Tw: abuse (not detailed), destruction of property
Felix jumped slightly as his phone was thrown across the room. He was sure the screen would be shattered.
“Micah, it was just a call,”
“Really? Was it?” Micah questioned.
The blond nodded.
“Why would he call you, Felix? What other reason is there for him to call you other than a hookup?”
“He was just worried. He heard about mine and Yuqi's argument, and wanted to make sure I was okay,” Felix told him.
“I don't want you talking to him again. Him and Yuqi are no good for you,”
Felix nodded, “I won't talk to them, I promise,”
Micah left the room.
Felix tried to relax his shoulder, but couldn't. Getting up from the bar chair, he went over and grabbed his phone.
The screen was shattered and bits of glass were missing.
He sat on the couch and tossed his phone to the side. He hugged his legs as he pulled them to his chest.
Yuqi would be upset and disappointed if she knew what was happening.
Felix leaned his head back and closed his eyes.
He wanted so badly to believe that Micah wasn't that bad, but he forgot to make sure he'd be safe if things did get bad.
“How'd I let myself get here again…?” He whispered as if expecting an answer.
“Yuqi wake up,” Soyeon said, shaking her lover awake.
Yuqi groaned and opened her eyes. Soyeon's blinding light of a phone was on and lighting up the room.
“Gee, Yeon, turn your brightness down,”
“Love, Felix just messaged me,”
The ravenette was wide awake now.
“What? What did he say?”
Yuqi took the phone and looked at the message.
“He sent this two hours ago…”
“What time is it in New York right now?” Soyeon asked.
“3 in the morning,” Yuqi said, grabbing her phone.
“What are you doing? Do you know what this message means?”
“After an incident at a club, we came up with a code word I. Case one of us was in trouble, it was Maple. We only use it in real emergencies,”
“But isn't he there with… oh…”
Yuqi pressed the phone to her ear and bit her lip hoping the other would answer.
“I know it is probably late, but are you still in New York?... Can you do me a favour?... I am going to send you an address. Can you go there and pick up my friend?”
“Yeah, it is Felix… Bring them, I don't know what the situation is… Thank you, I owe you,”
Yuqi hung up and let out a sigh. Tears welled in her eyes.
“Hey, he'll be fine. He is Felix,”
Yuqi held Soyeon tight as the older hugged her.
That is what she was worried about.
Her rings scratched the door as she knocked on the door. A sweet smile on her face as the door opened.
“Where is he?”
The woman moved past the tall male and glanced around. The place was a mess.
Pillows on the floor, glass shattered, it didn't look good.
“Where is he?” She asked.
“Who even are you?”
“You don't need to know. Now where is Felix?”
“Not your business,” The man said.
“There are two police officers outside waiting for a reason to escort you to jail, if there is a hair misplaced on Felix I will make your life a living hell. Now, Micah Johnson, where is Felix? Or shall I call Nathlia and have her make you tell me where he is?”
Micah was as pale as a piece of paper.
“Back room,”
The woman smiled, “Thank you. Don't think about leaving the police will arrest you if you do, now that would be another thing you would need to explain to Nathlia,”
She walked away rushing to the back room.
When she opened the door she let out a small breath of relief, but her heart tightened seeing some bruises.
Walking over she carefully woke Felix up.
The younger flinched away. He was so tense.
“It is just me, lix. It is just Nayeon,”
Felix relaxed a little, “What are you doing here?”
“Yuqi called me. She sounded so worried. I came as fast as I could,”
The blond hugged her.
“Thank you,”
Nayeon hugged him a little tighter.
“Don't thank me yet, love, this isn't just going to get by like nothing. Get your stuff, you are staying with me tonight,” Nayeon stated.
Felix nodded and let her go.
He was thankful he didn't unpack. Getting off the bed he grabbed his suitcase and the bag of dirty clothes he had.
He reached for his phone but Nayeon stopped him.
“When did your phone break?”
“Micah, he threw it after he heard me on the phone with Hyunjin,” Felix said.
Nayeon took her phone out and took a picture of it then of the room.
She walked into the bathroom and took a picture of the broken mirror and glass on the floor.
“Come on,” Nayeon gently grabbed Felix's hand and began to lead him out of the room.
“Micah James!” A woman's voice boomed.
An older woman was standing there with Micah. She looked furious.
She shook her head. Her eyes caught Felix's and her whole demeanour softened.
“I sincerely apologise for my son and all he has done. He will be facing the proper repercussions for his actions. I thought I raised him to be better than his father, however, it seems I was mistaken.
Please send any hospital bills to my office and I will pay them. Again, I am sorry for all he has put you and Jamie through,”
Felix gave her a soft smile even though it hurt a little.
“Thank you, but I hope no legal action needs to happen. I just hope he gets what he needs to help himself,” Felix said.
“You are too kind, but in this circumstance I have to differ. He laid his on you and I will not let that pass. You should go now though, make sure to go to the hospital. Nayeon, thank you for calling me,”
Nayeon nodded, “It is a call I hope to never make again Nathalia. We should get to hospital now,”
Nayeon pulled Felix out, holding him close as they passed Micah.
When they got in the car Felix let out a breath.
He needed to call Yuqi as soon as possible.
“Yuqi is meeting us at the hospital. Her and Soyeon just landed,”
Felix pressed his palms into his eyes, tears falling.
“Felix, she isn't upset or disappointed. She is scared,”
His arms fell to his sides.
“She should be disappointed. I didn't listen to her and now look at what is happening,”
Nayeon reached over and held Felix's hand.
“What matters to her is you being safe and now you are,”
Felix nodded.
He was safe now and that is what mattered. That is all that mattered, right now.
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