10. Joy, the year of the Unicorn
Dear diary,
I have told you about my current situation and the fairy world, but I haven't said anything about me, who I am.
On the outside, I am just a regular fairy, but my behavior is anything but regular. I have long golden hair and deep blue eyes which is something even humans can say. What makes me different is that I have a pair of green wings which look as gentle as silk but are actually very strong and indestructible.
It is custom with fairy folk to wear dresses, so I wear a long silk dress which is very comfortable. It is also very light and I love that fact because the gentle winds can play with it and make me feel free and beautiful. This dress is light blue and it perfectly matches my big blue eyes.
I have a few freckles on my cheeks and it looks as if someone threw a bit of stardust on my face and it stayed there. My freckles are different from human freckles because they are the color of gold and not some other boring color. Regular freckles are so ordinary if you ask me.
My hair is very long and curly, it looks like a gentle wave and I simply adore it. For me, curly hair is so beautiful and magical that I can't help but admire myself in every shiny surface I see.
You might see me admiring myself in a huge dewdrop or in the large lake nearby, but you must know one thing. I am not as vain as humans might think. I am just honest and appreciative of my own beauty as well as the beauty of others.
You see, in the fairy world, we appreciate different types of beauty. For us, everything and everyone is beautiful in its own way. We love and admire ourselves as well as others, but we never envy each other. We are content with the way we are, and we don't want to be like anyone else.
Everyone is unique, they contribute to the overall beauty of the world, and we want to make the world that is full of diversity not to take away some of its unique beauty.
Maybe the reason for this huge difference between us and humans is the fact that no one tells us that we should lose or gain weight, or that our noses are too small or too big.
From an early age, we are just taught to love and appreciate all the beauties of the world. Maybe what also makes it easier for us is the fact that we don't have the TV or the internet, or all the other means of advertising. There are no commercials filling our heads with negative words and thoughts of inadequacy. We have no famous people making us question our beauty and lifestyles which for me is awesome.
I mean when you think about it, TV shows and movies that humans watch on a daily basis are very strange. They are always about the lives and problems of some people they don't even know.
Isn't it a bit strange and creepy to spy on people like that? I know I would feel strange watching something like that. It feels so intrusive and weird. I guess you could say that we, the fairy folk, are mostly content with our appearances and personalities but...
From time to time, some distinctly human emotions and worries creep into our world. It reminds me of a worm, worming its way into an apple that was once healthy and eating it from the inside out. Eating the heart of the apple until all it's left is the pretty exterior and empty essence.
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