Sarab: Never underestimate a girl with good morals and leather combat boots.
Sarab: I'm about to slap someone to Jordan and leave them to starve to death in the desert. Don't test me.
Sarab: Scott, get outta here before I slap your sorry ass to Jordan and leave you to starve to death in the desert.
Sarab (about Andrea and Andreas Von Strucker): Oh, well look who we have here! It's Wreck-It-Ralph and Fix-It-Felix!
Sarab: What glows in the dark and speaks Spanish? Ezperanza Madison Barnes!
Sarab: How many Maddie's does it take to screw in a lightbulb? NONE! SHE IS THE LIGHTBULB!
Sarab: What's Maddie's favorite song? You Are My Sunshine!
Sarab: If I yell something in Arabic, don't ask what it means.
Sarab: Adhhab khunuq ealaa alkaeka! '(Go choke on a cookie!' in Arabic)
Raven: What!?
Sarab: Nothing!
Sarab: [takes on a team of Sentinals using nothing but her witt and physical skills]
Clarice: Sarab!? What happened!? Are you okay!?
Sarab: Oh, I'm great. These agents aren't though. [looks at them and sighs] Clean up, on aisle three! Someone ordered a can of whoop-ass and I delivered it. [cringes and steps over the unconscious agents]
Sarab: [in the middle of fighting several Sentinal Service agents, unbenownst to anyone at the Mutant Underground that she's gone]
Kurt: [calls Sarab]
Sarab: [slides under a table and looks at her watch to see the nickname 'Tremor' and a contact photo of Kurt giving Sarab a surprise kiss on the cheek]
Sarab: [sighs] You've got to be kidding me. [answers the call as agents start shooting bullets at the table]
Kurt: Hello, Shatzi!
Sarab: Hi, Rouhi! [chuckles nervously as she kicks an agent from behind]
Kurt: Just vanted to call and say hey! I miss you!
Sarab: Miss me? I've only been gone for fifteen minutes. [rolls out from under the table and starts punching another agent]
Kurt: Really? Feels more like five hours.
Sarab: Ha ha ha. [uses her powers on an agent]
Kurt: I really do miss you. I feel like ve haven't been spending enough time together. Like we're.... drifting apart.
Sarab: What!? Why do you say that? [punches an agent in the back of the head]
Kurt: I don't know. Polaris has been training us separately and....ve haven't really been spending that much time together the past few weeks. At least in my eyes.
Sarab: [does a tornado kick and knocks an agent out] We're fine, Kurt. Trust me. Listen, I have to go now.
Kurt: Oh no. It's not fine. [cries slightly] I knew it! I screwed up! You don't want to see me anymore!
Sarab: What!? No! I- [gets cutt off as an agent wraps his arms around her neck]
Kurt: Oh my God. Are you crying? Did I make you cry!? [cries harder] I AM A TERRIBLE BOYFRIEND!
Sarab: [knees the agent in his private area] No, no, no! It's not you! I'm not breaking up with you!
Kurt: [stops crying and sniffles] You're not?
Sarab: Of course not! [punches another agent]
Kurt: [sighs in relief] Oh thank God. You have no idea how happy that makes me. Anyway, I read in a book that vhen couples first get together, they should do everything together. So, vhat are you doing now?
Sarab: Uh... [back-kicks an agent] Exercising! At...the.... Mutant.... Exercise....Center.
Kurt: There's a mutant exercise center?
Sarab: Oh yeah! [head-locks an agent] It's great for mutants. And exercising.
Kurt: Vhere is it?
Sarab: Where is it? Uh.... [karate chops an agent on the back of the neck] Over the rainbow!
Kurt: Huh?
Sarab: Nothing. [gets thrown back by a blast from the Hounds]
Kurt: Vhat was zat?
Sarab: [pops back up] The exercising is getting really......intense. [uses her powers again]
Kurt: Oh, okay. I'll leave you to it then. I love you so much, Princess! You are my love! The light of my life! I miss you!
Sarab: [ducks a swing from an agent]. Yeah, yeah, whatever, bye. [hangs up and keeps fighting]
Raven and Sarab's conversation after Sarab tends to Kurt's wounds from a mission, making out with him in the process:
Raven: [worried] How's Kurt?
Sarab: Hot.
Raven: With fever!?
Sarab: [keeps a blank face] No.
A mutant hater while fighting Sarab: You fight like a girl!
Sarab, after whooping his butt and showing him that girl bosses do exist and that she is one herself all without using her powers: Damn right I do. Thank you for the compliment.
Sarab: [walks around the Underground nervously] This mission is serious! We need to get in and get out before we- [sees Scott shirtless in the training room] HOLY MOTHER OF A JORDANIAN CAMEL, I'm blind now.
[Five minutes of Sarab's distinct chortle]
Sarab: Miss Marvel is my icon.
Jean: Who's Miss Marvel?
Sarab: A Muslim superhero!
Jean: That's so cool!
Sarab: Yeah! She even has her own comic book series! Someone named Stan Lee created the company she's a part of.
Jean: What company might that be?
Sarab: Marvel, I think. I saw something about the X-Men in one of his books, too.
Logan: What!?
Jean: No way.
Logan: Everything that I know is a lie.
Sarab: Calm down. It's not like he created us or something. Pfft! That would be ridiculous.
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