Chapter 11
I make a beeline for my room and instantly sit down at my desk and begin to work. Another normal all-nighter.
I sit up from my hunched position over my desk. My neck hurts from sleeping in such a weird position.
Groaning as I get up I made my way to the kitchen to get some water.
Herc lays on the couch asleep. When did he come back last night?
I grab a cold water from the fridge, walk back to my room and flop down on my back, which causes my back to crack.
I don't have classes in the morning today so I have a while before I need to get up and ready.
James and I left before anyone else last night. I was in awe at Hamilton's talent the rest of the night. My mind is still reeling thinking deeply on the things he has created, especially at such a young age. It seems almost impossible.
"Wait you were 12 when you wrote that?" I ask in complete and udder shock
He nods as he receives a high five from Laurens.
"You should get that published in the college paper." I hear James say from beside me. I'm still in awe. Hamilton has real talent...not that I should tell him that.
"Nah, it's not that good." What?! Of course, it is! Why won't I speak up?
"Yes, it is!" James shouts.
He sits up more and continues speaking.
"You came up with a theory, no conjecture, when you were 12 that no other twelve years
old would understand, or even think about and you understood it completely. Something that was so complex on such a grand scale that you have put into simple understandable terms and analogies. It's amazing and needs to be published."
Jeez, James. I didnt think he would ever be so passionate about something.
"I guess." He shrugs, in turn, getting cheers from everyone. He smiles widely. I smile too. Maybe the first real smile all night.
"Alright, let's get this show on the road. Ummm, HERC! Truth or dare?"
*End flashback*
From there everything was a blur.
I stand up and get ready for my class today. Walking out of my room I see James sitting on the couch scrolling through his phone and eating cereal.
"Hey Jemmy, I'm heading out."
"Okay bye, Tom."
I walk out into the cool air and begin walking towards the cafe as usual. I have work of tomorrow at least.
"OH! Hey Jefferson." I turn to see Hamilton.
"Mh?" Why is he talking to me?
"Oh, well, I was talking to you to ask if James is awake."
Did I say that aloud?
"Yeah, he is."
I walk away before he finishes what he was gonna say.
He just walked away before I could finish. Oh well, I walk back to James' dorm and knock.
"Mh? Oh hey, Alex, whats up?"
"Nothin much, i-is something wrong with Jefferson?"
"I haven't noticed anything." He shrugs and walks out into the hall.
"Must be just me then." James closes the door behind him and begins walking.
We walk in silence until Peg runs up to me.
"Hey, Alex! Whats up?"
"Nothing Peg Leg, whats with the rush?"
"I'm trying to scare people today! Oh, and you see to getting your work published, gotta go there's Liza!"
She rushes her words then runs away heading towards Eliza.
I laugh seeing James confused state.
"So um, I'm going to head to the paper. Bye Alexander."
"Bye James."
With that, we part ways and I head to the library having no classes early in the day.
I sit through classes all day taking notes furiously on my laptop and writing important things down. My last class for today ends at 6 so its a late class.
*Time skiparoo*
I walk home tiredly from my last class as the sky gets darker and the sun fades.
"LEX!" I look over and see John walking towards me. He slumps in arm around my shoulders.
"Hows life?" I continue walking with my arm around Johns' shoulders.
"Same as usual. Except for nowww, I have a job that starts Monday. "
"No way! Alex, working, who would have thought!" He says sarcasm dripping from his voice.
"Yea, yea, whatever."
"What is the job?"
"It's at a law firm, just sorting through papers and working on documents."
"Seems like the right fit for you."
"Mhm, what 'bout you Jackie?"
"Pertty goood." I chuckle at his impression.
"Mhm, like your grammar?" He starts to laugh and I join in shortly after.
"So, you got your eyes on a girl?" I ask.
"Mhmm, but I'm not telling youuuu."
"Whatever John."
"Mhm, well, this is me, John."
"Okayyyyy, bye Lex."
"Bye Jackie."
I open my dorm room door and am met with Laf and Herc sitting on the couch. Staring into space. Jeez...
"Hey guys," I say as casually as possible while dropping my keys on the side table.
"Hey, Alex."
"I'm gonna leave ya'll to it." I dop my bag and my jacket on the kitchen table and walk to my room closing the door. I sit down and for once, I'm not working on essays.
I write about my life. Most recent life. From the beginning of my senior year in high school to now.
I write for who knows how long when there a knock on my door.
"Come in." The door opens and I see James standing in the doorway.
"Whats up Alexander?"
"Nothing, just writing."
"Who's class now?"
"No ones, just writing."
"Mhm, well just a heads up I got the Editor to print your work in the paper."
"Oh, great. Thanks, man."
"No problem. Your issue comes out Friday." That's 2 days away.
"Okay, sounds great. Thanks again."
"So um, you always make a fool of yourself ?"
"What?" I turn my head at this.
"You could've gotten somewhere with Thomas."
I sigh. I've had this conversation with my entire group of friends about a million times.
"I know, I screwed up-"
"That isn't even the half of it. I know you think to push him away is gonna 'save him' from the stupid mistakes you make, but pushing him away I the most stupid mistake your gonna make, and the one that will ever affect him the most."
"James, one mistake that's bad is better than a million that are half as bad."
" You can fix those! Easy! Fixin this crap you've dug yourself in is gonna be the hardest thing your gonna have to do."
He was mad now.
"Dang it James, pushing him away IS the hardest thing I've ever had to do!"
"Then why'd you do it!?"
"Because sometimes when something is hard, it has to be done. Who knows! Maybe this will be the thing that makes all of this better, but I don't doubt myself."
"Alexander, you don't doubt yourself, but you doubt everyone else to make up for it. You're doubting how well your friends can handle how stupid you can be, you're doubting how forgiving your friends are. Stop doubting everyone!"
And there we sit in silence, letting what James said to soak in.
"I try James but-"
"No more excuses, or reasons for anything anymore. When you do something and you don't have to come up with an excuse, then you know you're doing something right."
"Mull it over. Come to talk to me when you decide. Nice talking to ya."
"Yeah sure, bye James." He leaves.
I sit in silence.
Not even writing anymore.
I just let everything that just happened in the past 10 minutes soak in.
Why does James have to be right?
Why do I gotta be so stupid?
So many questions that I know the answers too.
James went somewhere so I was left to myself in our dorm. I just watched T.V for about 20 minutes when James came back.
"Hey, where'd ya go?"
"Just tellin' Alexander his work is getting published." He said as he poured himself some water.
"Mhm, don't think that takes almost half an hour."
"We had some small talk."
"Yeah. I'm gonna go to bed."
"Dude, it's 9. "
"I'm tired."
"Okay then."
I don't believe a thing he says, but it's late so I don't care. I continue watching T.V 'till my phone dings.
NonStop!- Hey, wanna meet up at that oak tree?
What the crap? Does he think he can fix this easily?
What'dIMiss- Um why?
NonStop!- I know I can't make this right, but someone told me I should try and not doubt. So I wanna try.
What'dIMiss- You pushed me away.
NonStop!- I know. I'm stupid, there's no excuse for that I know. I'm a screw-up. I get it. But can I not try to make things right?
What'dIMiss- You were trying to make you're bullying me right and messed up again, you gonna mess this up?
NonStop!- I'm trying okay! I get it! I deserve this but please give me a... 3 third chance?
What'dIMiss- You mess this up and you strike out.
NonStop- Thank you so much, you won't regret this Thomas.
What'dIMiss- Yeah, we'll see.
I was being had on him, but I have a right. I sigh and walk towards my room.
Flopping down on my bed I stare up at the ceiling. Feeling my eyelids droop, I plug my phone and turn off my lamp cuddling up under my covers.
Words- 1569
A/N Sorry this took so long, I was traveling and was not feeling good. At all. But thanks for reading, voting, and I hope you enjoyed and
Total words- 1600
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