Chapter 62
I just want him back.
"Do you think you can find him?" I was currently on the phone with the police. They had squeezed some information out of John and may have found where Thomas was.
"Can I come with?"
"But he'll need me there."
"I'm okay with that."
"Okay. Thank you."
"So what did they say?" James asked, tears already filling his eyes.
"That, they think they located him, their gonna go after him today and that I can come with but I have to wait in the car."
"Okay, okay goo. What are you waiting for? Go!" He rushes me out of the door and I go with it, running to my car and driving quickly to the police station.
*Time skip brought to you by me wanting to get to the stuff*
We pulled up to someplace in the woods.
"Wait here, sir." I nodded and watched the flock of armed officers swarm the place.
My Thomas could be in there.
I could see my baby today.
I woke up to him on the phone.
"What?!" He shrieked and slammed the phone down.
"They fu**in found him! They found him out!"
"Shit!" He continued cursing and slamming things around.
He walked out to me and just stood and stared at me.
Before throwing a beer bottle at my face.
I screamed out in pain. He cackled in the background.
"Well I'm going to jail, so why not just screw you up!?" He was a fu***ng maniac.
I cried.
I wanted Alex back.
"I just want, Alex." I cried out.
"You want that messed up prick?! That idiot who screwed my family over?"
"Yes! I freakin love him! Just let me go back to him."
"Hah yeah right." He walked away and came back with more glass.
I don't from where.
But he stepped towards me and sliced a cut down my cheek.
My tears causing the cut to burn, making hurt even more.
Gosh how much I was starting to love the pain.
So much.
"Please," I begged.
I loved the pain but I wanted Alex. I wanted to go home.
"Shut up!"
He sliced.
And cut.
He did all he could to frick me up.
I was loosing too much blood. My vision was going blurry and my head was spinning.
"Stop.." I could barely mumble out the words.
My vision was fading,
but I heard men shouting and busting through the doors.
"Alex!" I gave one final cry.
One final attempt to survive.
A woman with a gun in her hands appeared by my side. She held gauze to my face and smiled comfortingly at me.
"Shh, save our strength. I'm officer Worren. It's okay, your safe now."
Tears spilled over and I held back a sob.
I was going to see Alex again?
"Alex? Where's Alexander?"
"Alexander Hamilton?" She questioned.
I nodded frantically.
"He's here hun. He's just outside.
"Can I see him?"
She nodded.
I looked around at all the commotion around me.
Burr was on his knees hands in the air as many officers swarmed him and cuffed him.
A tall, buff man came over and picked me up.
I could have gone limp in his arms.
Relaxed and let go.
But I was going to stay awake so I could see Alex.
Once we exited the building a door to one of the police cars opened and Alex tumbled out, sprinting over.
"Thomas!" He took me from the man's arms and held me tight bridal style.
He placed his forehead against mine. I could see the tears cascading down his face.
I managed a small smile up at him.
One of his hands touched my face and he smiled down at me through the tears falling down his cheek.
"Thomas, my baby, its okay. I'm here. I love you. You're safe. Oh my god, Thomas."
I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck, with all the strength I had left. His hand snaked around my neck lightly, pressing his forehead against mine once again.
"I missed you so much, my baby. I'm here, I'm here."
He smiled.
Then he sobbed and held me close to him.
"I love you so much. I love you so so much."
We walked hurriedly to an ambulance.
People tried to lay me down on a stretcher, but Alex wouldn't let them.
"Please, I just got him back!"
I reached my hand up and touched his cheek.
He jerked his head down to look at me.
"Thomas." He breathed out, more tears filling his eyes.
I just smiled and nodded tiredly.
"We'll take good care of him, sir. You can stay by his side the entire time."
He nodded and handed me over to the people in the ambulance.
He kept his hand on my arm, and he never left my side.
"I'm never going to leave you again. Okay, Love? I'm here forever." I tiredly nodded and rested my head down as the doctors looked me over and cleaned cuts.
Once we arrived at the hospital, more doctors gave me another look over and hooked me up to an IV filled with water to hydrate me.
They placed me in a familiar pale blue room and Alex sat close to my bed.
A few hours later, everyone was there, surrounding me, smiling and crying.
I can't believe I caused this many people pain.
After everyone had talked to me, Alex and James stayed with me.
James had his hand resting on mine and cried like Alex was.
"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have left."
"You didn't know Jem. It's fine. I'm fine." I flashed a tired smile and he smiled back at me.
"You should go get some sleep Jem."
"yeah. Okay. I'll be back tomorrow." He sniffled and left the room.
"I'm so sorry, Thomas." Alex whimpered after Jem left.
I reached my hand over to his and squeezed.
"You did nothing wrong. I love you so much, Hun."
"I love you too, Tom."
I wasn't ever, ever letting him go again. Thomas was going to be safe. He wasn't ever going to be hurt again.
A/N heyyyy, welp this made me cry. Literally. Haha, well I hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading, commenting and voting and
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