Felix fixed the bow of the present and sighed.
“Hyunjin, we need to leave or we are going to be late,”
“Sorry, my hair was not cooperating,” Hyunjin said, walking out.
The older's hair was pulled back into a small ponytail.
“Again with the shirt and the buttons, we are going to a wedding not a bar,” Felix stated.
“In my defence the buttons actually stop there,”
Felix hummed.
“Are you jealous that people are going to see this much skin?” Hyunjin teased.
“Nope, however, I would like to remind you that it is snowing outside and we are taking a horse drawn carriage to the reception,” Felix reminded.
Hyunjin pursed his lips.
He forgot about that.
“Ah, why did Jisung and Minho choose to have a winter wedding,”
“Because they went on their first date on the first snow and they got engaged in the winter time. Also I think they might've thought that all their guests would know to dress warmer than a half buttoned shirt,”
“I should have remembered when you put on the turtle neck,”
“Too late now, we need to leave,”
Hyunjin huffed and shrugged on his coat, he would just have to deal.
“I still don't see why they decided to have the wedding in Seoul and not in the states,” Hyunjin muttered.
“Technically they are already married, this is just a little show thing for family and friends,” Felix said.
“Right, because their families couldn't fly in for the city hall thing,”
The blond nodded.
The two left the hotel.
“How are you feeling?” Hyunjin questioned.
Felix hummed and messed with the bow on the present, “Unwilling to face the reality that one of my best friends is married and another is engaged,”
“Do you want to get married?”
“Ah, Hyunjin, if you are going to propose, don't do it on the way to our friends wedding,” Felix said.
Hyunjin chuckled.
“Trust me, if I were to propose it would be much, much, more romantic than in a car on the way to a wedding,”
“That would be nice to see one day,”
“Maybe one day,” Hyunjin said softly.
“I love you, but what is going on with you and Hyunjin?” Yuqi asked, pulling Felix away from the small crowd.
“Babe, finally you are away from people. What is going on between you and Hyunjin?” Jisung asked, walking up to the two.
“Exactly, what I was saying,” Yuqi stated, brushing out her dress with her hand.
“Guys, we are just friends,” Felix stated.
“Friends? The way he has been all over you says otherwise. Hands on your hips and waist, whispering so close to your ear that his lips just barely touch you,” Jisung said.
Yuqi nodded, “And his constant fetching of drinks for you, unprompted. I mean I half expect you two to make out,”
“Guys, we are just friends. Yes, we know about each other's feelings but between him leaving in a few months and me not being ready as well as going to law school, we are just staying friends,” Felix told them.
Jisung and Yuqi pouted.
“But…” the woman trailed off.
Felix turned around giving Hyunjin a small smile, “Yeah?”
“Can I have a dance?” Hyunjin asked.
The blond smiled a little wider, “That would be lovely,”
Yuqi and Jisung watched Felix and Hyunjin walk to the dance floor.
“I hope everything works out between them,” Jisung whispered.
“Only time will tell…” Yuqi muttered.
Only time could tell…
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