Chapter 23
Holy snickerdoodle! Thank you so much! 1K !!!!!!
Alright, I'm not gonna waste your time with just this so I'm gonna include a chapter for Y'all. Hehe. Have fun.
Sleep tugged at my eyelids and soon enough I gave up and drifted away into sleep.
I wake up feeling warmer than I usually do. I look to my left and see Thomas, peacefully sleeping.
My face heats up and I turn back around. I try to wriggle out of his grasp to no avail, and end up waking him up.
"Hm? What? Alex? What are you doing in my room?"
"Uh, Thomas, you're at the hospital."
"I am? What'd I do now?"
I laugh at his morning stupidity.
"You fell asleep here ya dummy."
"Oh? Did I? I thought I wasn't allowed to stay after visiting hours."
" I don't know."
"Why are you trying to get up."
"I barley stand up and my legs hurt from the position they were in sleeping last night, so I wanna stretch."
I look at him and smirk, but his expression is different. A look of fear and worry shoots through his eyes as I stand up.
"Wait! NO!" He jumps up from the bed and acts as a support for me.
"What the heck Thomas?"
"What if you and open your stitches, or your side starts to hurt and you fall and then open your stitches and then you're in a world of hurt?"
He rushes his words. I stand there gawking at how he is such a worry wuss.
"Chill Thomas. Nothin's gonna happen."
"Yeah, I don't think so, ya clumsy butt."
I chuckle a little at his remark.
He stays by my side.
"Thomas, don't you have classes to get to?"
"Oh, sh*t!" He makes sure I'm seated on the bed before grabbing his things and rushing out of the door.
I wonder how long it will be before he realizes, 1- He's in the same clothes from yesterday, and 2- It's Sunday and he only has like 1 class at 3.
Apparently not long. He comes rushing back in after about 5 minutes pouting.
"It's Sunday, you jerk." I laugh.
He sighs heavily and sits down in his usual chair.
I reach to the side table to grab my laptop. I made sure to email my teachers telling them to email recordings of their lectures and any homework.
I start going through yesterdays email's and start listening, occasionally taking notes and drafting out some essay guidelines for other classes.
"Stop working so much."
"I barely worked yesterday! I need to catch up."
"You need to rest!"
"I've been resting for almost a week now Thomas! I'm gonna be fi-agh!" I lunge for my side.
"What? What?!" Thomas leaps up and rushes to the right side of me, where my wound is.
"It.... not h i ng." I can barely make out words. It just hit like a wave!
" It's something. Nurse! Nurse?!"
"T-hom-as, it's no-t-hin-g re-ally." I sputter out.
A nurse casually walks in. He soon realizes the pain I'm in and calls for a doctor.
A woman in a white coat rushes in.
She looks and pokes around at the wound checking stitches, peeling of gause, and checking my IV. She looks at my side. She pulls and a surge of pain is sent through my entire body.
"AAAhhhhhggg, F**K!"
"Get me an IV of painkiller, gause, and numbing agent!" I try to speak out but nothing comes out except for a pained squeak.
"W-what's happening?" I hear Thomas question.
"I'm not quite sure. But somehow, he has now gotten a severe infection and it's aggressive and spreading. "
"I thought, I thought you were supposed to keep this from happening! Why can't you do your job!?"
I reach out and grab his arm.
He looks down, a pained look in his eyes.
"S-stagh! " How did it suddenly take over this rapidly? Well, I had been in pain since this morning, but I thought it would go away.
"Alex!? hey, come, on buddy, answer menuhfuidjbfclaiuegfuwiuaerfg...." His voice fades away from me. I'm left in a dazed state. Suddenly. I don't feel any pain, but I'm not in the hospital room anymore.
Where am I?
thought, I thought you were supposed to keep this from happening! Why can't you do your job!?" I scream at the doctors.
I feel a limp tug on my arm. I look down, pained to see Alex like this.
"S-stagh!" I start to worry. This is bad. How did he get an infection?
"Alex!? hey, come, on buddy, answer me, please? Alex, I need you!" I plead him, although it doesn't help one bit. The doctor started to work on him, checking the stitches, getting him prepped for surgery. The same nurse from last time this happened appeared in front of me.
"Hey, remember me? Ann? Come one you have to leave now."
"No! I can't leave him! Not like this!"
Tugging is felt at my arms.
"Let me stay with him! He needs me!"
I'm pulled more. I catch a glimpse of his heart monitor.
It's almost a flat line, just barely rising and falling. I shudder.
It can't be that bad!? I freak out.
"No... no, no, no! He can't die! You have to save him!" I screech out.
"Thomas? That's your name right?" I shaakily nod m head.
"Okay, Thomas. Your boyfriend is going into surgery, you have to leave, or wait in the waiting room. If you want him to have a chance, leave." She says calmly but sternly.
I look down and slowly walk out of the room. I sit in a chair outside the door in the hallway.
I shove my face in my hands. They wheel him away to an operating room.
He might not make it.
The last words I said to him were, 'I need you'.
"What are the chances he dies?" I ask Ann.
"Well, the infection is bad. The pain he felt a few days ago, when you first met me, that was just the beginning of the infection. If we had caught an infection then he would have had a 98% chance. But now. It's gotten so much worse. Now he has maybe...."
She checks his files flipping through pages and looking at data, while I get more and more infuriated.
"He has a 35.8% chance of living." She says quietly. That's when I bust.
"You are supposed to be doing your d**n jobs! Why is that so hard!? If we caught it then? You should have because of that your job! You are supposed to try your best to catch these things early! You are supposed to fix him and help him get better, not worse!"
Tears rush down my face because they can't escape anywhere else. Ann stands there and takes my anger. It's not to her directly. It's to the d**m doctors who didnt do their job right!
Alex, please. You're so strong. You've been so strong, get through this. Please. Just make it through this that's all I ask.
A/N Sorry about not updating yesterday was a busy day, and this isn't a good chapter, BUT! It's necessary to lead up to whats coming up. It's about to get salty, dramatic, crazy, heartbreaking, spicy and soooo much more! (Why do I feel like I'm advertising an all-purpose cleaner?) Well hope you enjoyed, thanks for reading, commenting, and voting. And
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