“Can I open my eyes now?” Felix questioned impatiently.
“Just hold a minute, let me park,” Hyunjin said.
The younger sighed, keeping his eyes closed, even if he wanted to peek.
The car stopped and Hyunjin hummed, “Hm, I think I'll just have you keep your eyes closed for all of dinner,” he said.
“Hyunjin,” Felix exasperated.
The older chuckled, “Okay. You can open your eyes, but keep in mind we are in a confined space and while your voice is deep, you can be loud,”
Felix's neck to the tips of his ear were bright red at the comment. After collecting his composure for a moment, he opened his eyes.
“Hyunjin, no…” he was in disbelief.
“I remember you talking about how when you were little you wanted to come here and how you regret not doing it the summer before your freshman year. I thought now is as good as any since we are in the area,” Hyunjin said.
“Hyunjin, it cost way too much,” Felix stated.
“Angel, there is no price too high to see you smile, so let go it and enjoy it and maybe get some souvenirs,”
“I will say yes to the going it and enjoying part, but the souvenirs part, no, because this is already a lot,”
Hyunjin took off his seatbelt and hummed, “I make no promises,” he said getting out of the car.
Felix huffed and got out too. The two walked towards the castle-like building.
“Welcome, to medieval times, tickets, please,”
As Hyunjin pulled out his phone to show her the tickets, Felix looked around.
The place was giant and there were a lot of people. A mix of families, friends, and couples.
“Come on,” Hyunjin said, tugging on Felix's hand softly.
Felix followed Hyunjin. The area for souvenirs was open and it led to two other places.
“Here, before I forget,” Hyunjin put a lanyard on Felix.
Felix looked at it his eyes widening a little, “We could have just gone with regular seating,”
The older shrugged, “I know but is seemed cool to be closer to the arena area,”
Felix chuckled a little.
“Okay, come on, let's go see what they have,” Hyunjin stated, interlacing their hands.
The two walked over to the glass counter to look at all the different items. It ranged from small figures to fake and real swords.
“Everything is so pretty,” Felix said softly.
“Look it is you,” Hyunjin stated, pointing at a small fairy figure. It had blue wings and blonde hair.
“No it's not,”
Hyunjin nodded, “It even has your freckles,”
“I thought I was an angel?” Felix questioned looking at Hyunjin.
“Oh yeah, you are. You're my angel, but everyone else calls you a fairy or pixie,” Hyunjin said seriously.
Felix could feel his cheeks heating up.
“How long have you two been a couple?”
Felix jumped slightly hearing the old woman's voice.
She was smiling sweetly as she looked at Hyunjin and Felix.
“Huh? Oh, we aren't a couple,” Hyunjin said.
The woman tilted her head confused, but she kept her smile and nodded, “Right. Can I help with anything?” she asked.
“I'll be right back, “ Felix said, quickly heading towards the bathrooms.
Hyunjin pursed his lips.
“Uh, can I have that figure and one of those crowns in blue?” He asked.
The woman nodded and grabbed the two things.
“So are you two really not dating?”
Hyunjin shook his head, “Just friend,”
She hummed, “But you like him?”
“Ah, is it that obvious?” Hyunjin questioned with a chuckle.
“Only to the three blind mice from Shrek,” she stated.
Hyunjin nodded and looked over the necklaces.
“If you like him and he likes you, why aren't you two together?”
“Timing, I suppose. I would love to be with him, but timing won't allow, so for now until the time is right, I will be by his side,” Hyunjin said, handing the woman a necklace to wrap up with the other things.
She nodded, “Just remember, don't wait too long,”
Hyunjin nodded and paid for the things.
“I was gone for like five minutes,” Felix said as he walked up.
“I only bought a couple things,” Hyunjin stated.
Felix rolled his eyes, a smile still on his face.
The woman handed Hyunjin the bag, “Have a nice time,”
The two said thank you and walked a little bit away from the counter.
“So what did you get?” Felix asked.
“Just a couple things that I liked,” Hyunjin said, opening the bag.
Felix nodded and watched Hyunjin pull out a tiara.
The ravent wasted no time placing it on the blond's head. It sat perfectly, even as Felix laughed a little.
“It looks perfect,” Hyunjin said softly.
“Thank you,” Felix said.
“For what?”
“Just for this. It is fun and we haven't even gotten to dinner,”
Hyunjin held back a smile, “Like I said there probably isn't anything I wouldn't do to see you smile,”
Felix smiled.
“Hanging out with you always makes me smile,” Felix stated.
“That is cheesy,” Hyunjin said.
“Oh, please you always say cheesy things,”
“No, I don't,”
Felix shook his head, “Yeah, okay,”
Hyunjin smiled.
He wished he could just freeze this moment in time.
For reference this is the type of crown/tiara Hyunjin bought
I actually have two one made of cloth and another made of metal. I unfortunately don't remember where I left them.
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