Life In Runes
Every time Alec walked out the door to head to the institute, Magnus felt his stomach drop to the floor. For the most part, he always knew that Alec would come home later that night safe and sound and without injuries. And most of the time, he did.
There were times when Magnus would stay up late at night and wait for Alec to come home. He always kept the porch light on, which glowed with a faint light whenever it grew dark out. Alec hated that light. It was one of those "environmentally friendly" lightbulbs but were really hard on the eyes.
"Is this what mundanes are using to save the planet? Can't save the planet if everyone's blind," he'd always say. Typical Alexander.
Tonight Magnus decided to flip through the Gray Book. It must be hard for young Shadowhunters to learn new runes at such a young age. Alec had started learning them at 8. Max had started them not long before he passed away. He wasn't sure about Isabelle. More than likely she started combat training before sitting down and reading about runes. She liked to talk less, fight more.
The first rune he came across was the ever popular Angelic rune. Magnus was more than familiar with this one. Every Shadowhunter knew that the Angelic rune was the basic building block of any weapon they ever used. Alec had this one on his left forearm, just below his elbow. Magnus remembered tracing it with a finger many times in bed.
"Is this the first rune you've ever gotten?" He asked the young Shadowhunter one night.
"No. The first rune a Shadowhunter gets is the Voyance rune. Always that one. It allows us to see behind most glamors and magic."
"Where's yours?"
Alec smirked. "Wouldn't you like to know."
The next rune he came across was another that was all too familiar. It was the promise rune. Shadowhunters normally got this rune when they make a promise to someone and they tend to stick by that promise. This one was on Alec's right side, just on his ribcage.
"Any story behind this one?" Magnus poked him in the side.
Alec shrugged. "A couple, actually. I made a promise to protect my family. Got it the same time Jace and I had our parabatai ceremony. I promised to protect him until my dying breath left my body."
"That seems a bit drastic, doesn't it?"
"Not to me. It's my life. It's what I do."
The parabatai rune was next. Being Jace's parabatai, Alec had this mark above his left hipbone, a spot Magnus loved kissing and moving his lips across. Alec always reacted whenever they were in bed together and Magnus would lick the mark with a tongue.
"Wait a second. Can Jace feel what I'm doing to you right now?" Magnus had shot up out of bed so fast that Chairman grumbled in annoyance.
"If he does, I hope he realizes you have an incredible mouth and that he's missing out," Alec hummed in pleasure. "I didn't say stop. Keep going."
"I'm scared he can feel it, Alec. Or sense it. However this whole parabatai thing works."
Alec sat up on his elbows and sighed. "Look. He can't feel it in the sense that he can physically feel your lips on his skin. What he can sense, however, is the happiness and bliss I'm feeling at the moment. He knows even if we're not near each other right now, that I'm okay. I'm safe."
Magnus smiled. "Of course you're safe. You're with me."
Flipping the page, Magnus stared at the rune in front of him. It was the Love rune. He wasn't exactly sure when Shadowhunters got this rune. Normally, they get this mark when they're in love and are to be married but he wasn't certain.
"How are we going to make our wedding work if I can't get runes?" He asked Alec one night.
"You don't need runes to get married, Magnus."
"Well you do. You get the rune, exchange jewelry or whatever and then go right back into being a warrior again. Is there even a honeymoon?"
Alec chuckled. "I'm telling you we don't need to exchange runes. I'm okay with just a small wedding. We'll give each other rings like mundanes do. It seems much easier."
Magnus shrugged. "I know what the Nephilim are like, Alec. They love their customs and traditions-"
"Then screw customs and traditions. You'd die if I tried to give you a rune, Magnus. Literally die. So we're going to keep things simple and doesn't require death at a wedding. I love you too much to watch you in pain."
Magnus smiled. "I love you too Alexander."
The front door flew open. Magnus jumped in surprise and the Gray Book fell to the floor with a thump. Alec strode in, whistling a tune and shrugging off his gear.
"Hi," he said with a smile. "What are you doing up so late?"
Magnus breathed out a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding. "Waiting for you. I do this every night you're out on a mission."
Alec laughed. "Seriously? Every night?"
"Without fail."
Alec tugged Magnus towards him and smirked. "What were you doing with the Gray Book? That's not exactly light reading. Or even remotely interesting for that matter."
Magnus took Alec's lower lip in his mouth and bit it gently. "I was seeing if there was a specific rune to help my boyfriend get aroused faster in bed. Or at least keep up with me."
Alec snorted, pulling away from Magnus' grip. "That's what my Stamina rune is for. We can't all possess the ability to have sex all night long like you."
Magnus grinned. "Sex all night long does sound pretty nice....think you can keep up with me? Or do you need another rune to help you with that?"
Alec took out his rune and lift his shirt, tracing the tip over his Stamina mark. It glowed with a faint light before returning to normal again. "I'm good for the rest of the night."
Magnus traced the rune with a finger and smirked. "Good," he said. "Then let's get started."
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