Chapter 8
Tomorrow is a squad day and everyone is coming. I invited Madison just cause we became friends, although he had joined Thomas in giving me the cold shoulder. He didnt like what I did to Thomas.
"Jemmy, I don't want to go. You're my only friend there. It's going to be Awkward especially if A- ugh, Hamilton is there. "
"I don't care. I'm not his biggest fan either, but I'm still his friend. "
"I' m not!"
"You have Laf too. "
"Uuuuggggghhhh, Jemmy!" I continued complaining for a while before he snapped back.
"Jemmy I really don't wa-"
"THOMAS JEFFERSON!" I wince. He never Jefferson. His tone scares me. "I was invited to come, so I am, and I was told I can bring some of my friends too. So I am because you are my friend. You don't have to talk to Alex, and you don't have to be friends with him, but you are going to be there."
I look down at m lap and fiddle with my fingers.
"Ahh, Tommy..."
"Fine Jemmy."
I look up at him and he's smiling a bit.
"Thanks, Tommy. We have to head over in 2 hours so..."
"I'll get ready soon Jemmy."
He looks at me thoughtfully.
"Tommy, you'll have fun. We're just going to watch movies and eat food."
"Whatever you say, Jemmy." I smile a bit just to make him happy.
He seems satisfied and walked back to his room.
I followed his actions and went to my room. I flopped down on my bed and started to just scroll through my phone.
*1 hour later*
"Tommy! Are you getting ready?!"
I sigh and stand up form my comfy place on my bed.
"Now I am. Relax Jemmy."
"Okay, okay."
I search through my drawers and find light blue ripped jeans, a magenta t-shirt
and black converse. I change and floof my hair.
Walking out to the living area I see Jemmy, standing and waiting.
"Good?" I ask
He just nods quickly and we rush out of the door.
"Jemmy, relax, it doesn't matter if we're late."
Jemmy was never one to be late.
"I know." He only quickened his pace making me laugh a little.
Once we got to Hamilton's dorm we were 5 minutes early.
"Jemmy, we're early."
"So?" He walked in without a knock.
"Hey, James! Come sit!"
I hear from the living room. I cower in the entry hall.
"Come on..." I hear Jemmy encourage.
I shuffle out and sit next to him with my head down.
"He's not out here yet Tom." I hear Jemmy whisper to me. I slowly nod and smile looking up to see only Laf, and John here.
That's right! Herc and Alex share a dorm, so they'll be here at the same time.
"Heya Thomas!" Laf says.
"Hey, Laf!"
John doesn't say anything he just sits and pouts on the end of the couch.
Jemmy leans forward rubbing his hands together.
"SO! Whats the plan for tonight!?"
"WELLLLL! We were going to watch some movies then play some games, ya know, truth or dare, Ouiji board!"
"YES!" Jemmy shouts fist pumping the air.
He loves creepy stuff like Ouiji boards.
"How's that sound Thomas?" Laf questions me.
"Sounds like fun." I'm not lying. I like Ouiji board stuff too.
"I HAVE ARRIVED!" I'm guessing Herc screams.
He comes barging into the dorm holding the Ouiji board. Hamilton walks in, head down and hands in his pockets. He looks up, barely smiling. He spots me and his Mona Lisa smile drops and he rushes to sit down by John. John wraps an arm around his shoulders and rubs his back with the other.
Guess that's why he was pouting.
"Where are the Schuyler's?" Herc, ask's.
"YOU CALLED!" Angelica rams the door and stomps in.
It's this whole big reunion and a bunch of yelling.
"Let's get this started! Who's up for The Little Mermaid!?"
"OOO YES, YES, PLEASE!" Hamilton screams out. Everyone laughs except for me. He looks at me again and seems to shrink into a hole.
John scoots closer to him.
"Little Mermaid it is!" Peggys rejoices.
*Alex the lion*
I waited for Herc to finish getting ready. I sat down on the couch I get a text from John.
TurtleTopia- Hey Alex, when you come over to Laf's place, keep your head down and sit down by me.
TooLateToStop- What? Why? Whats up Jackie?
TurtleTopia- You'll know when you get here.
TooLateToStop- Okay? Fine.
TurtleTopia- You'll thank me later.
Okay then. That was weird.
"Herc ya good? We're going to be late!"
"We'll be fashionably late!" He calls from his room.
"Come on Herc," I groan.
"Alright, alright coming. "
Soon after we begin our walk to Laf's dorm. Once we get there I walk in behind Herc, of course, he did a crazy loud entrance. I do what John said and keep my head down. When I do look up I smile a bit but then I see non-other than Jefferson.
Who invited him!? I invited Jam- oh.
I walk over to John and curl into him. He slings an arm around my shoulders and I feel his free hand rubbing my back.
I don't know how to react. We're not friends because I was stupid, I've done nothing to fix it, we've been avoiding each other and now we're trapped in the same room. Herc brought an Ouiji board, so I'm assuming that's what we're going to eventually play.
I don't believe in that stuff. It doesn't make sense. So I sit back by John.
"Where are the Schuyler's?" Herc, ask's.
"YOU CALLED!" Angelica rams the door and stomps in.
"ANG PEG LEG!" I yell. Surprised by myself.
"Let's get this started! Who's up for The Little Mermaid!?"
"OOO YES, YES, PLEASE!"I scream out. The Little Mermaid is my favorite movie. Everyone laughs. I look around the room at all my friends and see Thomas, with a title head and blank face. His eyes burn into me, and I shrink back into the comfort of John.
John scoots closer to me to my relief.
"Little Mermaid it is!" Peggys rejoices. I smile once again and get comfortable.
A/N YYYYYAAAAYYYYY EVERYONE IS HERE NOW! Well anyway, it was a boring chapter, but this was just introducing the squad night, next chapter will be the nitty-gritty of the squad night! Well thanks for reading hope you enjoyed and
Words- 1111
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