Felix took a deep breath as he woke up, eyes fluttering as he adjusted to the light.
Hyunjin's arm was wrapped tightly around his waist holding him close.
Clothes were thrown about the room and his books were long forgotten on the floor.
Everything was peaceful. It was perfect.
It was perfect.
Soft kisses being placed on his shoulder dragged Felix from his thoughts.
“Stop thinking about it,” Hyunjin said softly against the blond's shoulder.
Felix adjusted to lay on his back. One if Hyunjin's arms under his shoulders.
“I can't,” Felix whispered.
Hyunjin leaned down and kissed Felix, the cold metal of the necklace Hyunjin wore all the time touching Felix's chest.
“We'll figure it out, angel,”
Felix pursed his lips.
He wanted to believe that. He wanted to believe that they would eventually figure it out, but it was hard to believe that.
“I should get up… I have class in an hour,” Felix muttered.
“Do you want me to drive you?” Hyunjin questioned.
“No, it is fine. I am going to take my bike,”
Hyunjin nodded.
“I'll see you when I get back,” The blond said.
“I have a study group, going to be out late tonight,”
Felix pulled on Hyunjin's shirt, “Study group? This early in the year?”
Hyunjin sighed with a nod, “The professor has decided to give us a weekly test and it is a headache. So, a few of us started a study group,”
Felix hummed.
“Well, if I am not asleep I'll see you when you get back,” the younger said.
The brunet nodded and grabbed his pants.
Once Hyunjin left the room, Felix let out a breath.
He didn't know what to do. There were few times where he felt uncertain and right now this was one of those moments.
He loved Hyunjin so much, but he wasn't ready to be in a relationship, and what happens when he is ready for the relationship in however long?
It'll be too late and how long were they going to wait?
“And he's not ready?”
Hyunjin shook his head, “He isn't and I don't want to push him,”
“But what happens when you leave? I mean that is happening in what seven months? I mean you are practically getting on a plane the day after graduation,” Gowon stated.
“I know and it sucks, but there isn't really anything either of us can do, the situation isn't easy,”
The woman pursed her lips, “Are you…” she paused trying to figure out how to word it, “I mean, you leave he stays, you guys can't just pine for each other until you see each other again,”
“I'm not trying to be mean, I just think it is something that should be thought about. You guys are going to be apart for six years and there is no guarantee of the future.
I mean you're going to be travelling and he is going to be studying, so there is no set in stone promise that you'll always be in contact,” she stated.
Hyunjin pursed his lips.
“Look, I've met Felix and he is really sweet, so I understand why you fell for him and why you seemingly just want to hold on to him. However, you both need to look at this pragmatically.
If he isn't ready to date and neither of you are willing to do long distance, then what is there left to do? Are you both going to wait however long just so you can date? The amount of chances both of you are going to miss out on because you waited isn't going to be small,” Gowon stated.
Hyunjin looked at his book. The woman was right.
If they did wait, what would they be missing out on?
“Felix, all I am saying is look at it from a different point of view,”
“I know, it isn't ideal, but still,”
Yeosang pursed his lips, “It is more than not ideal, Felix, he leaves in seven months. I get you aren't ready to be in a relationship and I get you don't want to do long distance, but you can pine for him for years.
You'll let so many chances slip by you if you do that and that isn't fair to yourself,”
“Yeosang, I love him and I don't find this easy to deal with, but I don't want to just give on it so easily,”
“I know, but babe, there is going to come a point where you might have to,”
Felix bit his lip.
That time wouldn't come, right?
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