“What do you expect him to feel, Hyunjin? Happy that you are getting married when from the sounds of it you led him on,”
Hyunjin pursed his lips. Chan sighed.
“Why did you lead him on, Hyunjin?”
“I was scared, okay?”
“Scared?” Chan questioned.
“When I met Sophia I had already been in love with Felix for two-three years and most of those years it never seemed like it would be anywhere and I was fine with that. I was fine just being in love with him and being a friend.
But that month we spent together… it started to become real. The idea of him and I dating was becoming real and it scared me.
So when Sophia came into the picture, I thought I can still be in Felix's life, but I don't have to face the fact the relationship could be real,”
“Hyun…” Chan sighed.
“I know it isn't right, and Felix is right I'm not facing my feelings. Instead I'm leading him on and eating Sophia on and fucking everything up, because I am not facing my feelings,”
“You need to figure this out slowly, and you need to talk to Sophia, because she doesn't deserve to be led on, she is a sweet girl and she deserves better than what you are doing,”
Hyunjin nodded. Chan was right neither Felix or Sophia deserved what he was doing.
“And that is everything you need to know,”
Felix nodded and hummed, “It wasn't the wife,”
“What?” Yoon questioned.
“Police report says ‘she came home at 12:30 killed her husband, left at 1:00 to meet with her lover.’ It was 6 p.m. when she came home and called the police. Lavidity on the body? Three hours. Three to six? She wasn't home and that was proven, meaning someone else killed the husband,”
Yoon looked over the report and sighed.
“Yeah, this case is going to be pushed back,”
Felix nodded and stood up stretching.
“Hey, earlier, that guy… is everything okay there? I mean you guys seemed pretty heated and you know if he is bothering you, I'm sure Will can help,” Yoon mentioned.
“Everything is fine. He is… he was someone I knew really well, but uhm, I doubt I'll see him much,”
The older nodded, “Well, if you ever do need help with anything just ask,”
Felix gave a small smile and nodded, “I should go, I am meeting with a friend and I'd hate to keep them waiting,”
“Coffee?” Yoon asked with a small smile.
“Ah, well you enjoy your dinner. Goodnight,”
“Goodnight,” Felix said softly.
Felix left the building and let out a breath, hopefully this dinner went at least okay.
The two sat across each other quietly. There was a tension in the air that made them both uneasy.
“I think we might've gotten off on the wrong foot when we very awkwardly met the other day. I am Sophia Lee Cortez, it is a pleasure to meet you,”
“We didn't trust me… I am Felix Lee, it is nice to properly meet you,”
Sophia nodded.
The silence fell again before Felix broke it.
“There was a reason you reached out to me and it wasn't to just have drinks and dinner,”
Sophia pursed her lips and pulled something out her bag and set it on the table.
It was a Polaroid, from that summer. Hyunjin and him on one of the couches in the vacation house asleep while Yuqi made a heart above them. He could only assume Soyeon or Jisung was taking the picture.
“You and him didn't just have similar friends, you dated,” Sophia said.
Felix pursed his lips, “We never dated. Slept together in more ways than one? Yeah. Fell in love? Definitely. Dated? Never,”
That hurt her, a bit.
“If you guys loved each other, why didn't you date?” She questioned.
Felix took a breath, “At first, I wasn't ready, I had been in several bad relationships and as sweet and caring as Hyunjin is I wasn't ready to start anything. Then he had his job and I had law school,”
“Then why didn’t you guys get together when you finished law school?”
“That was the plan, initially,” Felix said.
“If that was the plan, what happened?” Sophia asked.
Felix bit his lip, “I should go. It was nice of you to invite me to dinner even if we didn't get to it,” he said, standing up.
“Felix, why didn't it work?”
He didn't want to hurt the other. That is the last thing he wanted. It was the last thing he would ever want to do.
“I graduated Sunday,”
Her whole demeanour fell.
Felix took a breath, “I know you probably don't like me much now, but if you don't mind me asking… when did you and Hyunjin meet?”
“Uh, three or four years ago when he was in Japan, he was leaving the airport and we ran into each other,”
The brunet nodded, “Uhm… I am sorry,”
Felix left quickly.
He felt horrible.
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