Chapter 18
Disclaimer- I'm traveling so I'm updating from my phone forgive me for spelling errors and grammar errors
I smile
If only it could stay this way forever
I woke up in the Cafe and curled up against Thomas. Immediately I jerked up and away from him. I could feel my face heating up.
"Uh... Hey." I said awkwardly. I don't know what to say. I mean I was curled up against and earlier I kissed him. Well he kissed me. Well we both- agh whatever. We kissed!
"Mornin." Thomas joked.
"So uh about earlier..."
"What part of earlier?"
He's frickin being difficult. The jerk.
"U-us kissing..."
It started to rain. My mind starts running a million miles a minute. I jump up and shuffle past Thomas running towards the door.
"I-I gotta go. I'll text you later today." I run. Sprinting to my dorm. Only my friends know about this whole fear of thunderstorms thing.
I get to my dorm and shiver. Thunder rumbles faintly and I start to freak a little bit struggling to unlock my dorm. Once I get unlocked I bust in slamming the door behind me and quickly shutting it. I rush to my room closing that door and closing the blinds. I scramble around for my phone and headphones.
I blast music in attempt to block out the sound of thunder. I hope Thomas doesn't come looking for me. That would be bad. Although I dot quite now why it would be bad, I just assume. I sit there now hearing anything but music for some time before one loud boom of thunder penetrates my music barrier. I wince and fell myself start to shake. I take my mind off the storm and text Thomas.
NonStop!- Thomas....
WhatdIMiss- Alexander! Are you okay you really rushed out. It's storming outside. Really bad.
NonStop!-Yeah, just don't like getting wet.
I don't know how to reply. I click on his contact info. I start coming up with contact names before a huge crash of thunder sounds and echoes through my now empty dorm. I stumble with my phone accidentally clicking random buttons. But I don't reach for it after I drop it on my bed. I just curl up and cry.
I start to feel slightly light headed. I soon barley realize that my breathing is shaky and I'm hyperventilating.
I soon feel about ready to pass out when I hear my dorm door slam open.
"ALEX!?" Wait.
"ALEX!" Why is he here?
He appears in my door way and sees me curled up on my bed face hot and tear stained as new tears roll down.
"ALEX, thank goodness!" He crawls up next to me.
"Can I touch you?" I faintly hear. I nod. His warm arms soon embrace me.
"Shhh, it's okay. I'm here now. Breath in breath out." I just start crying more.
"I-I-I.... y-you.... how'd y-you k-know?" I shakily ask.
"You called me, and I heard you crying and mumbling and hyperventilating I got so scared and worried."
"I told you! You d-don't l-like me. Y-you s-shouldn't c-care!"
Why is he here? I'm not worth it. He shouldn't be around me. No one should.
"A-Alex...." I look up at Thomas. He has a few tears streaming down his cheeks.
"Alex, I'm here because I care. Your worth everything."
"No I'm not! I'm making you cry!"
He can't respond. We're still in an embrace when another loud Thunder cracks. I shrink. I hold Thomas tighter and try to get as close to him as possible.
"Oh, Alex." Thomas brings me closer and rests his head on the top of mine. We stayed like this for a while.
Now, I'm laying down half on the bed half on Thomas. I feel my eyes get heavy. I'm asleep for like the third time today.
I was so scared for Alexander. He's asleep now. Half on me half on the bed. Why is he so broken? He never seemed like this. He was always to tough. To cover it? I hold him tighter. Soon finding myself drifting to sleep.
*Huge time skip. Not really. 1 week later*
It's been a week since that day. It's awkward between me and Alex. We still hang out but only when the rest of the squad is around besides that we stay away from each other. Alex doesn't come to the cafes on my shift anymore.
I miss him to be completely honest.
He started an internship too. He's barley around anyone anymore. I still don't know why Alex freaked because of the storm. But now, whenever there's a storm, I swear I'll make sure to check on him.
Herc moves with Laf to another dorm. As far as I know it's just Alex and Samuel Seabury.
They have an empty room. I wonder who will move in.
I haven't seen much of Thomas after we kissed. I really like him, and I really miss him but I'm embarrassed? Scared? Nervous seems most correct. My heart flutters every time I'm around him.
I get a new room mate today. Herc moved in with Laf.
"Hello? I'm the new dorm mate?" I know that voice.
"Hey Aaron...."
*Thomas* ( sorry for all the POV switches)
Apparently Aaron Burr is Alexander's new dorm mate.
I was taking the longer way to my dorm. What I usually do when my classes finish and it's dark out.
As I'm admiring the stars I hear yelling. But then I hear screaming. I look behind me and I freeze.
"THOMAS! Thank goodness! Help me please!" Alexander runs toward me. I run to him and get a closer look at him.
He has a black eye, hickies down his neck and bruises along his arms.
"Alexander what happened?" I say even though I know. Anger is already bubbling inside me.
"ALEXANDER! Get back here!" I look from Alex who now has tears streaming down his face to Burr. He belt undone and shirtless.
"Alex, hey look at me, good, stay behind me if I say to run run to my dorm and tell James what's happening. Okay? It'll be fine. It's okay." I hug him tightly before stepping in front of him.
"Burr! What do you think your doing?!" He stares at me blankly. Anger in his eyes.
"That's none of your business now where is Alex!?" I grab his shoulders and push him against a wall.
I don't usually fight this is new to me.
"That's non of your business. Leave him alone. If I see one mark in him from you I will hunt you down and beat you to a pulp." I shove him down to the ground.
I start rushing to the still crying Alex. He seems so broken and lost. He doesn't deserve this.
I pick him up from his position on the ground and he collapses in my arms. This isn't the tough Alexander I knew.
I'm gonna kill Burr.
I pick him up once again. He stays up this time, but gribs my shirt tightly and sobs.
I wrap my arms around him. I pick him up and take him to my dorm.
As soon as I walk in the door questions are asked. John,Herc and Laf were over here.
"Thomas what happened!?" John asks angrily walking over to me. Alex still crying in my arms.
"Burr. He tried to..." I didn't want to say it because it's not what Alex deserves.
"What!? He tried to what!?" Laf asks.
"Doesn't matter Burr did this, Burr gonna get beat up!" Herc says as he punches his open palm.
"He tried to rape Alexander!" I shout getting slightly annoyed.
That's when everyone shuts up and freezes. It's quiet before Alex breaks down more, if that's even possible.
"It h-happened t-too f-fast. I-i d-don't know why to do." Alex barely gets words out. They were all muffled by his sobs.
I hold him tighter.
"It okay Alex. It's okay. How bout you stay with your friends tonight?" He nods. I look up to his friends. Herc and Laf volunteer. I start to give Alex to Herc but Alex doesn't let my shirt go.
" I-i don't want t-to leave y-you!" He cries. I frantically look to his friends. They seem one shock too.
"You sure?" I ask him.
"I d-don't want him t-to come. I w-want Thomas!" I dot know why he suddenly wants to be around me. ( while I was writing it went from me to Mexico. 😂)
"B-burr w-won't come around T-Thomas." I nod in understanding. I look to his friends for their thoughts.
They just shrug and nod. I hold him tight and close to me.
His friends leave, but not after telling me some 'rules'. I take him to my room and gently place him on my bed.
I leave to get him some water and an electric blanket. He's still crying.
I sit by him until he calms down. He eventually falls asleep. Probably exhausted.
I leave to sleep on the couch. I get comfortable with a small pillow and a want blanket. I too being exhausted fall asleep quickly.
I wake up and it's still very dark outside. I hear a clatter in the kitchen I get up and walk to the enclosed kitchen and see Alexander.
Leaning against the counter with a knife.
"Alex...." I say cautiously.
He whips around. "Thomas.... I-i can't do it anymore. I can't handle it." His eyes are red and puffy and has new fat tears rolling down his face.
"Alexander. It's okay I'm here."
"It's not fine! I don't want to be here, i don't want to be alive!"
I didn't notice until now that the knife was big and pointed at his side ready to cut.
"Alex please."
"I-I just can't." I see his hand tense but I'm too late. I see the knife go in just above his hip.
He plummets the the ground sobbing in pain. I lunge to his side. What do I do!? Do I pull the knife out leave it in what!? I know I'm crying.
"Alexander! No! Please stay here! Alex!" I scream his name over and over. James runs out.
"Thomas what the f- ALEX!" He calls 911. I pull Alex towards me, his head and back resting on my lap.
I lean over him and hold him tight. As if it will keep him here.
"Alexander. Please. Don't leave me."
(Sorry can't do bold or anything on me phone)
A/N hahahahahahahahahhahah ANGST! 2 updates in one day! Well hope you enjoyed even though you probably didn't. Well thanks for reading, voting and commenting.
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