Just A Little Thunder
A flash of lightning lit up the room just as Alec flipped the page of his book, followed by a rumble of thunder.
"Wow. It's really pouring out there. Hopefully it doesn't wake Madzie up-" Alec was cut off when the power went out. "This will definitely wake Madzie up. Do you have a flashlight? I want to go check on her."
Magnus yawned. He was sprawled out on his side of the bed with one leg under the blankets and one leg on top. "You're forgetting that you're dating a warlock, Alec. Who needs a flashlight when I can simply just...."
He snapped his fingers. Golden orbs suddenly appeared in the room, lighting it up just enough for Alec to see his boyfriend's cocky expression.
"Okay. I get it. You're quite magical," Alec grumbled. "Still doesn't help with the darkness outside the room. I could stub my toe in the hallway."
This prompted Magnus to turn to look at Alec. "Poor you. Again, you're forgetting that I'm a warlock. A light will follow you wherever you go. It's like a witchlight except much more amazing."
"Ha ha. Funny. Didn't realize I was dating a comedian," Alec snorted as he got up out of bed. After he pulled a short on over his head, he gave one of the floating lights a pole with his finger. It flickered under his touch. "How come you've never used these lights before? They would've been nice in a romantic setting."
Magnus smirked. "I'll keep that in mind for next date night. Now go check on the Button. She could be already up terrified out of her sweet mind."
The hallway was pitch black when Alec stepped into it. The light of the orb followed beside him so that gave him a clear view of where he was walking. Madzie's room was just two doors down from his and Magnus' room so the walk across the cold hardwood floor wasn't long.
Alec opened her door and stuck his head inside. "Hey, Button. Are you awake?"
A light similar to the one following Alec lit up Madzie's room, the only difference being that the light was pink in color instead of a soft golden glow. Madzie was sat up in her bed, her tiny hands clutching her blankets and stuffed unicorn. She was watching Alec with scared eyes as he made his way over to her bed and sat down.
"I'm scared, uncle Alec," she whispered.
Alec smiled softly. "There's no need to be scared, baby girl. Uncle Magnus and I are just down the hall. We're not going to let anything or anyone hurt you."
Madzie nodded. "Do you like my light, uncle Alec?" She pointed to the pink orb beside her.
"I do. It's very pretty. Just like you," Alec smiled as he tapped his daughter on her nose, causing her to giggle and squirm under the sheets. "Do you want to come sleep with me and Magnus?"
She nodded. "Can Mr. Glitter come too?" Mr. Glitter was her stuffed unicorn that was clutched tightly to her chest.
"Of course he can come. We can all have a sleepover together." Alec lift the young warlock into his arms, making sure to take her blanket with her. "Ready to have a sleepover with your favorite uncles?"
"Yay!" She cheered. "But what about the storm outside?"
Alec shook his head. "Don't you worry about the storm. Magnus will take care of it for you, okay? A little thunder isn't going to hurt you. Not while we're here."
They went back into his bedroom where Magnus was up fluffing up pillows and closing the blinds. When he saw Alec standing in the room with their niece in his arms, he smiled softly and ushered them in.
"Hello, Princess. Did Alec wake you up?" Magnus took Madzie into his own arms and planted a kiss on her cheek.
"No. The thunder scared me. Mr. Glitter kept me safe though."
Magnus smiled at the small girl. "Well thank goodness Mr. Glitter was there to protect my little princess. Thank you, Mr. Glitter."
Madzie giggled as Magnus high fived the stuffed unicorn. "Magnus! Mr. Glitter high fives with his horn. Not his hoof."
"Oh. My bad. Give me a high horn," Magnus chuckled as Madzie made her toy move into his hand. "There you go. That's my girl. So did I hear something about a sleepover?"
Madzie nodded. "Yeah. Alec said I could sleep here so the storm won't be scary."
Magnus felt his heart melt at her tiny voice. "Storms aren't scary, princess. They're only scary because we make them scary."
"Magnus is right. Our imagination sometimes like to make up stories to try and scare us. But you're our big brave girl, huh Button?" Alec smiled as he tickled Madzie. She howled with laughter as Magnus dropped her to the bed and squirmed through the tickles.
"No! Stop!" She cackled with laughter just as the room shook with another rumble of thunder. Immediately, she froze in place, her pink now just barely lit in midair. "I don't like thunder and lightning...."
Alec propped her up on the bed so that she was in the middle and he and Magnus were on either side of her. "How about we tell you a bedtime story? That might help you go to sleep."
Madzie nodded. "Okay. I like stories."
Magnus cleared his throat. "I've got one. Your uncle Alec loves my stories." He took a deep breath before starting. "There was once a young boy who loved to do magic. This young boy looked like other young boys his age except for one small difference: he had cat eyes."
"Like you!" Madzie gasped.
"Yes, exactly like me. This little boy loved to do things children his age enjoyed doing. Playing outside, chasing the cattle, jumping into lakes during the summer. He was carefree and innocent."
"One day, he discovered he had magical powers so he cast a spell that gave his family lots of money. He was so pleased with himself that when he told his mother and father what he did but they weren't as pleased as he was. Instead, they were scared of what he was capable of doing with his magic."
"But," Madzie scrunched her tiny nose. "You said that things are only scary because we make them scary."
Magnus smiled. "I know I did. But at the time, the little boy didn't. His mother....left and his father soon followed her, leaving the boy to fend for himself. He never saw his family again."
Alec glanced up at Magnus, knowing full well that wasn't the truth behind the story.
"What happened to the boy?" Madzie asked. "Cat told me that we live for a long time. We're....immortal?"
"We are," Magnus chuckled. "Well the boy grew up, travelled the world and eventually met the love of his life." He looked up at Alec, his eyes twinkling as he spoke. "Are you still scared, princess?"
Madzie yawned. "No. I'm sleepy. Can I go to sleep now?"
Alec chuckled. "Of course you can. Your uncle and I are right here beside you so nothing is going to hurt you, okay?"
She nodded and cuddled into Alec's chest, her toy tucked under her chin. "Okay. Goodnight uncle Alec. Goodnight uncle Magnus."
Magnus leaned down to kiss her forehead. "Goodnight, my angelic girl. Sweet dreams."
She soon fell asleep cuddled into Alec's chest. Alec was eventually dozing off too, his head nodding forward while both his arms were wrapped protectively around Madzie.
"Tired?" Magnus asked him. "Because if you are, you can go to sleep. I'll stay up and stand watch."
Alec yawned. "Stand watch for what?"
Magnus smiled softly, his eyes slightly closing around the edges. "I like watching you sleep. It's an added bonus when there's a cute child in your arms."
Alec smiled sleepily at this. "You think I'm cute when I'm sleeping?"
"I do."
"What about when I'm awake? Does the cuteness factor go down?" He snickered as Magnus nudged him with a foot under the blankets. "Go to sleep, you delirious fool. Sleep deprivation doesn't look good on you."
"Well excuse me. I look good with everything. Though I do love my beauty sleep...." Magnus leaned over Madzie to place a gentle kiss on Alec's lips. "Goodnight, my beautiful man."
"Goodnight, babe. I'll make us all breakfast in the morning. Might even attempt unicorn shaped pancakes for Mads."
Magnus hummed in excitement. "That does sound good. Can you make your famous French toast too? Alec? Alexander?" He turned, sighing happily when he saw that Alec was sound asleep holding Madzie close to him in his arms, snoring softly.
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