“She is sweet…”
“Did she know about you?”
Felix shook his head, “As far as I could tell she didn't,”
Yuqi sighed.
“I hate saying this, trust me, but he still loves you,”
“No he doesn't. He missed my graduation, he didn't bother to tell me about her… he just…” Felix trailed off.
“Felix, if he didn't love you, then why would he make such a fuss about trying to fix the situation? I mean he has all but gotten a messenger bird to try and talk with you,” Yuqi stated.
“Yuqi, I need to move on. I… can't be the one to hold on. I have been the one to hold on so many times, that I am so tired,”
When Yuqi didn't say anything Felix looked at her. The blonde's brows were pinched together as she looked at whatever was on her phone.
“Everything okay?”
“Hyunjin and Sophia broke up,”
“What? When?”
“A few days ago, Chan just told me,” Yuqi said, showing him the message.
Felix looked at his own phone that lit up.
Give him a chance?
Felix showed Yuqi his phone.
“Like I said,”
The brunet took a deep breath. He felt like he was in college again.
“So, about the case,”
Felix took his coffee from the barista and looked at Yoon, “What about it?” he questioned.
“I talked to the defence. They are upset, not exactly with us more so with the police department that made the arrest. They will be having a lawsuit with the PD, but because it was caught early on our end we are safe,” Yoon said.
“That is good, but what about the person who actually killed the husband?”
“The case has been given to higher ups to look into and they will take it from there. Is that even coffee?”
The younger chuckled, “It is, anyways, are we done with the case then?” he asked.
Yoon nodded, “Since we are and we are also not getting sued thankfully, I thought we can go out tonight for some dinner and drinks, not just us- the whole team,”
“That sounds nice. It also means I can meet more of my co-workers and not just the one I almost had sex with,” Felix said with a small laugh.
The older laughed softly and nodded.
“So does this mean you are staying with the firm?” Yoon questioned.
“I always was. I called Will the night we officially meant and told him that I wanted to stay,”
“So all this time I’ve been trying to make a good impression of you so you’d stay was a waste?”
Felix smiled, “No, it just furthered my want to stay, because I knew I would be working with someone nice,”
Yoon smiled softly and put his hands in his pockets, “You know you have these little vampire fangs that are on full display when you smile. It is cute,”
Felix pressed his lips together, holding back a smile.
“Ah, I didn’t mean to embarrass you, I just thought it was cute,”
“You didn’t. I just have never gotten a compliment like that before. I mean I have gotten compliments about some things, but I don’t think I’ve ever gotten one about my teeth,” Felix rambled a little,
The older took a breath and chuckled, “I know we have known each other for a few days, but I want to take you to dinner- or lunch if you’d prefer less commitment there, because I want to get to know you better,”
Felix gripped his cup a little tighter and smiled a little, “Isn’t that what tonight is for?”
“In a way, yes, but I also want to get to know you without everyone there,”
The younger was silent for a moment, making Yoon nervous. A million thoughts running through his head.
“Dinner would be nice,” he said.
Yoon relaxed and smiled with a small nod, “I’ll text you then,”
Felix nodded, “That sounds good,”
“I-I should get back to the office, Will wanted to talk with me about something at noon and it is almost noon. I will see you later,”
“Okay, I will meet you at the front for the dinner tonight,”
“What? Oh, right, that dinner. Yes, I will see you then,” Yoon said with a wave.
Felix waved a little and watched as Yoon left, the older bumping into a table as he did so. Felix laughed softly and took a drink of his coffee.
Maybe dinner with Yoon wouldn’t be too bad.
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