Chapter 68
"It's up to you, Thomas." He smiled.
I looked back to James and nodded.
"Sounds good to me."
I decided to call out sick for today. I know I only have so many days I can miss, but I didnt want to deal with people today. Besides my friends.
I was still at Alex's dorm. He walked out of his room and started to make a cup of coffee.
"Alex. I think I'll stay home today."
"So you listened to me?"
He comes over and hugs me from behind.
He kisses my cheek and I smile brightly.
"Alright, go to class before you're late."
"But I'm gonna worry about you."
"You are not missing class. You are already on the border with being out for a month. You got lucky they let you keep your scholarship."
"I know." The mood became serious real quick. I wasn't a fan of that. I tickled him from where I could reach making him burst out laughing.
"Okay, okay! I'm going!"
"Good!" We share a laugh, and afterward, I give him a peck on his cheek and send him out.
I start to clean up around the dorm a bit, just to keep myself busy. After maybe an hour of this I take a break and relax.
I sigh and plop on the couch and it all comes back.
I sigh and smile, sitting down on the couch. I scroll through my phone waiting for Alex to get back.
My breath quickens. I try to calm down, I stand up and go to Alex's room. I curl up in his blankets and try to smell the cologne he wears.
Nothing worked though.
I just tried to wait it out, but the fear didnt leave.
I wanted to text Alex, but I would only annoy him.
I don't want to be scared anymore. I don't want to constantly worry.
"Where are you, Alex?"
My breath was shaky as tears ran down my face. I locked all the door and windows and was glancing around the dorm.
Looking for Burr or John or someone, anyone to come and take me again. I don't want to leave Alex again.
Everything felt far away and distant. I couldn't hear anything and I was hugging my self, trying to not get lost in the cold grips of reality or suffocate in the thick smog that seemed to be surrounding me.
Time went on and I couldn't seem to get out of this horrifying place. Any other time, Alex was there to help me.
Or James, or any of my friends, but I was alone.
I was alone.
This scares me even more. I don't want to be alone again. No one there to save me or help me.
A loud banging sound breaks through the fog around me.
"Thomas? Why is the door locked?"
I was too unfocused to know who was talking. I felt light headed and I could only get ragged breaths.
"Help." I whimpered.
"What? Thomas? Tom, love what's wrong?" The words were muffled through the door.
I just wanted help.
"Help!" I screamed. I cried and I screamed.
The door opened and someone rushed to my side.
I knew this scent.
"Alex." I breathed out, more tears rushed down my face in a flood of relief.
"Alex, help me."
His strong arms wrapped around my chest and shoulder, and he kissed the top of my head.
"It's okay. I'm here hun. I'm here Thomas. "
"No one. No one is ever hurting you again. I'm here now."
He sat with me while I continued to cry.
*Short Tim skip brought to you by school tests*
I wasn't crying anymore, and I was now curled up with Alex on the couch.
"Love, why didnt you text me? IN the beginning when it wasn't so bad?"
"I didnt, I didnt want to annoy you."
"Hun, you won't ever annoy me. I know its hard. You just went through a traumatic experience."
"I already texted you about getting in a fight like a week ago. I, I thought I'd be clingy and a child. A weak, worthless child-"
He stopped me before I could go any further.
"You are not weak. You are not a child. And you are most certainly not worthless. You mean more than the world to me."
Tears filled my eyes but I blinked them away.
" I can't go to school and I can't stay home. What am I supposed to do?"
"Maybe, we can get our schedules switched a bit so we can have some more of the same classes. So I can be there with you."
That sounds nice.
"That's a good idea."
"mhm. Maybe you should see a therapist again."
"You went through a traumatic experience, and you have some PTSD. You need some professional help. Its normal for someone to be acting like this, after something like that."
I knew he was right, but I didnt want to be embarrassed.
"It'll be embarrassing."
"No. It won't be. It's normal. It's okay. You are not some crazy, insane person. You're just scared. And that's normal after what you went through."
"Could you come with me?"
"Of course, Love."
I tried to snuggle closer to him.
"How long were you in that state, Tom?"
"I don't know. From like an hour or two after you left to when you came back in."
He stared at me in shock.
"Thomas, that's like, 2 hours."
"You are getting help. That's too long. You were so scared for 2 hours."
He was mumbling more to himself than to me.
"I'm so sorry, Love. I should have texted you."
"You didnt know."
We left the conversation there.
"How about some movies?" He suggested.
"Yeah. Okay."
"I love you, Tom. You know that right?"
"Of course, Lex. Love you too."
A/N Okay. Sorry for so many filler chapters. But the next chapter is BIG! Maybe. Okay. I hope ya'll enjoyed reading, thank you for commenting, voting and reading and
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