First Dates and Bloody Marys
"Oh Alec.....are you seriously going to wear that?"
"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?"
"It's your Shadowhunter gear. People are going to notice the dagger sticking out of your pocket. And the bow on your back. And your seraph blade. Basically everything."
Alec shrugged as he slipped off his gear. He wanted to be prepared more than anything else but if this was what was going to make Magnus happy, then he'd gladly strip off his gear and wear something half decent.
"There you go. Much better. Don't you feel better?" Magnus smiled warmly up at him.
"No. I feel exposed. Without my weapons, I feel naked."
"Well that's not something I would ever wish upon you. God forbid you feel naked. Take a dagger if you must. I'll show you what the true meaning of naked is one day," Magnus smirked as Alec swallowed thickly.
There was something about Alec Lightwood in black jeans and a white t-shirt that Magnus found oddly sexy. The white of the shirt brought out the black marks on his arms and neck even more - especially the one on his neck. That was his favorite. The Deflect/Block rune. Magnus wanted nothing more than to run his tongue over it and make Alec shiver with pleasure. The jacket Alec wore was also black, making the young Shadowhunter look even more badass than he already was.
Magnus couldn't contain himself anymore. "You look absolutely amazing, Alec. Good enough to eat."
Alec blushed at this, obviously not used to compliments being thrown his way. "This shirt's old. And this is Jace's jacket. He let me borrow it for tonight. Does it look okay on me? The sleeves are a little short...."
Magnus smiled as he watched Alec attempt to fix the sleeves. "Don't. You look very good in that jacket. Maybe you should buy one for yourself? Just so you'll have it?" If it were up to Magnus, he'd make all of Alec's clothes disappear so he'd have no other choice but to be naked all day. But that seemed a bit cruel considering Alec wasn't exactly comfortable in his own body.
When they arrived at the bar, Alec's face had turned from a smile to a frown as he watched people, mostly men, enter the club.
"Where are the women?" Alec whispered to Magnus.
Magnus laughed. "Alec....I don't think you know where we are, do you?"
Alec shook his head. He was so pure and innocent. "No. I don't. What kind of club is this?" His face dropped as he followed close behind Magnus. Upon seeing the entire club was made up of just men, his first instinct was to flee immediately. "We're at a gay bar?!"
Magnus laughed. "Well, we're not at a straight bar. What did you expect? What gave it away?"
Alec eyed the man wearing nothing but a banana hammock. "Not sure. There's a drink on the menu called GXY. Maybe that was it."
Magnus nearly tipped over from laughing so hard. "I'm glad I asked you out on a date, Alec. You amuse me with your sarcasm."
"I wasn't trying to be sarcastic. I was being very real. Here. Let me take your jacket," Alec reached for Magnus' shoulders and helped him shrug off his jacket. He took off his own and slung them both over the back of a chair before taking a seat. "Why couldn't we go to the Pandemonium instead? It's less-"
"Homo? Is that what you were going to say?"
Alec clenched his jaw (his very pretty jaw, Magnus thought to himself) and scoffed. "That's not what I was going to say. I was going to say it's less crowded before you interjected."
Magnus rolled his eyes just as a waiter came over. He wore nothing but a thin black thong and white cuffs around his neck and wrists. "Hello, Charles. You're working tonight?"
This Charles guy beamed as Magnus smiled at him. "Yeah I got a shift tonight. I'm off at 11 if...." He winked and bit his lip.
Magnus shook his head. "I'm on a date tonight, Charles. This is Alec. Alec, this is Charles. He's a good friend of mine."
Alec shook Charles' hand. "Nice to meet you. Magnus failed to tell me he was friendly with some people here," he glared at the warlock from across the table.
Magnus ignored him. "I'll have a Bloody Mary. Alec? What about you?"
Alec shook his head. "A water will be fine for me."
Charles snorted. "Seriously? A water? Where did you find this guy, Magnus? Comes into a promiscuous gay bar and orders a water?"
Magnus held up two fingers. "Make that two Mary's. And a vodka. Straight."
"The only thing straight in here," Charles winked and laughed. "I'll be back in a few."
Alec scowled as the waiter left to get their order. "Can you believe him? He could clearly see that you were with me but yet he flirt with you anyway!"
"You worry too much. Charles is harmless. He's married to a nice young man. He has a kid back home. This is just his job. Just like your job is slaying demons and taking names."
Alec crossed his arms over his chest and sighed through his nose. "Okay. I believe you."
"Good. Now try to at least look like you're enjoying yourself. You're killing the vibe here-oh. Looks like you have an admirer."
A young man with curly dark hair approached Alec, a smile on his dimpled face. "Hey there. I couldn't help but notice your tattoos. They're pretty. Is there a meaning behind them?"
Alec's eyes widened in surprise as the stranger traced a finger over one of the runes on his arm. "You can see them?"
The man laughed. "Uh, yeah. Honey they're kinda hard to miss. Hell, you're kinda hard to miss. Walking in here all tall, dark and handsome. Why, you're the talk of the night."
Alec looked at Magnus for help. Thankfully, the warlock spoke up and came to his rescue.
"My boyfriend is new to town. Decided to check out what the city has to offer. So far, it's slim pickings. This club is such a drab," Magnus scoffed dramatically. "What do you think, babe?"
Alec sputtered. "It''s a little uh...what I mean is-"
"Is he okay? He looks terrified...." The young man watched Alec carefully, eyes roaming over the Shadowhunter's body. When they stopped at Alec's neck rune, that's when Magnus put his foot down.
"Okay. Alec. Come on, handsome. We're leaving. I suddenly don't feel very well and I need you to drive me home."
Alec looked at him, stunned. "But we didn't even have our drinks-"
"I left cash in the register for Charles. And a note too. He'll understand. Now come on before you gain more admirers."
Outside the bar, it had gotten windier and started to rain. Alec forgot where he parked the car (which didn't surprise Magnus at all) so that left them standing in the pouring rain and cold.
"I'm sorry I ruined our date," Alec said. "I guess I'm not cut out for this sort of thing."
"Don't be stupid. It's our first date. There'll be many more dates to follow. The first one is always the most awkward anyway. You passed that test with flying colours."
Half of Alec's mouth curved up into a smile. "I did? How? Why? I mean-"
"I just didn't like the way those other guys were staring at you. Like wolves coming in for the kill. They would've devoured you if I wasn't there to fend them off," Magnus spoke in a quick, stern voice.
Alec smirked. "So you're saying you got jealous?"
Magnus laughed. "I don't get jealous, Shadowhunter. I get even."
"I thought that was 'I don't get angry, I get even'-"
"Whatever. I just didn't like how they looked at you and your gorgeous body-"
"My body is gorgeous?"
Magnus rubbed his brow with a hand. "Alec. You're inhumanly beautiful. Look at you. You're out in the rain with a white shirt that's stuck to your....very distracting six pack abs. You're an Abercrombie and Fitch model."
Alec raised an eyebrow. "I don't know what that is."
"Of course not. And I love that about you. You're clueless about pretty much everything in the mundane world and it's so attractive to me. Seeing that guy fawning over you in there just...really made me realize how clueless you are. And I feel it's my job to teach you how to be safe in a world other than the one you grew up in and were raised in."
Alec went silent for a moment, letting the rain soak him even more. "I'm going to throw a party tonight."
Magnus snorted. "Oh really? Who's coming?"
Alec looked at Magnus through rain soaked lashes. "Hopefully just us if I play my cards right."
Magnus burst out laughing and grabbed Alec's collar, pulling the tall Shadowhunter down to eye level. "How long have you been waiting to use that one, Alexander?"
Alec smirked. "I googled that one before we left the institute earlier. Did it work?"
Magnus pecked Alec on the lips and grinned. "Yes. It absolutely did."
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