Chapter 36
I love him so much, but I have to stay strong for him and protect him.
So that's what I plan on doing.
*2 weeks from the last chapter*
Alex and I haven't talked in a week. He said we could talk and go to the lake, but we haven't. He has been around Burr a lot. I wonder if he is still pretending to date him. When will he let the act drop?
Maybe we have to wait a while to let Burr notice.
I don't know but I miss him. Everyone else does too.
"Hey, Thomas."
"Hey, Eliza."
"Has...Alex talk to you?"
"No. I don't think he has talked to anyone since that night."
"Oh. Okay."
"I think we should try to talk to him and see where we're at in this."
She just nods. Soon enough, Peggy and Angelica showed up.
"Alex texted me, guys!" Peggy half shouted.
"Shh, Peg."
"Sorry, Alex texted me."
I didnt respond. Why did he text Peggy?
"What did he text you Peg?"
"Here, look." She handed Eliza the phone. I watched her eyes scan over the screen, staying straight-faced.
She hands Angelica the phone who then hands it over to me.
Unknown- Hey, it's me Alex. Hi Peg. Burr made me get a new phone and your number was easiest to remember. Everything is fine. Burr thinks we all stopped talking because ya'll were mad we started dating. I'm waiting for him to do something so I can 'break up' Sorry I haven't tried to talk to you. I'm sorry Thomas. We can go to the lake as soon as we can. Okay? I'll text you again with another update. Bye
"Okay, so this is good. We need to show the rest of the crew." I say.
All three nod and we start heading to Laf's dorm.
*Time skip*
"So he texted us that's good," Herc says after we show him the text message.
"Yeah, but how do we respond? We need more information." I say anxiously.
"Thomas, calme, d'accord? At least we got an update."
"I guess," I mumble, staring back down at the phone.
It was quiet after that. Everyone thinking about what to do.
I haven't talked to Thomas in a week. I miss him. I want to take him out for a date.
But I cant.
Burr believes that our 'group' broke up' because they didnt approve of 'us.'
I already texted Peggy. I couldn't remember anyone else's phone number. I still can't believe Burr made me get a new phone.
The Jerk.
"Hey, A-Aaron can we talk?" He looked at me and smiled.
It was so fake.
"Sure, Hun."
"I wannabreakup." I rushed it out, mumbling and stumbling over m words.
"What?" He voice was harsh and cold.
"I-I wanna break up."
He stares at me dead in the eye.
"Fine. Tommy boy won't make it another day." He says smirking. For a second panic starts to rise in me, but I try not to let it show.
"I...I don't really talk to him anymore." I say looking down at my lap.
"Oh..." He seems to have run out of ideas. Then...
"You have other friends Hun."
I continue looking down, trying to keep the act up.
"I don't talk to them either. They, they didnt like that we were dating."
It's quiet, the hum of the AC being the only sound.
" Well, I suppose you have nothing left anymore, except for me huh?"
I nod.
"Well, why not make it worse for you, and you lose me!"
It hurt me to do the next part.
"N-no no, nevermind! Nevermind! Please please, I take it back!"
He looks at me and smirks.
Who knew I was such a good actor huh?
"Nah. You'll be fine." He gets up and walks to his room. Locking the door.
I smile, jumping up and running out of that horrible dorm.
Running to Thomas.
He tried to break up with me.
Saying he had no one.
How stupid does he think I am?
I'll let him have fun and think he has a normal life for a while.
Heck, I don't love him.
So why not cut him loose, let him have Thomas. Go. Ahead.
But he's not free for forever. (Heh DEH okay back to Hamilton)
Oh no, far from it.
*Thomas* Sorry
We sat sitting in the quiet.
"Maybe we could like approach him, have our conversation quickly then make it seem like we start fighting. " Eliza suggests.
"Maybe. But it would seem sup-"
"NO! Because it could be like we were trying to calmly ask him to break up with Burr then it turned south." She cuts off Herc.
It seemed like a decent enough plan.
"We would have to find him alone. Burr cant be by his side." Herc said.
"So I guess we have to keep our eye out for when he is alone."
"Okay, so we have a pl-"
Just then Alexander burst through the door panting.
"ALEX!" I jumped up throwing my arms around him.
He laughs airly.
"Hey, Thomas."
The room erupted with questions.
"Chill. Lemme. Catch. My breath."
We quieted down me closing and locking the door.
"So, why are you here?"
"I got away from Burr.
" What mais comment?" Laf piped up.
"I don't know. I just told him I wanted to break up, faked taking it back and then ran here."
We all stared in awe at him.
"So you're a good actor huh?" Peggy smirked." who knew."
Everyone laughed quietly.
"Wait, but when Burr sees you with u again what will we say?"
"Easy! He left him so we are friends with him again. Duh?" Peggy was almost jumping with excitement.
"What Alex? Mon ami there something else?"
"I don't know. I mean I guess that could work. But let it come back over time. Okay?"
Nods of agreement went around the room.
Once more conversation started up, I laid my head down on his shoulder, my eyes drooping due to all the excitement and commotion of the day.
I felt an arm wrap gently, yet protectively around my waist.
I smile gently.
"I missed you." I whimper out.
The grip around my waist got slightly tighter.
"I missed you too. How about we go to the lake tomorrow?"
I nod, my eyelids getting heavier.
"Take a nap okay?" I faintly hear Alex say.
"Okay." I yawn, listening to the faint buzz of conversation that had made it's way to the room.
My world faded in and out of blackness as I tried to stay awake just a little longer to enjoy this embrace Alexander had me in. But his words echoed gently through my mind.
"Take a nap okay?" The concern in his voice was so adorable.
With this final thought of Alexander, I drifted to sleep.
A/N This chapter was long overdue. Sorry about that. I finally told my mom about my depression and stuff happened. It was also the first week with homework and it piled up. But I hope you enjoyed, the Q&A is coming either later today or tomorrow. Face reveal will be with the Q&A. But thanks for reading, commenting and voting and
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