Chapter 14
The issue comes tomorrow. I expect plenty of backlash and critiques, but I'll survive. I declined at first, unsure of my work. But the way James talked of it, I agreed. I could d this as a possible career. I can't throw away my shot.
I wake up leaned back in a chair. I guess I fell asleep while working again.
I reread everything I wrote last night, saving it and shutting my laptop off and plugging it in. I stretch and stand up grabbing clothes and heading for the bathroom.
I strip and step into the shower turning on the water. I shudder at the cold of the water before it soon turns hot. Quickly washing my hair, enjoying the hot water, I step out of the shower wrapping a towel around my waist.
As I'm getting dressed I hear a knock at the door. I open the door and see Herc.
"Morning. What is it?" I say rushed.
"Laf's coming over to walk with us to campus. Just thought I'd let you know. "
"Okay then."
I shut the door and finish getting dressed.
I wonder what is going on between Herc and Laf. I already bet Peggy $20 that they would get together by the end of the month. Peggy said they'd get together in the following week.
I walk out of the bathroom still thinking about me maybe losing $20. I continue drying my hair when my thoughts are interrupted.
"Coming!" I shout and head towards the door. Opening it I see James and Jefferson.
"Sup. Come on in. "
They step in and sit down on the couch.
"So whatcha ya'll doin here?" I ask, giving up on drying my hair and just plopping the towel on top of my head.
"Nothin much. Just wanted to remind you that your issue comes out today."
"Oh right! That does happen today.
"Yeah, they'll be distributed at.... 7."
"Okay. Well, it's 6:15, and we have to leave to campus soon. Laf is coming over to walk with Herc and I. John will probably come too. But, ya'll wanna join?"
They think about it before responding.
"Sure sounds good to me." James shrugs.
"Yeah, Jemmy's goin so why not." I nod and start making some coffee.
"Coffee's brewing, have some if ya want when it's done. I'll be right back."
I head back to my room and find a pair of shoes and socks and throw them on finding a jacket, and my bag. Quickly I brush through my hair and put it in a low ponytail. Grabbing my things and my laptop I head back to the living room.
Herc is now in the kitchen talking with James and Jefferson is on the couch scrolling through his phone.
I place my things on the couch sighing slightly. It's gonna be a busy morning.
"You want some coffee, Tom?" James shouts from the kitchen.
"I work at a cafe James."
"So that's a no?"
I smile at the conversation.
Laf and John barge in.
"Alright, let's get this show on the road!" John yells as soon as he walks in.
"Alright!" John and I do our little handshake and walk out the door.
Soon after everyone else files out.
"So, when did you guys get there?"
"Thomas and I showed up maybe 10 minutes before you and John."
"Lex, you excited about the paper!?" I smile and turn towards John.
"Yea, but I expect some critiques. But oh well."
We all continue talking soon finding the Schuylers who joined our quad walk to campus.
"OH! It's 7 guys!" My hearts beats a little faster and butterflies swarm my stomach.
"Let's go get the paper!"
We already start seeing people with newspapers and reading it. I smile knowing that now my work is out there.
"I still think this is amazing," I say, rereading Hamilton's article.
"Well, if something was once amazing, won't it always be amazing?"
"How the crap do you create these words, Lex?!"
"You should become an author, Alexander."
"I agree with James. You should. Your books would sell," I say.
"My hearts been set on being a lawyer my whole life, besides being an author is a risky business." He shrugs and stares forward.
"It could be a side job? Work as a lawyer, write a book or two. That way you still have a steady pay job, but have your work out there, to be published and sold." Angelica suggests. It's a good plan.
We continue talking on until we reach our campus and part ways. Some of us done have classes. I don't have a class until 12. It's a language class, I'm learning Spanish. Hamilton sometimes rants in Spanish and I want to understand. I don't know why. Why should I care? No reason that's why.
I don't have to explain myself to you...
I stay in the library until I do have to leave for class.
*Time skiparoo brought to you by Jefferson Curls.*
"Hey, Jemmy." We all finished our classes for the day.
"Hey, Thomas."
" Why did you go to the library?" He asks.
"I didnt have a class until 12."
"Oh... what class?"
"Foreign language. I'm learning Spanish."
"Oh... why Spanish? You weren't taking it before?"
"I started up Spanish, 'cause Hamilton rants in Spanish and I want to understand." He smirks and raises an eyebrow.
"Do you now?"
"Not like that James. I don't like Hamilton."
"Why would you want to understaaaannnnddd?"
"I don't know! You don't know! Nobody knows!"
"Tommy bot has a crushhhh!"
"No, I don't..."
"Yeah ya do Thomas. Th only other person you've been this way for was-"
"Yeah, yeah whatever."
"Just admit it! Someones got the hots for Hammy Ham!"
"FINE! Whatever sure... maaaaayyyybe I might like Hamilton just a teeny tiny bit."
"YES! At last, you admit it."
"Whatever." We continue walking the blush never leaving my face. I wonder if Hamilton might like me too...
Probably not. But this was just a teeny weeny crush. Nothing more, nothing less. It'll blow over.
* Entry number 184*
* Alexander Hamilton's Written Legacy*
My work was read by many students and teachers today. I can't believe it. Everyone in my squad says I should become an author, but I love the idea of me being a lawyer.
Jefferson even complimented me.
Don't even get me started on Jefferson. He came over this morning and he smiled, and laughed! Agh, it kills me.
But it's not a big deal. Just a small crush. I'll just act casual. But uh anyway, Thomas is cute
I slam my laptop shut and feels my cheeks heat up. I slap myself and plug my laptop in. It's early compared to my usual bedtime of 3 a.m.
I crawl into my bed and plug my headphones in my ears and drift to sleep drowning in music and thoughts of Jefferson.
A/N Here ya go, some more signs of Jamilton. It's coming I swear. But hope you enjoyed. Thanks for commenting, reading and voting and
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