Jack POV
It was lunch break on the set so I took out my ear buds and skate board and skated around the parking lot. Some people were watching me, but I wasn't paying attention. Then I hear:
"Jack!!! Jack Dylan Grazer where the hell are you?!" It couldn't be.
"Jack!?" I hopped off my board and ran towards the voice.
"Finn!" I saw him. He looked perfect. Of course he looked perfect, he always does. "What are you doing here?" I hugged him and blushed as he whispered in my ear:
"To see you of course. I missed you Jackie."
"Missed you too bubba." He grinned.
"I gotta tell you something." I nodded. He looked around. "Somewhere private though." I led him to my trailer and we sat down. "Okay don't freak out but......"
"Spit it out Finn I won't judge."
"I'm gay. And I love you." I stared at him. "Shit I knew you wouldn't like me." I stood up and pulled him up too. I looked up into his eyes and pulled his neck down and kissed him. Then I heard cheering outside.
I looked out the window and saw the producers, director, and my other cast mates cheering and looking at us. I blushed and closed the curtains. Then I heard one of the producers yell:
"Keep it PG in there you two!"
"What the hell?!" I yelled back. Finn laughed and kissed me again. I kissed back lovingly. He loves me. I love him.
"I SHIP IT!!" My mom yelled through the door.
"Mom!! Seriously!!" Then I heard Kue Lawrence and Christian Convery yell:
"Jack is he a good kisser??" I smiled and replied:
"Shouldn't you two be doing school right now?"
"Shouldn't you?" They replied.
"I am."
"Learning about what? Human anatomy?" Steve Carell asked. Finn laughed while I blushed. I opened the door and looked at him.
"You're a real asshole sometimes you know that right?"
"I am? And who's ass-hole are you up right now?" He replied smirking. Amy Ryan slapped him. I blushed deeper.
"Jack do you need water?" Timotheé Chalamet asked. So I said the first thing that came to my mind. I'll regret it later though.
"No. I need saliva." Then I closed the door and kissed Finn.
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