Felix sniffled and wiped his eyes.
“It'll be fine,” Hyunjin said softly.
“You leave tomorrow,” Felix muttered.
Hyunjin pulled Felix closer and pressed a kiss on his forehead.
“We'll be fine. It is just a few years and then I'll be back for your graduation,”
This was not what either of them wanted.
“I'm not sure about the seasons though,”
“I thought you like seasons,”
“I do, but I don't know. I wasn't expecting to be accepted into that many universities,” Felix said.
Hyunjin hummed.
“Are you busy?”
“Uh, no,” Hyunjin answered.
“A little, but it is fine. What was your Lsat score?”
“Like 178 or something,” Felix muttered.
Hyunjin stopped what he was doing and actually held his phone, “178 or something? Felix that is literally almost a perfect score,”
“Elle Woods got a 179,”
“Elle Woods is a fictional character. Angel, why didn't you tell me earlier I would've like sent you something or something of the sort,”
“You've been busy I didn't want to bother you with it,”
“You can never bother me with something like that,” Hyunjin stated.
“I called you to help me choose a law school,” Felix said.
“NYU or Stanford,”
“Why those two?”
“Stanford is arguably one of the best law schools and NYU has seasons and you would be near Shuhua and Soojin. I would go with Stanford though,”
Felix hummed.
“I think I may go with… either Stanford or Upenn,” he said.
“Ah, okay… Angel, I have to go. Text me when you land in Oxford, okay?” Hyunjin said.
“I will,”
“Okay, I love you, be careful,”
Felix smiled a little, “I love you,”
Hyunjin sighed as they hung up.
“Who was that? Your partner?”
“Uh, no, a… friend,” Hyunjin said.
The man tilted his head, “That didn’t sound convincing at all,”
“He…” Hyunjin trailed off, “He is someone who I love in the romantic way, but we aren't together, because we want to wait until we are back in the same place,”
“That seems messy,”
“I'm saying, he is in the states and you're across the country, there is no telling what could happen. I mean he could go to law school and find someone and forget about you because you're not there,” James said.
Hyunjin pursed his lips. Yes, he knew that was a possibility, but he also believed that that wouldn't happen. They loved each other and that was what mattered.
“It wouldn't happen,” Hyunjin stated.
“Just keep in mind that you are going to three weddings this month and a vow renewal while you wait for your lover boy,”
“Ah, lix!” Yuqi squealed, tackling Felix into a hug.
Felix laughed and hugged her back.
“It has been too long! I missed you!”
“I was just here for winter break,” Felix said.
“I know but it has been too long! Jisung and Minho got you for spring and I wanted to visit but I got so busy with the wedding I couldn't come,” Yuqi said, standing up properly.
“Four weddings this month. Yours, Jeongin and Seungmin's, Yeji and Ryujin's, then I am Hyunjin's date to Mika and Hiraya's vow renewal,”
“Sounds busy,”
“It is,” Felix stated.
“I won't be at Seungmin and Jeongin's wedding sadly. They understand and I bought them their gift already, a nice trip to Jeju,”
“Yeah, they told me. Thankfully, Yeji and Ryujin's wedding is relatively low-key. They are getting married at city hall which is strictly family and then we are going to the beach which is also just family,”
“So you are family?” Yuqi questioned, wiggling her brows.
“He and I are still just friends, Yuqi,” Felix told her.
“Okay, okay,”
“I have to text him, tell him I am here,”
Felix pulled out his phone.
Landed in oxford
With Yuqi
“If you guys don't date soon I am going to set you up with a friend of mine,” Yuqi stated.
“Yuqi, he and I are waiting. We just want to be in the same time zone for longer than a month to begin dating,”
Yuqi sighed, “I just want you to be happy,”
“I am, I promise,”
He really was happy. Even if it would be a while before he and Hyunjin dated.
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