Name: Kingfish
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Rank: Warrior
Nationality: Russian
Status: deceased
Mates: Devilspawn (official), Russian, Sirensong, Ylena, Blue, Victoria, Waxwingsong, Natasha, Sonja, and Saphira
Kits: Raidsiren, Singingfish, Kingtiger, Rowantail, Threekings, Sinfur, Witheredflame, Queenbee, Stainedpaw, Manikintail, Prussian, Harlequinice, Georgian, Belarus, Fisheyes, Blackmoon, Genocidereign, Unnamed 1, Unnamed 2, Unnamed 3, Unnamed 4, Unnamed 5, Unnamed 6, Russianroulette, Dusksun
Apprentices: Murdercrow, Shadowpaw
1. Clearly, Kingfish was unfaithful; he has 25 kits, 17 of which made it to adulthood.
2. Kingfish truly loved Devilspawn, despite his infidelity before.
3. Kingfish has muredered a total of 56 cats.
4. Kingfish was named Vladimir before he became a clan cat.
5. He is based on a generic Soviet Russian soldier.
6. Kingfish's ideal voice is that of Roman Vorshevsky, who is a Kazakhstan immigrant known for playing Vladimir Makarov in Call of Duty Modern Warfare.
7. No, Kingfish is not a carbon copy of Makarov; there are multiple reasons why not, but the most obvious is that he does not have as much power as Makarov did, and therefore has steered his path in a slightly different dirrection.
8. King's favorite kits were Singingfish and Threekings, as they showed the most promise, and were the most eager for his attention, much like he was with his father when he was a kit.
9. Kingfish is not as affectionate to his kits because of his relationship with his father.
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