TW: physical assault
There had been another incident between Charles and Felix. Somehow, Charles found out that Natalie knew what happened and he didn't like that.
He ended up confronting Felix right outside of Felix's flat.
It was one thing for Felix to say he was different from twelve years ago and it was another to show it. With any of his other exes it probably would have been easy to show that yeah, he was different.
With Charles? He felt fifteen. He felt scared. It felt like against Charles he had no power.
“You shouldn't have told her,” Charles stated, holding Felix's arm tightly.
The brunet winced, “Charles, everything you did to me is in medical records,”
“Do you think I am stupid? Even if she read your medical records my name is nowhere on there,”
“Charles, I don't know how she knows, okay? Now let me go before I start yelling and all my neighbours come out,”
Maybe Felix should have just yelled. Charles put his hand over Felix's mouth and pushed him against the wall, his head hitting the wall a little harshly.
“What did you say to the police back in high school? Right, you were mugged. That should make a great excuse now too,”
Felix took years of taekwondo and yet at this moment it felt like he didn't know any.
Charles was pushed away from and someone stood between them.
It was Yoon. Abigail and Lizzy not far from them.
“I'll be filing a complaint against you at the firm, I'd start looking for a new job if I were you,” Yoon said.
“How would you get me fired? You have no proof,” Charles said.
“You should go, Charles,”
Abigail and Lizzy walked over to Felix as Charles left.
Yoon turned around concern in his features, “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, just a bit shaken…” Felix said softly.
Lizzy hugged Felix.
“We wanted to stop by before we went to the airport,” Yoon said.
Right, they had a trip for Christmas.
“We wanted to give you this,” Abigail said, handing Felix a wrapped box.
Felix smiled and took the box.
“Ah, I have gifts for you guys too. How about you guys come in really quick?”
“Oh, can I see your kitty?” Lizzy asked.
“Of course,” Felix said, turning and unlocking his door.
The four walked in Felix's cat coming up almost instantly and meowing.
Felix set the box from the girls down on his counter.
“The gifts are in my room, I'll go get them,” Felix said quickly.
“I'll come with you. Abby, keep an eye on your sister.” Yoon said.
Yoon and Felix walked down the hall to Felix's room. Two perfectly wrapped gifts were on his vanity.
“Felix, are you really okay?”
“I don't know,” Felix muttered.
Yoon walked up to him and looked at his arm. There were bruises there.
“Natalie told me a couple months ago,” Yoon stated.
Yoon sighed, “I didn't give her much of a choice. I heard her, Will, and Hiraya Del Rosario talking about you and Charles. She told me when I asked her,”
“I asked her not to,” Felix said, grabbing a sweater from his closet to put on.
“Why? I mean I can help you,”
“Yoon, it took a lot telling Natalie a couple months ago. I know you could have helped me, and I know boyfriends telling each other things like this, but this? This isn't something I can easily talk about.
My best friend still barely knows everything that happened between Charles and I. The guy I loved for years, barely knows. It isn't something I can just tell people,”
Yoon nodded and held Felix's hands, “I really don't want to leave you,”
“I'll be fine, you have fun with the girls,”
The older hummed and kissed Felix softly.
“Make sure to lock the door every night and don't let any strangers in,” Yoon said.
“I might stay at Yuqi's or something,” Felix said.
Yoon nodded, “I love you,”
Felix froze, he wasn't expecting that.
“You don't have to say it back, I just wanted to tell you,”
Felix smiled softly and let go of Yoon, he grabbed the presents for the girls.
“We should get back out there to the girls,” he said.
Yoon nodded and followed Felix back out.
Abby and Lizzy were both on the couch. Lizzy playing with cheerio and Abby on her phone.
Abby turned her phone off as soon as she saw Felix and Yoon.
“Here,” Felix handed them both a box.
It wasn't boxes. They were relatively small.
“Can we open them now?” Lizzy asked.
“If it is okay with your dad,” Felix said.
The two looked at Yoon, who nodded.
They unwrapped the boxes. Abby opened the box and pulled out three things: a film camera and film, then a purple velvet box.
Lizzy pulled out three things too: a book and a pair of headphones, then a similar blue velvet box.
Lizzy opened the velvet box and smiled when she saw the necklace. It had a music note on it.
“I love it!” She beamed hugging Felix.
Felix hugged her too.
“I'm glad you do,”
Abby opened the velvet box and smiled. It was a charm bracelet.
“It is beautiful,” she said.
“There is an engraving on the lion charm. It is something my friend used to say to me. She still says it occasionally,”
“A queen, a lion,” Abby read aloud, “What does it mean?” she asked, looking at Felix.
“She used to say after something bad happened, it was a way to say that I was strong. That I could get through what was happening and that she'd be there for me.
In some ways there is a bit of a double meaning, a queen in chess can move in all directions. No matter what, remember that you can move in all directions,” Felix said, helping her put the bracelet on.
Abby looked at it and nodded.
“We should get going, before your mom starts worrying,” Yoon said.
“Yes, you should. Have a good birthday Abby,”
“I will, thank you Felix,” she said.
Soon after more goodbyes, they left. Felix was alone.
Felix Lee
Can you come over please?
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