Chapter 21
Then he walked in.
Seeming Shameful
I don't feel sorry
But Thomas-
"Alexander! I came to see if your okay. I care, especially as your room mate."
"Shut up Burr! You know you don't care! You know you just want to use me as your sex toy!" I scream at him.
I want Thomas! We're did he go?
"Now you listen here Alex! Ink is you little boyfriend Thomas knows but I swear if you tell anyone else I'll have you life made a living he-"
He didn't get a chance to finish. Thomas came back with a police officer who pinned him to a wall.
I noticed my face was wet and my eyesight was blurry. Why do I have to be so weak?!
I felt arms around me.
"Shh, it's okay. I'm here, Burrs not gonna hurt you." He held me tight as I continued to cry shaking as sobs racked my body.
I didn't see what happened with Burr but Thomas kept telling me he was taken away.
I didn't realize it but I was scared. That's why I was crying so bad. I was scared, and I was alone. Thomas wasn't here. He left. Like everyone else. Although he left to protect me.
Don't. Stop Alex! Thomas is different. He won't leave. He said he wouldn't.
But he did....
"Alex. Hey, Alexander, hey look at me. Okay? Good." I stared into his chocolate brown eyes.
"I'm here. I won't leave, I promise. I know I left just then but I couldn't stand seeing him without being in handcuffs. But I'm here I won't leave."
I listened as he co rubies to reassure me that he wasn't going to leave.
"Can you take a deep breath for me?" I felt myself nod as I sucked in air.
"Alright now breath out.....Good. Your doing great Alex." I continued to take deep breaths until my breathing settled.
Thomas sat down in his chair and began reading his book, frequently lookin up to check on me.
My side hurts. My head was spinning with pain.
I tapped Thomas' arm desperately needing his attention.
"M-my side." I whimpered. He seemed to understand and pressed a button to call a nurse in.
The same nurse as always wandered in.
"His side hurts, we need some more pain medicine?" She nodded and walked out seeming to take her sweet time while I suffered in a burning pain.
"T-Thomas?" He nods as he was already looking at me with worry in his eyes.
"How m-much longer?"
"I don't. But soon. It'll be okay. I know, it hurts, try to relax until she comes back." I was slightly infuriated at his words. It's hard to relax with a seering pain shooting through you constantly. But I know he's only trying to help.
The nurse walked in with a bag and hooked me up to it.
It didn't help.
After about 30 minutes I was still in pain.
"Thomas! I-it still h-hurts!" He jumped up and ran out to a desk just outside of the door. He seemed anxious.
I payed back and whimpered and sucked through my teeth st the pain going through me. My vision blurred a bit.
I heard voices talking. But everything was blurred and fuzzy.
Strangely I stayed in that state. Everything being blurry and fuzzy.
"Thomas! I-it still h-hurts!" He got a new IV. What is happening. In worry I leaped up and ran to a desk outside of the door.
"He got a new IV with pain medicine about half an hour agai but he's still in a lot of pain." They looked shocked and confused. One runs off looking for a doctor, while a nurse comes back to the room with me.
Alex is laying in bed gripping his side lightly, as if he can't hold it any tighter. His eyes are half open and his mouth open and breathing deeply gasping for air.
My hand makes it's way to my mouth and I choke on tears. I've cried way too much in the past 3 days.
I hate seeing people I care about in pain. It's heartbreaking especially when it's someone who is usually so strong.
I couldn't do anything. A doctor came in and started barking out orders. I stood helplessly by the door unable to help or do anything. Doctors checked his vitals and inspected the actual wound.
They said it all looked fine.
Doctors, who I trust Alex's life with don't even know why he is pain. They don't know what to do to help.
He's writhing in pain and seeming on the edge of unconsciousness and they are reading papers and poking around st his wound.
I collapse to my knees. A nurse comes in. She starts talking but it's blurred but I caught bit of it.
"Hey, my name is Ann, I need you to take a few deep breaths for me and step outside the room for a second." She said in a calm and soothing voice. I tried to take a deep breath but it was scattered with sharp inhales.
She grabbed me arm and pulled it up with her, meaning I need to stand.
I stood as she led me outside the door.
"So, He is fine. We just need to up the dose on pain medicine, the stitches were beginning to almost come undone, he might have been yelling too much or too loud or tried to move around too much at one too fast, but he will be okay."
I frantically nod taking in this new information. She guides me to a water fountain and tells me to drink a bit and try to regulate my breathing.
I do so.
"S-so he'll be fine?"
"Yes. Some other hisutors are here for him."
I nod and quickly all back to the room and see Washington, Martha, Laf and John.
"H-hey." The look up to me. Washington gives me a hard glare along with Laf and John.
"What?" I ask.
"You left him here while he was in pain?! To what? Get water?" Washington shouts at me venom dripping in his voice.
I look down.
I hear Martha-" Hun, calm down."
"No! My son is writhing in pain and he leaves!"
"I didn't leave! I wanted to stay. But I started to hyperventilate and a horse had to take me out of the room."
He continues to glare at me.
"You could have done something! Instead of freaking out! You could have helped take his mind off the pain!" John yells at me.
I'm afraid that nurse might come and tell us to shut up.
"Mom ami, you could have done better. That's all I'm saying." I look down again. It hurts to hear these words from people I trust. But it hurts more knowing that their right.
"I know.... I know I messed up again. I can't protect him or help in anyway. I know. I can't do any of this correctly at all. I'm aware of this issue." I sat down in the chair closest to Alexanders right side.
"Don't be so hard on yourself Thomas. We know you tried your best. We would have cried to see our Alex in such pain. We are all just stressed." I look over at Alex. Sleeping now. The medicine they had to put him on had some sleepy effects. He looks peaceful and comfortable.
"Thomas, you've been here a while. Maybe you should go home." John suggests although his voice was cold towards me.
"Thoms, dear, I think John is right. You should get some rest." Martha sounds much more sincere. I know she's right and that she and Washington will probably stay with him but as much I hate seeing him in pain, I don't want to leave.
"I am being nice when I say you look tired and you look horrible. Martha and I will stay with him and I will text you updates. Don't worry. You won't be much help if can barley keep your eyes open." Washington stares at me, his eyes still showing anger but some for of sincerity showing through.
I stand and nod heading to the door. I look back again at Alex and engrave the picture of him peacefully sleeping in my mind to help me sleep st night.
I walk out of the room, through the bland hallways and into the misty late evening. The sun just starting to set below the horizon.
*Washington* (Wait, what?)
I don't know why I was mad at Thomas. My body had a reaction, needing to blame someone anyone for Alex's pain. Thomas being the only one there when it first occurred, seemed logical. I was hard on him. The devastated look in his face as he admitted that he himself thought that he was unfit to protect Alex was almost heartbreaking. The sight of him looking back at the now peaceful Alexander before he had to leave him was a reaction of one who truly cares.
Lafayette and John left an hour after Thomas, it now becoming dark and the sky being dotted with stars.
Martha soon fell asleep on the chair she was seated in, i having to move her to a more comfortable position, where she was propped on 2 chairs together, justly fitting her short stance. I stayed awake. Watching over him, in case he woke up.
As Martha and I were his parents we were allowed to stay all night. He twist and turned in his sleep but only every few hours. The calmness that filled the room was almost unnatural compared to the once chaotic and eventful hours that had previously encompassed us.
The quiet, eerie but relaxing at the same time. It covered the room like a blanket of snow in a cooling and exuberant winter. Good and bad at the same time. It was a quiet I had never experienced before.
I was seated and waiting in silence for the remaining of the night. Never once failtering in my upright position.
The dawn hours flowing into the once dark room warming the cool colored room to fit an almost jubilant setting.
The once wonderful quiet now being replaced with the busy hospital staff and the chattering birds just outside the now open curtains and past the windows.
I waited the awakening of the 2 most wonderful people in my life.
A/N- I don't know how I wrote Washington's POV in that way but hey sounded fitting to his military stature that he puts out. But anyway this is the last update from my phone but I hope you all enjoyed, thank you for reading, commenting, and voting! Have a wonderful night and
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