“Finally, we are here,” Felix groaned.
Hyunjin chuckled and pulled their suitcases out of the trunk, “So, quick plan. We check in, drop our suitcases in our rooms and head to dinner,” He suggested.
Felix tilted his head, “Dinner this early?”
“We have to get there a bit earlier due to the place,”
“Okay, that sounds like a plan then,” Felix said.
“Lixie,” Jisung called out.
Felix looked at Jisung, “Yes?”
“There is someone here to see you,”
The blond tilted his head and walked over to Jisung. A bright smile over-taking his features seeing who it was.
“What are you doing here? I thought you were in California,” he said.
Hyunjin walked over to see who Felix was talking to.
It wasn't anyone he recognised, but it was someone who Felix must've known really well considering how close they were.
“I was, but I heard about the road trip and I thought I'd link up with you guys,”
“I've missed you! You need to call more often,” Felix stated.
“I will, I promise, but for now introduce me to your friends. I know Jisung, Chan, Yuqi, and Soyeon, but that is it,” The man said.
“Right! The person Jisung is hanging off of like a koala is his fiancee Minho. The person next to Chan is his boyfriend Changbin.
Seungmin and Jeongin are inside. Seungmin has puppy- like features and Jeongin has fox-like features. That is Miyeon, Minnie, and Shuhua,” Felix said.
“It is nice to meet you all I am Yeosang,”
“It is good to see you again Yeosang,” Chan said.
“Lix, we should go check in,” Hyunjin said.
“Hm? Oh, right! Yes, we should,” Felix said.
“Oh, who are you?” Yeosang asked.
“Uh, Yeosang, this is Hyunjin,” Felix said.
Yeosang raised a brow, “It is nice to meet you Hyunjin. You know, how about we all go out to dinner? My treat,” he said.
“Ah, we have plans that we actually start getting ready to go to,” Felix told him.
The man nodded, “Well, you and I, when you get back should catch-up,”
“We will, I promise. I'll see you when we get back,”
With a quick hug, Felix walked over to Hyunjin.
The two checked in and went to their rooms. They had maybe thirty minutes before they absolutely needed to leave.
Blue ripped jeans with your white knit sweater under that a plain tee, and your converse.
The platforms not the normal ones
I didn't get to even ask
It is a gift
Busywith Mim
Felix rolled his eyes and turned his phone off.
Unzipping his suitcase, he pulled out the clothes Jisung suggested. He had to admit that the outfit was really nice.
It was the perfect mix of soft and cute, but it also was comfy and depending on where they were going it would keep Felix warm if it was cold.
He pulled on his shoes just as there was a knock on the door. Once he collected his things, he glanced in the mirror, then answered the door.
Hyunjin was standing there, with a soft smile on his lips. His hair was pulled back into a half up, up-do.
He was wearing a white knit vest with jeans and converse.
“You look nice,” Hyunjin said softly.
“Thank you. You do too,” Felix said.
“So, are you ready to go?”
Felix hummed, “Yup, I just need to finish the laundry, and find my keys,”
Hyunjin tilted his head, “What?”
“Gilmore Girls reference,”
“Never heard of it,”
Felix looked at Hyunjin in disbelief, “You have never heard of Gilmore Girls?”
“Nope,” Hyunjin said.
“Lorelei and Rory Gilmore, the iconic mom and daughter duo. They have their faults, and messy relationships. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll get upset,” Felix said exiting his room.
Hyunjin chucked and pulled the door closed, “Sounds like I am missing something,”
“Oh, you are, so tomorrow in the last ten hours of our trip we will be listening to it,”
“Hm, maybe I should take Seungmin and Jeongin up on their offer of switching,” Hyunjin joked.
Felix pursed his lips, “Or we can just listen to music,”
Hyunjin bit his inner cheek. He didn't think Felix would take that to heart.
“Ah, angel, I was just joking. I would love to listen to Gilmore Girls with you,”
“Really?” Felix questioned.
“Yes, there is nothing g I would rather do more, then spend ten hours with you listening to a show you love,” Hyunjin stated seriously.
Felix smiled and laughed a little.
Hyunjin couldn't help but smile a little too.
He doesn't think he'd ever find it in him to move on.
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