Everyone had noticed the shift between Hyunjin and Felix. It was obvious that the two had made up.
From the way Felix made Hyunjin film random dance challenges to the way the two would sit at the grand piano in the sun room just playing random keys until they found a melody they liked.
It was different. Not just in the sense that they made up, but it almost seemed like maybe they were sure about something.
“So, do you think you are going to take the job?” Felix asked.
Hyunjin hummed and glanced at Felix, “Honestly, I don’t know, it is a six year thing and I don’t know. I wouldn’t have much time to visit over the years,”
“All I ask is that you send lots of postcards and that you come to my law school graduation,”
“And that would be when?” Hyunjin asked.
“If I stay on track which I do plan on doing I will be graduating from law school in five years,”
The older nodded, “If I accept I will definitely put it in my contract that I have to go to your graduation,”
Felix smiled and went back to his book, only to get a sweater tossed at him.
“Rude,” he muttered.
“I can hear your teeth chattering from here,” Hyunjin stated.
“I can’t help it, between the temperature outside and the way Chan keeps this place colder than the arctic, I am freezing,” Felix put on the sweater pulling it close to him.
Hyunjin watched fondly for a moment, before it was interrupted.
“Hey, Chan finally figured out how to light the bonfire,” Minnie said.
“Okay, we’ll be out in a minute,” Felix said.
Minnie nodded and left the two.
Hyunjin stood up first and held his hand out for Felix. “Ready for some possibly burnt marshmallows?”
Felix took his hand and stood up, “They’ll only burn if you or jisung cook them,”
The older rolled his eyes, but intertwined their hands and began to walk outside.
“Finally the lovebirds join us,” Minho stated.
“Haha, nice joke,” Felix said.
“Well all you two do is stay by each other,” Jisung said.
“Okay, but to be fair to them they are actually just friends. If they weren’t I would know,” Yuqi stated matter-of-factly.
“She has you there Jisung,” Hyunjin said sitting down next to Felix.
“Blah, blah, who cares, hand me some marshmallows I want s’mores,” Seungmin stated.
Changbin gave Jeongin a bag of marshmallows.
“Ah, I can’t believe it is the last week of summer,” Shuhua sighed.
“I know… It sucks,” Jisung pouted.
“After tomorrow everyone will be getting ready to move,” Soojin said.
Jeongin pursed his lips, “Speaking of…” He trailed off looking at Seungmin.
“Uh, I got contacted by a place and they offered me a job, but I told them I would only do it if Jeongin could come with me, so we are moving to Belgium,” Seungmin said
“Yeah, I am going to finish what I have left of my schooling to become a teacher and from there we might be moving again,” Jeongin said.
“I guess Hyunjin and I are the only ones not moving,” Felix said with a small chuckle.
It hurt a lot, all the changes, going from seeing people you care about everyday to possibly only on breaks.
“Well, then I think we should all have a drink, just a shot because we are all going to be driving in a little,” Chan said getting up.
“A shot to one last fun night together,” Soyeon stated
Chan went into the house.
A few minutes later he came out with a jar and shot glasses.
“Apparently we only have vodka,” he said, handing everyone a glass.
“To one last fun night together,” Felix said.
They all downed the shot. Some of them grimaced at the slight burn.
The night came to an end and everyone was packing into their cars. Most of every one planned on driving back without stopping, Hyunjin and Felix would be stopping due to their being only on driver.
“Chan it is out and all the lights are off, we have to get on the road,” Changbin said.
“Okay, okay, you guys be careful driving, Changbin will probably be driving when you guys stop, so text me,” Chan said
“We will, you go before Changbin drags you off,” Felix said.
Chan nodded, “Okay, I’ll see you guys,”
Once Chan left, Hyunjin tugged Felix to their car.
“So, are you going to sleep?” Hyunjin asked.
“No, we are going to start watching Gilmore Girls,” Felix said.
“Sounds like a plan. Actually, before we leave, I wanted to ask you about something,”
“We’re switching rooms. Yuqi’s room has the good bathroom,”
Hyunjin tilted his head confused, “How?”
“I overheard you and Yuqi talking,” Felix told him.
“I thought you were still sleeping,” the older said.
Felix shrugged, “I was until you got up and took all the warmth with you,”
“So all those times you fell asleep next to me?”
“Simply because you let off a lot of warmth which makes it perfect to fall asleep,” The blond told him with a small nod.
Hyunjin nodded. He really should have realised sooner.
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