"Are you ready to meet your little sister?" Hyunjin asked softly.
Hyejin smiled and nodded. Hyunjin held her hand and brought her over to the nursery.
"Where is she?"
"Right there in the back, can you see her?"
Hyejin shook her head with a pout. Hyunjin picked her up struggling a little due to his cane and pointed to the back, "She is right back there,"
"I think I see her! What is her name?" Hyejin asked.
Hyejin smiled and looked to Hyunjin, "When can I hold her?"
"When she comes home. She is going to be staying with Lixie and I for a while," Hyunjin told her.
"Do you like Lixie? You guys live together, so you must,' Hyejin stated.
Hyunjin smiled, "I do. I like Lixie a lot. Do you like him?"
Hyejin nodded with a big smile, "He makes the best cookies! And he does my hair,"
It was a good thing that Felix and Hyejin got along so well. It made weekends Hyunjin had the girl easier and he was just honestly happy the two got along.
Sophia looked to the door when she heard a knock. She was tired. Twenty hours of labour would do that to someone.
"Hey, lix," she said tiredly.
"Hey, hun. How are you?" Felix asked, stepping in.
"Tired, are you here to see Lucia? She is in the nursery,"
"Nope, here to see you. I brought you a chorizo sandwich—the chorizo is pan fried and I brought some homemade tortilla,"
The woman smiled, "You are an angel,"
Felix set the food down for her and sat in the chair by the bed, "Hyunjin checked in with you right? He made sure you were okay?"
"Yeah, he check a bunch before he went to get Hyejin so she could see Lucia," Sophia said.
"Good, I'd kick his ass if he didn't," Felix stated.
Sophia laughed a little and took a bite of the sandwich. It was delicious.
"Did you make this yourself?"
Felix nodded, "Been cooking a lot lately,"
"How are you and Hyunjin doing?" Sophia asked curiously.
"We are good. We closed on a house when you were in Spain with your sister. Five bedrooms, Hyejin and Lucia will have their own rooms," Felix told her.
She smiled and raised a brow, "And that extra bedroom?"
"For me. He and I aren't actually together still, we are just taking it slow,"
"Right, that is why you guys live together," she teased.
"He still isn't a hundred percent. I just want to make sure he is okay, plus with the girls he'll need help," Felix said.
"Except Hyejin only goes to Hyunjin's every other week and Lucia is the same. You live with him full time,"
Felix pursed his lips. It was true in a way. He lived with Hyunjin full time and he didn't need to.
"Technically, Lucia is spending the first three weeks with Hyunjin until you are fully ready to take her then it is every other week. Also, Hyejin is living with Hyunjin for about two months while Hyewon is on a business trip,"
"Wow, two month business trip," Sophia said softly.
"Yeah, a new subsidiary of the company Hyewon works at is opening in Europe and she needs to be there to oversee. Hyunjin offered to take Hyejin so she could stay with her friends," Felix explained.
Sophia nodded, "And Hyewon knows you live with Hyunjin?"
Felix nodded.
She knows. She knows very well. The woman even teased Felix about it for a few hours while they were shopping.
"What did she say about it?"
"Uh, she... she said that Hyunjin and I should just date at this point," Felix said quickly.
Sophia laughed. How could she not? It was funny and very true.
"You should date. You and Yoon have been over for several months. Everything with Charles has died down. You both know that you absolutely love each other, I don't see why you haven't begun to date,"
Felix pursed his lips.
To be honest, he was sure either. There was just something holding them back.
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