Felix entered his flat in a rush. He cannot believe he did that. In the science lab of all places.
“Felix? Are you okay?” Yuqi asked cautiously.
The blond looked at the redhead.
“I have a confession to make. The person I was seeing three times a week for nearly a month was Hyunjin,”
Yuqi's mouth fell open and her eyes widened. Then there was clattering.
Felix looked to the kitchen, Soyeon was standing there, a spoon on the floor in front of her, with a similar expression.
“You and Hyunjin were sleeping together? I thought you weren't going to sleep with him again?” Yuqi questioned.
“At the time I meant it and then I went to that dinner and he was there, things happened and we had an arrangement, but that isn't all,”
“That isn't all? I mean you slept with Hyunjin, what more could there be?” Soyeon asked, picking up her spoon.
“I just made out with him in the science,”
Neither woman said anything for a moment.
“How- why- huh?” Yuqi questioned.
“Is that what the marks on your neck are from?” Soyeon asked, stepping a little closer.
“Okay, hold on, we need to back the hell up,” Yuqi stated.
It took three hours to explain everything to Yuqi and Soyeon. Well, not everything.
“So did you and Micah actually sleep together?” Soyeon asked.
“No, but I sure as hell wasn't going to give Hyunjin the satisfaction of knowing that," Felix said.
“And why would he have satisfaction in knowing Micah and you haven't slept together?” Yuqi asked.
Felix pursed his lips trying to figure out a way to explain it without it being too much information.
“He is just cocky and he'd say something about him and I sleeping together and I just don't want to give him that,”
Yuqi was still confused, “Okay, but that still doesn't make sense,”
“I don't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing Micah and I didn't sleep together, because he is right. Besides Minho, Jisung, and Chan, he has been the best sex I have ever had and even out of the four he is on top, because he did all the right things and then some,” Felix told her.
“Oh, gross,” Yuqi said, making a face.
“So what are you going to do now? I mean are you going to start up the arrangement again or are you not?” Soyeon asked.
Felix shrugged, “I don't know… I don't think I want to start up that arrangement again and I don't think he and I will be able to be friends there is too much tension there regarding stuff and what happened today can't keep happening,”
“You're starting something with Micah,” Yuqi said.
Felix looked surprised. How did she know? Sure the older had been picking him up and dropping him off at campus, but that wasn't exactly conducive to starting to date.
“How did you…?”
“I can see it in the way you were talking about it all. You are nervous about being friends with Hyunjin, any other situation outside of beginning to date someone, you wouldn't be nervous, in fact you'd be interested,”
Felix pursed his lips.
“Ah, Lix, I'd be careful. I know it should be taken with a grain of salt, but there were rumours among the press about Jamie and Micah, and they weren't just about Jamie,” Soyeon mentioned.
Soyeon interned at a newspaper, so Felix wasn't too surprised that she heard stuff.
“What do you mean?” He questioned.
“Micah apparently wasn't sunshine and rainbows like people make him out to be. He had a temper and apparently he would direct a lot of that at Jamie.
According to talks from inside the house, it never got physical, never, but it was verbal and pretty bad. If you are starting something with him, be careful,”
Felix nodded. He hoped that they were just rumours, but a small part of him believed it.
Hyunjin groaned as he got up. He decided to stay with his sister for a bit and yeah, it was fun, but right now Yeji was out with her girlfriend, so he was alone.
Walking over to the door, he opened it. Standing there was a woman, her brown hair probably as long as his and her eyes widened in surprise seeing Hyunjin.
“Am I at the right house? I am looking for Yeji,” she said.
“Yeah, she is my sister. She's not here right now, but I can tell her you came by,”
The woman pursed her lips, “Just tell her to call me as soon as possible please,”
Before Hyunjin could nod, the woman was gone.
Odd, but he wouldn't question it.
It was another four hours before Yeji was home.
“So tired,” Yeji muttered.
Hyunjin hummed.
“What did you do today?”
“Nothing much,” Hyunjin mumbled.
Yeji raised a brow, “Ryujin proposed to me,”
“Cool, cool,”
It took a minute but Hyunjin's head snapped up from whatever he was looking at on his phone.
“Wait, what?”
“Finally. What is up with you?” Yeji questioned.
“Nothing, what do you mean?” Hyunjin asked.
The brunette took the phone and looked at the screen. Her brows shooting up.
“You are profile stalking my friend, why?”
Hyunjin snatched his phone back, “You know him?”
Yeji nodded, “He was in the cheer team of our rival school,”
Hyunjin doesn't remember that.
“Why are you stalking his profile on Instagram?” she asked.
“No reason. Anyways, a friend of yours came by earlier. She told me to tell you to call her, she didn't give me a name, but her hair was about the same length as mine and she had blue-ish eyes,”
“Oh, Jamie. Odd, she's been busy, so something must've happened,” Yeji muttered while grabbing her phone.
Hyunjin shrugged and went back to looking at Instagram.
“Hey, J, what's up?”
Yeji hummed with a small nod.
“Wait, Jamie, slow down. Are you sure they are seeing each other?”
Yeji stood up and went to the kitchen, leaving Hyunjin there alone.
“I'm not sure, but I've heard from a few people that they are,” Hyunjin could hear the woman from earlier say.
His sister sighed, “Jamie, this is a really difficult position to be put in,”
“Yeji, I know people, especially Felix, think I am a bitch for cheating on Micah, and I don't hold that against them and especially not him.
He knows me though I am not vindictive, I don't want revenge against him because the marriage ended. I do want to make sure he is safe,” Jamie said.
“J, I know that and he knows that, but it is Micah,” Yeji stated.
Jamie sighed, “Micah has some pretty big red flags that Felix tends to miss because he has those rose coloured glasses because Micah taught him for a bit and they got close.
I don't want him to be in a position that he can't find a way out of. I was put in that position and I only got out because Felix pretty much forced Weston's hand in telling Micah about the affair,”
Hyunjin stood up and grabbed his jacket, “Yeji, I am going to go pick up food, be back in a little,” he called out.
“Yeah, okay, see you,” Yeji said.
The brunet left the flat.
He hoped that Felix wouldn't shut the door in his face.
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