"And both girls are asleep," Felix said, sitting down on the couch.
"I could have put at least one of them to sleep, lix," Hyunjin said.
"You spent ten hours with them while going to physical therapy and doing other things while I was at work, the least I could do is put them to bed,"
Hyunjin hummed and put an arm around Felix's waist, "How many books did Hyejin have you read?"
"Three chapters from her new book,"
The older nodded, "Does she like it?"
Hyunjin squeezed Felix's waist lightly and Felix leaned into Hyunjin.
"Did you eat lunch?" Hyunjin questioned.
Felix groaned a little, "I was in court all day..."
"Lix... did you at least eat a snack?"
"I drank some juice,"
Hyunjin pinched Felix's arm gently, "You need to eat, my love,"
Felix sat up, making Hyunjin hand fall from his waist.
They needed to talk.
"I think we need to talk,"
That sounded serious, very serious.
"Okay, what about? Is everything okay?" Hyunjin questioned.
"What are we going to do about our relationship? I mean right now we are friends and living together, but certain actions kind of contradict it..." Felix said.
Hyunjin hummed.
"Sex can be casual,"
"Hyunjin, we have proved that for us sex is not casual and this isn't just about that. It is about everything. The endearment terms, the moments, everything,"
The older sat up and held Felix's hands, "Felix, what do you want us to be? Do you want to be more than friends?" He asked.
"It can't just be up to me. I can't be the one to decide," Felix stated.
"Okay, do you want to what I want?"
"What do you want?"
Hyunjin pursed his lips and reached into his pocket, then pulled out a small box, "I want to marry you,"
Felix looked at the box. Oh.
"That ring..." Felix whispered.
"I bought it after you left to come back here for school,"
This was not what Felix was expecting. Boyfriends? Maybe. Jumping into marriage? No.
To be honest though... would it be bad? Neither of them were in relationships and he and Yoon were talking again. Yoon just barely coming around to the idea that Hyunjin had changed.
Both Hyewon and Sophia were basically telling them to get married. Yuqi while still not liking Hyunjin came back around to the idea of Hyunjin and him dating. Marriage was a different topic, but Felix could decide if he wanted to get married.
"Hyunjin, you do know that if we get married it's commitment and possibly a lifelong one. It is not something we should do on a whim," Felix said.
"I know it is a commitment and I know it will be a lifelong commitment. I'm not doing this on a whim. I'm not proposing to you just because I think it is fun—I do think it'll be fun, but that is besides my point.
I am proposing to you because I love you. I know our relationship hasn't been the best it has been rocky and toxic at points and I know we might need to go to couple's therapy for it, but I love you. So, Felix Lee will you marry me?" Hyunjin asked, opening the small box.
Felix smiled, tears brimming his eyes.
"We will need that couple's therapy. Yes, Hyunjin I will marry you,"
Hyunjin smiled wide and pulled the ring out of the box and slid it on Felix's finger.
The two shared a sweet kiss, before they heard giggling.
Hyejin was peeking her head our from behind the recliner. Her smile big as she giggled showing off her missing tooth.
"Hyejin, you're supposed to be in bed," Hyunjin stated.
The girl came out from her hiding spot, hands behind her back as she smiled sheepishly, "Sorry! Woke up and was hungry, wanted to get a snack," she said.
"What do you want for a snack, sweetie?" Felix asked, getting up.
"Mm, chocolate,"
"It is almost midnight," Hyunjin said.
"Fine... can I have some watermelon?" Hyejin asked.
"Sounds good, I'll go get you a bowl. Go sit down," Felix told her.
She nodded and sat next to Hyunjin, while Felix went to the kitchen to get the fruit.
"When are you al lixie going to get married?" Hyejin asked her dad.
Hyunjin pursed his lips. Not something he expected to be asked.
"Uhm, eventually, but you'll definitely be there," Hyunjin stated.
"Can I wear a pretty princess dress?"
"Of course, you can,"
Hyejin nodded and Felix came out of the kitchen with a small bowl of watermelon, "What are you two talking about?" He asked, handing Hyejin the bowl.
"You and I getting married," Hyunjin told him.
"Oh? What about it?"
"I want to wear a pretty dress! Like a princess," Hyejin stated, eating some watermelon.
"You can wear the prettiest dress there," Felix told her.
"Good! Also, I want ten siblings,"
Felix and Hyunjin looked at each other, eyes wide.
Hyunjin took a breath, "Uhm... we will discuss that on a later date. For now finish your watermelon," he said.
Hyejin hummed and continued to eat.
Felix looked at the ring and smiled softly.
He was going to get married.
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