A little over a hundred students were on this trip and they are college students. You'd expect them to be responsible.
For the most part you'd be right, a good lot of the students were being responsible. A handful of them, though, had decided to buy alcoholic beverage after alcoholic beverage.
Unfortunately for Felix, he was sat next to this group.
“Are you sure you don't want me to get you a drink, Felix?” Hyunjin asked.
“Yup,” he muttered, continuing to write in his journal.
Hyunjin pursed his lips and glanced over a few words in the journal.
“You write a lot,” Hyunjin mentioned while taking a drink of his whisky.
“I know,”
“What do you write about?”
“Just stuff,” Felix mumbled.
“Hyunjin,” a woman called out.
“What is stuff?” Hyunjin asked.
Felix stopped writing and looked at Hyunjin, “Belle called you and it isn't polite to ignore people,”
Hyunjin nodded and turned to Belle and Felix went back to writing in his journal.
Half way through the flight, Hyunjin and Natty switched seats.
“It's not love, it's just a new distraction,”
Natty hummed and rested her chin on her palm.
“I guess, but you know maybe it would be a good thing,” she said.
“Marrying Silas? Girl, you can do so much better than settling for him,” Felix stated.
“I mean I know I maybe could, but what if I can't? I mean marrying him is something stable and all he wants from me is to stay home,”
“Why is it that you think it'd be a good idea?”
Natty hummed, “I just think maybe it would be better. Yeah, I am working towards my astrophysics degree, but I am a woman in Science. How many people will take me seriously?
I mean look at our science department at least 75% of the department are men and none of them ever take me seriously. So maybe it would be better to just settle,” she said.
“It will always be your choice, if you want to continue your degree or if you want to marry Silas. However, if you are asking my opinion, I think we need more women in science.
Take the world by a storm and make them listen to you, because you are brilliant and no-one should ever say otherwise,”
“I just don't want to miss the chance of finding the one you know?”
Felix nodded, “Finding the one can take years though. I mean you could find the one ten years from now,”
“Have you ever thought of what it would be like to I don't know be someone's kryptonite? Like they just look at you, all thoughts go away and you are just everything to them.
They would travel hours just to make sure you were okay. They would do things for you unprompted. They would just want you, the good, the bad, and the ugly,”
Felix smiled. Who wouldn't want that?
Time and time again, Felix had thought he found that, but he never did.
“I gave up on that. To be honest, after my experiences I don't think there is “the one” for me,” Felix said softly.
The younger shook her head, disagreeing, “Like you said, it could take you ten years to find “the one” and you may find that “the one” is someone right in front of you.
Experiences can help you figure out things. What you like in a relationship and what you like in that area. It is all just one giant learning experience, which is scary, but something necessary. You can never just find “the one” off the bat,”
Maybe Felix would find “the one”, even if it took ten years.
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