure that no one saw that he had been crying.
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