Madame Stiletto
I tweeted Harry about Magnus being a drag queen recently and responded to the drag name with "I'll put it in the suggestion box" so if it doesn't happen on the show, here's my take on Magnus being a drag queen. Enjoy!
"Uh....Magnus? Do you want to tell me what this is?"
"What are you talking about?" As Magnus came around the corner, he noticed that Alec was holding an old photo in his hands. "Oh. I see you found remnants of my life in the 80's. Where did you find this?"
"In the closet behind a stack of boxes. Why do you have this stuff? And more importantly, why is it hidden?"
Magnus took the photo from Alec's hands. Immediately his face lit up with a smile and he began to chuckle. "Ah. Madame Stiletto. It's been too long."
Alec glanced at the photo and back to Magnus. "Madame Stiletto? Who's she?"
Magnus smiled broadly. "An old friend of mine from back in the day. Maybe I could introduce you to her one day."
Alec looked back down at the photo. There was something oddly familiar about Madame Stiletto. Her eyes looked familiar as well as a few more of her facial features. Masked under a lot of makeup, it was hard to tell why this lady looked so familiar to him. "Sure. She looks like a nice lady. Is she a warlock too?"
Magnus shrugged a shoulder. "Sure. I guess you could call her that. Either way she's a lovely lady and I know for a fact that you and her would get along quite nicely."
The photo now back in its box, Alec closed it and put it back where he found it. Madame Stiletto was still on his mind even if the photo was put away back in its safe spot. He had questions; a lot of them. Who was she? How did she know Magnus? Is she still around? How come Magnus never mentioned her before?
These questions ran through his mind for the remainder of the day. He almost lost his concentration during training simulations, the demon nearly taking a chunk out of his shoulder because he wasn't focusing on what was in front of him.
"Dude. Where's your head at today?" Jace deactivated the simulation and put away his blade. "You're here but at the same time you're not."
Alec sighed. "It's Magnus. I found a photo of a woman in a box at his place-"
"He has a photo of a woman inside a box? Like legitimately in a box? Was she dead?"
"What? No I didn't mean it like that. I meant he has a photo of a woman that he keeps inside a box-stop laughing at me! I'm serious!"
Jace covered his mouth with a hand. "I know. I'm sorry. Please continue."
Alec shot him a look. "It's a photo of this woman. I don't know her but she looks so familiar but yet she doesn't. I want to ask Magnus about her but I'm scared he'll dodge the question entirely."
"So just be direct. Say you won't drop the subject until you get a straight answer from him. But don't pressure him."
"I guess...he's never mentioned her before but yet he says they're close friends. Do you think he's hiding something from me?"
Jace handed Alec his jacket with a smile. "Nah, bro. If he has something to tell you, let him do it on his own terms. Don't pressure him too much. Maybe it's nothing? Maybe this girl is just a random girl he met back in the day."
"Yeah...maybe. You're probably right. I shouldn't be worrying over this too much."
"Just go back to his place and do whatever it is that you guys usually do when you're alone together," Jace wiggled his eyebrows when Alec glared at him. "But don't pressure him about the photo. His own terms, remember?"
"His own terms," Alec repeated. "Right. I won't pressure him. He'd never pressure me about anything so I won't do that to him."
Back at the loft, Alec tossed his gear to the floor and collapsed on the sofa with a sigh. Magnus was nowhere to be seen (he probably disappeared to Idris again to do up more paperwork for Madzie's adoption) so Alec made himself at home; cup of tea with a piece of toast with jelly on it. Perfect evening snack.
He turned around to head back into the living room when he was stopped by the sight of a woman standing in the kitchen doorway. She was leaned up against it, a jeweled hand on her hip and a perfectly manicured eyebrow raised as she stared at him.
The piece of toast fell from Alec's mouth. "Uh....hello. Who are you?"
The woman cocked her head. "You don't recognize me, sugar? Because I sure as hell recognize you."
Alec looked her up and down. Should he recognize her? She wore a skintight black dress that stopped at her thighs with a pair of stilettos that nearly touched the hem of her dress. The heels were dangerously long and thin, looking to be about 7 or 8 inches and this made her taller than Alec when she approached him. Her long black hair tickled his neck when she leaned in to look him in the eye.
"You must be Alexander. Magnus told me all about you," she said. Her voice had a deeper tone than what Alec was used to hearing from women but he wasn't going to judge.
"And I have no idea who you did you even get in here? Do you have a key?" Alec was slowly reaching for his blade when the woman laughed.
"Alec, I live here. I have been for years."
Alec blinked. "What? This isn't your place. It belongs to-"
"Magnus Bane. High Warlock of Brooklyn." The woman chuckled, her cherry coloured lips turning upwards into a smile. "Alec, babe. It's me. Magnus."
The confusion only got worse the longer Alec stared at the woman. Then it suddenly struck him; he saw Magnus' eyes and his mouth and everything else he'd come to admire and love. The only difference was that he was covered in makeup and he wore a wig.
"You look very confused," Magnus said. "I suppose I owe you an explanation."
"That would be nice. Why are you...." Alec moved a hand up and down in the air, indicating the dress Magnus wore. "I'm lost. I'm so confused by all this."
Magnus frowned. "I know. And I'm sorry. I should've told you earlier what that photo really was all about. But I figured instead of tell you, why not show you instead? Madame Stiletto."
Magnus did a pirouette and forced a smile. Alec eyed the dress as it rose somewhat above Magnus' thighs. " do drag?"
"You know what that is?!" Magnus exclaimed. "I didn't think you knew. You're not exactly the type to...I don't know. Understand these types of concepts."
"Well geez, Magnus. I wasn't born under a damn rock," Alec rubbed the bridge of his nose as he spoke. "I may be a Shadowhunter but I know of some mundane things. Izzy likes watching this show about drag queens on tv. I can't remember what it's called exactly but that's how I know about them."
"And...." Magnus raised an eyebrow. "You're okay with this?"
They went quiet for a moment. Alec seemed to be taking it all in as he gazed at Magnus with bright hazel eyes. There was a split second where Magnus thought he was going to get angry and completely blow up at the fact that he's wearing a dress and more makeup than usual. But that wasn't the case.
"Why wouldn't I be? Magnus, if this is what you love doing then I have no arguments against it. It doesn't bother me at all."
Magnus let out a sharp breath. "So you don't mind the fact that I'm wearing a skintight dress and a wig?"
"Not even the fake nails?"
"Not even the nails-but they are dangerously long. How can you do anything with them?" Alec lift one of Magnus' hands, gaping at how long his nails were. "They're fake, right? Please tell me they're fake."
Magnus laughed. "Of course they're fake. I'd never go around with real nails like this. You realize how bad the marks I'd leave on your back would be?" He smirked as Alec visibly gulped. "Even the boobs are fake. Want to feel them?"
Alec grimaced and moved away. "No I'm-I'm good, thanks. That's probably the only thing I disagree with. The...."
"Boobs, Alec. It's just a pair of boobs," Magnus said as he reached into his dress and pulled out the fake breast implants. "Pffft. They were killing me. And these stilettos-help me sit down. It's been years since I wore them. They're killing my feet."
Helping Magnus sit down, Alec eased off the boots and massaged his feet. "Need me to help you out of the dress too?"
Magnus, who had a hand resting on his chin, smirked broadly behind it. "Are you offering?" He giggled as Alec rolled his eyes. "Well the zipper is a pain to reach. So yes. Help me out of his dress, Alexander."
He stood up and turned around so that he was back on to Alec. The Shadowhunter inhaled sharply as he gripped the zipper and slowly unzipped it. Once it was loose enough, the dress slipped right off Magnus' body like water, falling to the floor in a heap.
"I...." Alec swallowed. "I never thought I'd be doing this to you. Or anyone else for that matter."
"Did you like it?" When Magnus turned around to face Alec, the Shadowhunter's face had gone pink in the cheeks with embarrassment. "You don't need to feel embarrassed, Alec. If you liked it, then don't be afraid to voice it."
Alec took a deep breath, nodding. "I did like it. But only with you. I can't stand the thought of doing this with anyone else."
"That makes two of us. I'd be pretty upset if I found out you were going around getting people out of their dresses," Magnus laughed as Alec bit his lip to keep from smiling. "So you're okay with me being Madame Stiletto? And you're not mad at me for not telling you the truth right away?"
Alec placed a hand on Magnus' cheek. "I'm not mad and I'm more than okay with you being Madame Stiletto. If this is what you like doing, then who am I to tell you no? It's a part of who you are. I can't change that."
Magnus felt his heart soar to the clouds as he leaned in to kiss his boyfriend on the lips. "I love you so much. I hope you realize that."
"I kind of had a general idea," Alec smirked, earning himself a playful smack. "I love you too. And all this talk of drag queens is making me you have any more photos of your drag years?"
Magnus' eyes lit up. "As a matter of fact, I do. They're neatly tucked away somewhere. I'll have to dig them out though..."
"I'll help," Alec held the warlock's hand with a smile. "I want to see them. It'd be nice to see you in a different era."
Looking down at their entwined fingers, Magnus nodded in understanding. "I'm glad you're not just sweeping this under the rug or getting mad at me for this. Most people would be disgusted by the fact that I wear a dress and excessive amounts of makeup."
"I don't see why," Alec shook his head, "because you look absolutely beautiful. Drag or no drag. I love you either way."
Magnus felt his throat close up as he forced back the tears that threatened to roll down his face. "Thank you. For being so understanding. Just...thank you."
Alec kissed him ever so gently on the cheek. "No need to thank me for being yourself. That's just silly. Now let's go find this photo album. I want to get to know Madame Stiletto a little better."
Magnus smiled. "Yeah. Let's find that album. Madame Stiletto feels like making a comeback."
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