Finn POV
I honestly have a problem with the status quo. I don't know why I was agreeing with the rest of the team. When I wasn't singing, Chad pushed me so I had to sing. But, I'll let you in on a little secret. I'm in love with a skater boy.
I walked with Troy, Chad, Zeeke, and Zak (names?) to my locker. I saw Jack hanging with his friends by his locker which was right next to mine. I opened my locker and looked at Jack. I had to be tough in front of the team.
"Move it Grazer."
"Watch it Wolfhard," he replied. We were now in each other's faces. He smirked at me and I rolled my eyes. "Fine, your majesty." He fake bowed and hopped on his skate board and skated away.
"Jeez, you and Grazer don't like each other do you?" Troy asked. I shrugged.
"We used to be friends, but I guess we both changed. Its really nothing," I said. Then Zeeke, who is literally Aphrodite, said:
"Are you sure? Because from what I saw, the sparks were flying when he smirked at you." I rolled my eyes. I grabbed my duffle and we walked to the locker room. I pulled Zeeke aside and slapped him.
"Bro! Seriously?!"
"What?" he asked innocently. I rolled my eyes.
"You're the only one that knows! The others can't know! You heard what we said during lunch!"
"Yea but..... you should tell them."
"Absolutely not." I walked to my locker with Zeeke in tow. We changed and headed out to practice.
~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~~~
I put on my hoodie after practice and walked outside to the bleachers.
3rd POV
"Guys? Where's Finn going?" Chad asked. Zeeke shrugged, although he knew exactly where Finn was going.
"Should we follow him? He was pretty upset earlier," Troy said. Chad and Zak nodded along with the rest of the boys. The boys walked out leaving Zeeke worrying for Finn. Zeeke ran after them. They saw Finn go outside and over to the bleachers. They looked at the bleachers and gasped.
It was Jack Grazer. Finn climbed up next to Jack and pulled him in for a kiss. The other boys looked at each other shocked. Zak took a picture and they walked back into school.
"Is Finn.... gay?"
"Well I would assume so. He was literally just making out with Grazer."
"Why wouldn't he tell us?" Finally Zeeke snapped.
"HE DIDNT TELL YOU GUYS BECAUSE HE WAS AFRAID OF BEING KICKED OFF THE TEAM! YOU GUYS ALWAYS SAY 'STICK TO THE STATUS QUO'! WELL HE DOESNT WANT TO. HE DOESNT WANT TO BE BULLIED EITHER! SO JUST LEAVE THEM ALONE!" The boys stared at Zeeke shocked. He never yelled. "Don’t talk to him about it. He doesn't like to vocalize his sexuality." The boys nodded, but didn't heed his warning.
The Next Day...
Finn walked into the locker room and sighed. He walke over to his locker to find it surrounded by the team.
"Hey guys. Whats up?" Finn said cautiously.
"Finn we saw you yesterday with Grazer." Finn paled. "Its okay. We dont care. You do you bro." Finn smiled and blushed.
"Thanks guys."
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