Hotel arrangements. Hotel arrangements were the bane of Felix right now or maybe the professors hated Felix.
Because how in the world did he and Hyunjin end up paired together?
The two were quiet as they walked down the corridor to their room.
To be honest, it could be worse. They were in a room with two full beds, it would be fine.
Felix's life was a joke. A horribly written romance book. A horribly produced romance movie. It was just something.
A king sized bed sat in the middle of the room. One bed.
One bed.
Nope, Felix wasn't going to do this.
“I am sorry sir, we have now other rooms available,” the man said on the phone.
Felix sighed, “Okay, thank you for checking,”
He put the phone on the dock.
“They have no other rooms?”
“Nope. A wedding party plus a school trip, so you know,” Felix said.
“Okay, then I'll just sleep on the couch,” Hyunjin said.
“No, it is fine. I am just confused on how they messes up,”
“Felix, I don't want you to be uncomfortable,”
Felix looked at the older, “It's not like we haven't shared a bed before. I'll be fine,”
Hyunjin nodded.
“Felix, can I ask you a question?”
The blond hummed.
“How did you fall for Micah so fast?” Hyunjin asked.
Felix pursed his lips and his eyes downcast.
“It is funny how the heart can be deceiving more than just a few times. Desire. The desire to want to, to be wanted and the desire to want to be somebody for someone.
But you know, where desire is, there is a flame and someone will always get burned,”
Hyunjin sat on the bed near Felix, “Desire isn't a bad thing though,”
“Of course not, everyone has desires, but those desires… they have gotten me into bad situations,” Felix said.
“Even those desires aren't bad. Everyone has desires like that. The desire of wanting to be wanted isn't new nor bad, it is the people who take advantage of that desire who are.
While sometimes they may not do it purposefully, it can lead to bad situations,”
“But after so many times of it happening you can start to think that it is bad to have that desire,”
Hyunjin pressed his lips together and nodded.
“I am sorry about what happened after the auction,” Felix said.
“It is fine,”
“Not really. I pushed you about that whole thing and you just did the same. I get a little too defensive about it sometimes,”
Hyunjin took a breath, “To be honest, you are right about it. I put on a facade, it is easier that way, because with it I don't have to admit that there are certain emotions I can't run from,”
“Sometimes, some emotions are just too much and we just need a way to hide them so we put on a mask,” Felix said.
Hyunjin was going to say something, but Felix's phone began to ring.
Yuqi's contact flashed on the screen, without hesitation Felix answered.
A smile instantly on his lips as he did, “Hey babe,”
Hyunjin just looked at Felix.
He just wanted to know him. Not the Felix that the blond put on for show even with Yuqi, but the real him.
The good, the bad, and the ugly. He just wanted to know him, even if it took ten years.
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