Weird Unusual Fun Facts About Me (1)
Please note that I will probably be doing loads of these in the future. Tell me if you can relate to any of these! They will probably consist 25 facts or more, no less.
1. When I eat sandwiches or burgers, I will always bite off the edges first and eat the insides last.
2. And when I eat them, the bite marks always have to be in a straight line.
3. I always get sick during exam time. From the cold, to stomach pains, fever, anything.
4. When I was 7, I was in a karaoke booth with my cousin and sister. They chose songs and one of them was Love The Way You Lie. I had no exposure of the world at that time. My cousin and sister sang Rihanna's part and I, had to rap Eminem. Let's just say I finally understood what 'swearing' meant from then on.
5. I put run my toothbrush under water, put toothpaste on it, wipe it off, run it under water again and brush my teeth.
6. When I turn on the air conditioner, I imagine puffy evil things are flying out of it and close every door. Then I imagine them slamming into the doors.
7. My fandoms never last for 1 year. So far there is only one, which is the One Direction fandom. I have been in it for more than 2 years. Hopefully this particular book fandom will.
8. I love Math.
9. I am Asian.
10. My best friend and I always dance in shopping malls. We sing too. Also in other public places.
11. I was looking for Divergent in the bookstore a few months ago and I couldn't find it. Until my mom picked up a box set and told me "Hmm what's this? Di-ver-gent? Don't you like books like these?" and I literally just snatched the box set out of her hands. I spent 10 minutes looking for the box set in the most perfect condition.
12. I hated listening to my friend ramble about Percy Jackson before I became a demigod.
13. I am addicted to to Skittles and Wonka's Bottle Caps.
14. My Harry Potter books aren't mine, actually. They were my mom's until she gave them to me. She collected them right after they came out, so most of them have different covers. My mom is cool.
15. My favourite drinks are iced lemon tea, green tea, apple juice and apple soda.
16. I am fascinated by Japanese culture.
17. I know how to speak Chopnese.
18. I can speak only 2 languages. I've been learning another for nearly 4 years, but I never got the hang of it.
19. I can bake cookies, cakes and cupcakes. I cut out fondant pieces of those TFIOS bubble cloud things and plan to make a TFIOS cake very soon.
20. I like to sing. I can't sing, but I love to sing. My dad's side of the family can all sing very well. My sister inherited that talent, but I'm not so sure about me. I'm average, I guess. I think though, that my younger brother will inherit the singing talent because he loves to sing. He's only 2.
21. I get along well with most of my teachers because I'm the top student in my school.
22. Yesterday in Science my classmates discovered the word 'faeces'. The teasing never stopped.
23. My favourite food is pizza, or as I like to call it, PRIZZA.
24. My favourites type of food is Italian food. Pasta rocks.
25. When I was younger I loved holding things all the time. In the shower, when I slept, when I ate, at school, in the mall. These things would be erasers, tiny plastic spoons, tiny rubber balls, figurines etc.
26. When I was a toddler I stuffed a peanut up my nose XD
27. I knew one of my friends for two years, and 75% of the time we were frienemies, or rivals because he was my competitor in school. Then a few months after we finally became good friends, he moved.
28. The highest slot of my bookshelf is occupied by a teddy bear, a box of useless things, my Traffic Games cap and my recorder.
That's all for now. Bye!
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