Chapter Fourteen
Written by me~ (Jk Written By The Lovely Crystalmy188~)
This is the same day as last chapter, just written from other people's perspectives. :)
Wonder what happened elsewhere~? :3
~Third Person~
Two young children, one a boy and the other a girl, sat on top of a plain hill, sitting together side by side as they felt the cool fall breeze on their faces.
"Hey, do you think dragons are real?" the boy asked, abruptly breaking the quiet silence between the two of them.
"Hmm? Why do you ask?" the girl responded, glancing over to the boy in curiosity.
"Eh? Well, there were these older boys who said they didn't exist, could you believe that?!" the boy replied in an incredulous tone.
"Ehh? Really? And what were you doing with older people?" The girl raised one of her eyebrows over the other, a sly smirk curling on her lips. "Does it have anything to do with your new kitten?"
"Wh-? T-that doesn't matter!" the boy blushed in embarrassment as he noticed the smug smile on the girl's face. "Lector had been bullied by them, I swear! Anyways, you don't believe they exist too?!"
"Hahaha, no no no, I actually think they exist too," the girl laughed.
"Phew! You scared me for a sec there," the boy sighed with relief.
"My bad~! Hehehe," the girl giggled. The two then smiled at each other and continued looking at the setting sun, its rays radiating twilight of various warm colors."Hey..we'll, we'll be friends forever, right?" the girl asked quietly.
"Eh? Why are you asking that?" the boy asked, caught off guard by the sudden serious question. The girl kept her gaze on the setting sun, the warm colors turning a soft purple.
"...Just asking," she vaguely replied. The boy noticed this. He paused for a bit before a toothy grin curling onto his lips. He threw his arm around the girl's shoulders, making her flinch in surprise.
"'Course we will Jess!" the boy laughed. "Friends forever, that'd be the best!" The girl's cheeks splashed with a rosy pink before she returned the smile.
"Yeah, that'd be the best.."
Jessie jerked awake, frozen due to shock when she heard rather loud and abrupt knocks coming from the other side of her door. Once the ravenhead girl had calmed down her racing heartbeat, she let out a sigh and buried her face in her pillow.
'Dream, or should I say memory...' she thought to herself, closing her crystal-blue eyes under the pillow. A flash of a more recent memory--specifically, last night-- came into view in her mind. 'It couldn't be, it can't be.' A soft whimper escaped her lips, its sound being muffled by the pillow as the girl pushed the pillow closer to her face. 'Perhaps, perhaps it's just a coincidence! Sting's a common name, right..? Oh, who am I kidding..' Spiky blond hair, sapphire-blue eyes, cocky-ish attitude, she knew them all too well, and even she knew the chances of two people having all these features were slim to none. 'What do I do..?'
"Whoop, that was a bit loud.." As Jessie tried to collect her frantic thoughts, she could faintly hear a muffled feminine voice say with regret from what probably was the other side of the door while her head was buried in her small slightly-hard hospital pillow. Realizing now that she couldn't just lay in bed forever, she lifted her head and took in a deep breath to calm herself down further. She then looked down at herself and the many layers of clothing she was wearing. She had taken off just one layer in her panic last night (or should she say a couple hours ago? It didn't matter). She eyed her suitcase, anxiety slowly seeping into her mind.
'What if I didn't bring enough clothes? What if they don't watch them properly. Oh God I hope they'll at least let me wash them myself..' Realizing that she was going too deep into her fears, she told herself over and over again that it was okay; she still had plenty of clothes on, so if anyone touched her, they..they'd be fine. 'It'll be okay, if I don't have enough clothes, I'll just hand wash them all by myself,' she mentally reassured herself."C-come in." She tried to say loudly to whoever was on the other side of the door, though she wasn't sure she accomplished what she wanted.
"Hehe, sorry~" A woman with sakura-pink hair opened the door, one of her hands rubbing the back of her head while the other was holding a clipboard. "I, uh, know I knocked on the door a bit too hard, my apologies."
"I-it's alright," Jessie flashed a small smile as she sat up, but she shuffled towards the wall away from the woman as she started to enter her room (or, well, the room Jessie had just entered without thinking). The pinkette noticed this, and raised her hands in a sort of surrender-like pose.
"Don't worry, I know of your haphephobia," the counselor assured. "Would it be okay to enter your room? Or do you prefer for me to stay out here?" Jessie's eyes slightly widened, but she slowly started to relax.
" can come in, that's fine," Jessie replied, trying her best not to stammer. "And, um, are you sure this is my room? I kinda, uh.."
"Kinda barged in without thinking?" Meredy finished her sentence with a giggle.
"You know?" Jessie asked, surprised.
"I'm aware, yeah. Laki, the receptionist that escorted you, told me about you, and uh, what happened yesterday." Although another flash of the boy's face flickered in her head like a lightbulb about to break, her face flushed in embarrassment. Her sudden disappearance was most definitely embarrassing to the girl with one of her eyes covered by her black bangs.
"H-how did she know I was here?" Jessie asked quietly.
"Well, granted, you did disappear on her," Meredy laughed. "But, after she made sure one of the patients was back in his room, she checked up on this room and saw you inside, so she left you be." Jessie squirmed in both embarrassment and discomfort at the memory.
"..I'm sorry," she muttered. "When I see her, I'll apologize."
"Oh no no, I wasn't talking about this to say you should apologize or anything!" Meredy waved her hands. "Laki's quite fine with it; these things happen. I brought it up because I wanted to ask you about it." The counselor used her free hand to close the door behind her before she took a wooden chair that rested on the wall and sat down on it. "More specifically, the reason as to why you left so suddenly."
"O-oh," Jessie flatly said as she saw her counselor's face turn slightly serious.
"Don't worry, everything you say and do with me will stay confidential," Meredy assured her patient. Jessie bit the bottom of her lip.
"I..." Jessie trailed off. She..really didn't want to talk about this now, especially to someone she just met... Who knows? She could be a counselor to him too, and, not that she was doubting this woman's counseling abilities or anything, but.. "I..just panicked when I saw someone else," Jessie replied. It wasn't a total lie, and it was dark out, so..
"Are you sure?" The pinkette's eyebrows knit into a frown. Jessie pursed her lips, and the counselor took that as a sign that it wasn't time to talk about it just yet. Nodding, Meredy scribbles something down on her clipboard and stands up. "Well, if that's your answer, then all I need for you is to take these!" Meredy held out a tiny plastic cup and a piece of paper. Curious of both items' contents, Jessie (who was still sitting on her bed) shuffled a bit closer, but (partly due to the fact that one of her eyes were covered by her bangs) she wasn't able to see what either was.
"Erm.." Jessie muttered, meekly reaching her many-gloved hand out. Meredy was a bit confused at first, but then mouthed an 'O' and carefully handed her both things without making physical contact with her. "Thank you," Jessie quietly thanked the counselor. Now having both items closer, she saw the piece of paper to be a schedule while the cup held a couple of pills inside. "These should help you with your condition, and the paper is to show you your everyday schedule," Meredy explained. Jessie nodded in understandment.
"Um, do I..get some water to wash these down with?" Jessie asks meekly, holding out the cup of pills.
"Oh! Yes, here." Meredy gently hands Jessie a bottle of water, and the blue-eyed girl slowly accepted it. "You can have it, as a little peace offering," Meredy jokes. Jessie offers a small smile at the joke before gently placing the pills on her tongue and washing it down with a huge swig of water. Meredy watched in slight amusement as Jessie finished the entire bottle in one go.
"You sure like water, huh?" Meredy giggled as Jessie finished. Said person blushed in embarrassment and looked down at her feet.
"I-I do," the raven shyly replied. "It's, um...nice." Jessie's face flushed a deeper shade, immediately regretting what she had said, but the counselor just lets out another giggle.
"Alright, well, that's all I was here for Ms. Celestia," Meredy stands up and says. She heads towards the door, and turns around just as she was about to leave. "It was a pleasure to meet you!" she winked. Jessie weakly smiled.
"You too," she responded, waving goodbye as her counselor leaves. The door closes with a gently 'click', and the teen was left alone once again. Jessie sucked in a deep breath and laid back down onto her bed, holding up the schedule right in front of her as she did so. "Right now is breakfast, huh..?" Jessie mused out loud. Of course, the thought of seeing more people that could potentially touch her sent shudders down her back, but then she thought...perhaps it wouldn't be too bad. 'Are the pills working really well, or is it just me?' the raven-haired girl wryly laughed at the thought. Either way, she had to get some food since she had to skip dinner at her home in order to pack the clothes necessary to stay here
'By now, onii-san should have gone to his month-long work trip, and he said he didn't want to wake me up when he leaves, so..I've got about that much time to get better,' Jessie relayed to herself. 'Yosh, meeting people would be a great start, and you've already met one nice person! If she was nice, (hopefully) everyone is similar, so let's go!' Filled with motivation, Jessie hopped to her feet. She then glanced down at the outermost layer of clothing she was wearing, which was a light blue sweater and white sweatpants. 'It would also be great if you took off just one layer, but..' Jessie pursed her lips, her chest twisting with anxiety at the thought. 'Okay, better not. One step at a time! Let's go!!' Pumping herself up, she grabbed ahold of her phone and headphones before walking up to the door and heading out.
'Now, I just gotta meet some people, say hi, immediately tell them about my haphephobia so they don't touch me, and voila! Friends!' Jessie explained to herself cheerfully. She looked up from the ground and realized that she had reached the cafeteria. 'Yosh, first things first: find people..' Jessie scanned the entirety of the area, and her one eye spotted a table with a couple of people sitting on it. 'Hey, they seem nice,' Jessie thought to herself as she saw a table with two girls and a boy that looked to be about her age.
"Eh he's right Lucy. Don't kill him because he has no manners," Jessie heard the girl with a mixture of blonde and black hair say with a wink.
"Yeah! HEY!" the pink-haired boy nodded, but then snapped when he realized that he had been insulted.
"Arina-san said she was in for insomnia, when is the last time Arina-san slept?" Just then, a bluenette slides into the table and asks the blonde/raven-haired girl.
'Oo, insomnia, that's gotta be hard,' Jessie sympathized, ceasing her eavesdropping to mentally voice out her thoughts. 'Well, when you're in a mental hospital, you try to help other patients, right? I can do that!' Nodding to herself, she started towards the table of teens.
"Erza?" But before she even took one step, a certain spiky-haired blond joined the table, along with an emo-like boy following soon after.
'Oh nope nope NOPE,' Jessie immediately turned around. 'Ahaha nevermind, let's, let's not! Friends can be made any time, let's not do that now. Yeah, good idea! Need to eat some breakfast anyways! Can't make friends if I'm stuffing my mouth full of..whatever they have for breakfast here!' It was then that she realized that she didn't even know what they had for breakfast here. Perhaps it's normal stuff like fruit and oatmeal? Or is this place like your stereotypical hospital giving you disgusting stale junk?
"Perhaps I watch too many movies," Jessie shook her head and sighed, taking out her phone and unwrapping her earbuds. Unlocking it, her gloved hands swiped down on the glass screen of her phone, song titles, artists, and genre blurring as they rushed by. Jessie then tapped the screen once, putting a halt to her playlist of songs and highlighting one certain song.
(*Insert Drowning in a Wave of Sadness YouTube Video Here; AKA** GO TO THE LINK.IM TO LAZY AHAHAHA)
Once Jessie placed her earbuds in, there was a slight pause before a rock/melancholic-like song started playing.
"At the rate my limbs are growing, two at a time, the things I can love are also growing two, three at a time, they're growing at a stupid rate, so I have to throw them out, don't I?" One of Jessie's favorite singer, AKA Kagamine Len, starting singing the starting lyrics.
'Just gaze at the floor and say nothing; then no one (hopefully him specifically) won't notice,' Jessie told herself as she started walking towards the array of food. The ravenhead was quite glad that it was served buffet-style, so she didn't need to get close to any human beings. Another thing she was happy about was that the food was indeed normal; selections varying from different fruit to cereal spread out before her.
Glancing both sides to make sure there wasn't anyone near her, Jessie took a tray and placed some cereal, a bowl of fruit, milk, and some grape juice on top of it. 'I should at least keep up my physical health, right?' Jessie smiled softly as she looked down at her healthy choices. She was just about to pick up a bottle of water to complete her breakfast when she felt something buzz. Out of pure instinct, Jessie flinched and immediately took a large step away, shaking the contents of her tray as she did so. She frantically searched for the person who she assumed touched her, but after a second, she realized that it was her phone that was buzzing. Letting out a small sigh of relief, she balanced her tray of food with one hand and used her other to take out her phone.
'Shit,' she thought to herself bluntly. Sweat started pouring down Jessie's head as she reluctantly typed out her response.
She hoped that he would suddenly get busy and not be able to talk to her for, oh she didn't know, maybe a month? That'd be great..
.but, a mere second later, she received a reply...
Jessie bit her lip. As much as she loved her older brother, this couldn't go on forever. Knowing him, he'd probably ask what she was doing at the moment, and although she could say just having breakfast, he would press on and on for more details, and she couldn't keep dodging the fact she had entered herself into a mental hospital..
Knowing this, Jessie typed out an excuse of sorts. She was just about to send her next message when her brother replied.
Typing up her last messages, Jessie hurriedly turned off her phone before she could see her brother's probably reply, letting her music continue playing even though her phone's screen turned black. She let out a sigh to release a bit of tension she felt in her chest as she picked up a random water bottle.
Her heart beating loudly out of nervousness, Jessie kept her gaze on the floor as walked towards a random table that was closest to her. As she sat down and set her tray on the table, she didn't realize that there were the two people already sitting together.
"Well hi. Just sit here and stay, why don't you?" Jessie jolted at the sound of something feminine and not her music. She immediately tilted her head up to see two teens looking at her, one a girl with long blue hair and the other a boy with a peculiar tattoo over one of his eyes and his hair perhaps a shade lighter than the girl's. The girl seemed to be looking at her with an upset expression while the boy placed a hand on his face and shook his head.
"AH! I'm sorry!" Jessie took out her headphones and apologized when she realized that these people probably didn't want her sitting at their table. "I'll go." She picked her tray back up and started heading towards one of the empty tables near the corner of the cafeteria, but the blue-haired boy suddenly spoke up before she could get up.
"Who are you avoiding?" he asked her abruptly, his gaze sharp and tone straightforward. Jessie's eyes grew as wide as plates, and for a split second, her mind became of frenzy of anxiety.
'How does he know I'm avoiding someone? Did he see me? Is he psychic?? HAVE I BEEN THAT OBVIOUS???' Jessie could've gone no until her thoughts were nothing but gibberish, but when she took a slight peak at the tattooed boy, and one look at his brown eyes seemingly said it all for her. Jessie let out a sigh and shifted her glance towards the table she had been focused on when she first entered. She noticed that a couple of people were no longer there, like "Arina," that blonde, and the bluenette, but he was still there, and that was all she needed to see.
"Just...a small problem," Jessie murmured, though her words were mostly for herself. Not wanting to linger any longer, Jessie plugged her headphones back in and started walking towards a different table that was empty, and quite honestly, looked a bit lonely.
But to Jessie, lonely was okay. She was used to being alone, after all.
"Itai, itai! Lucy, it hurts!" Natsu whined, his voice sounding like a fragile child.
"Well it's your fault for provoking him!" the blonde huffs as she puts more cream on the pinkette's neck. "Besides, you're the one who told me to help you put this on, so hold still!"
"Itaiii!" Natsu cried childishly as Lucy continued to rub his neck.
"Seriously, why did you have to go and say you were Erza's boyfriend?" Lucy sighed, her heart twisting ever-so-slightly at the memory.
"But I didn't! I just, why did he care anyways?!" Natsu puffed out his cheeks.
"Maybe he likes her," Lucy giggled.
"Ehh?!" Natsu responded in an incredulous tone. His expression then turned to a thoughtful one. "That does make sense, though.."
"Mhm~" Lucy hummed in agreement as she screwed the lid of the cream back on. "All done!"
"Thanks Luce!" Natsu grinned, making Lucy's heart flutter at the sight of the onyx-eyed boy's toothy smile.
"He's SOOOOO dense," Taurus let out a snort of disapproval.
"I know 'ya have low standards girl, but him? Really?" Aquarius shook her head. Lucy's heart hurt with their words, but she tried to ignore them.
"You're better off with me than someone like him," Kai hissed, stroking the blonde's cheeks. She glared at her spirit with disgust.
"Lucy? You alright?" Before her hallucinations' harassment could go any further, however, Natsu's voice snapped Lucy out of her glare.
"O-oh, yeah, sorry," Lucy apologized. "Just spacing out a bit."
"You sure?" Natsu's eyebrows knitted into a frown.
"I'm sure," Lucy giggled, waving her hands. She perked up, however, when she saw something sticking out of Natsu's pocket. Her eyes widened when she realized what she the small object was. Almost immediately she snatched the item out of his pocket, not giving Natsu even a second to react.
"Heh?!" Natsu sputtered, looking down at his now-empty pocket, then to Lucy, then back. "O-oi, give that back!" Natsu tried to take back his object it back, but Lucy moved her hand away.
"How, where did you even get this match?!?" Lucy asked incredulously. "The hospitals don't keep any here!! I mean, at least I don't think so...but that's beside the point!!"
"I..may have sorta snatched a nurse's key, went into the storage room, and took out one match.." Natsu admitted, mumbling his syllables. "B-but! It was only one, I swear! A-and, I wasn't even going to light it!!"
"Then why would you have a match if you're not going to light it??" Lucy asked skeptically, still holding the match away from the pyromaniac.
"..Er, well..." Natsu trailed off, unsure of what to say. "Just, come on Luce! I promise I won't do anything with it! I just, I just need it with me!" the pinkette gave the blonde a pleading look. His desperate expression made Lucy's heart cringe with guilt.
'What am I going to do?' Lucy frowned to herself. On one hand, she could just run away and trash it or something, but that seemed cruel to do to Natsu, who honestly had the same look as a child who just got a precious toy stolen from him. But, giving a match to a pyromaniac was like giving a serial killer a knife...
Okay, so the analogy was a bit dark, but Lucy wanted to repay Natsu for saving her life, and even she knew that temptation was definitely not a good thing.
"Give it to him hime-sama," Virgo encouraged.
"Piri-piri, give it to him, piri-piriri!" The Gemini Twins followed suit. Lucy pursed her lips, but she slowly outreached the hand holding the match towards Natsu due to their words.
Natsu's eyes lit up and he too reached out for the match, but only slowly; in the back of his mind, even he had doubts about holding on to something that could cause a fire.
'Maybe..he can learn to overcome the temptation?' Lucy thought to herself, though she was still pretty hesitant.
"Let him burn the whole building." But before she completed the handoff, Kai's dark chuckle entered her ears. "Then you won't have stay here anymore." It was his words that made Lucy do what she did next.
"..I'm sorry Natsu!" Lucy hugged her hands clutching the wooden match close to her chest before racing down the hallway, away from the pinkette.
"Wh--LUCY!" Natsu shouted before frantically running after her.
The two ran down the halls at a rapid pace. As she was sprinting, Lucy dared to peek behind her, only for her to see Natsu rapidly gaining speed, a fiery look to his eyes. Lucy couldn't help but let out a terrified squeal as she dashed down the halls, Natsu yelling, "COME BACK HERE!" soon after. What the two of them didn't notice as they darted down the halls, though, was that the had passed a certain counselor, who, after seeing a certain redhead, raced after the running duo.
"I'm sorry Natsu, but I caaan't!" Lucy apologized in a loud voice as she continued to run. But, because she wasn't looking where she was going as well as the fact that she was running a bit too fast for comfort, the blonde suddenly tripped over her foot. She fell to the smooth floor of the halls, landing with a small "oof!"
"Lucy!" Natsu cried, this time his voice filled with concern and worry. However, before he could get closer to her, a certain counselor raced in front of him, making him screech to a halt.
"And what in Mavis' name is going on here?!" Ultear placed her hands on her hips as stood in between the two teens, one of which was standing up from her recent fall.
"...Who's Mavis?" the two asked in unison.
"Wh--that doesn't matter!" Ultear huffed. "What are you two doing running down the halls?!" The counselor exchanged her gaze back and forth between the two of them, waiting for a response.
"Uhh..." Lucy sweatdropped. She didn't want Natsu to get in trouble, and saying that she was keeping a match that the pyro had stolen wasn't exactly the best thing to say if she didn't want that to happen.
Now Natsu, Natsu was a different case.
"SHE STOLE MY--" Natsu started to yell. Immediately, Lucy started to panic and, without even thinking, she raced towards the pinkette, tackled him to the ground,
and planted her lips on his.
Natsu's eyes grew enormously wide in utter shock, and even Ultear's eyes grew round at the sight. The two only connected lips for a quick second, but to the both of them, time seemed to have slow down. It was Lucy, though, that pulled away first.
"..His first kiss, I, uh, I stole it." Words stumble out of Lucy's mouth before she could get too flustered to say anything.
"Uh..huh?" Ultear raised her eyebrows in skepticism.
She glanced at the pyro, who was still lying on the tiled floor in a complete daze, his fingers brushing his lips as his eyes looked like those of a starstruck puppy. Seeing the scene in front of her and knowing that there wasn't much she could do now, the counselor let out a sigh and ran a hand through her dark violet hair. "Well, if that was all, then I'll leave you two off with a warning, alright?" Ultear bargained. "Don't run so recklessly around the halls; you might get someone hurt."
"Oh, uh, hai!" Lucy replied, not expecting her hastily-thought-up plan to actually work. Nodding her head, Ultear turned around and walked away without another word.
"U-um, we should go now Natsu," the violet-haired woman overheard Lucy say as the distance between them slowly grew further.
"...Kiss.." Ultear could barely hear the pyro say.
"S-shut up! It was your fault for almost busting yourself!" Ultear rolled her eyes at Lucy's flustered response.
'Did they really think I didn't see the match?' Ultear scoffed in her mind, a small smile curling on her lips. 'They're cute though, I'll definitely give Nurse Mira that...' She glanced down at the match in her hands that she had picked up from the floor.
'...I wonder if their relationship can help them get out of here sooner...'
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