“Are you sure you're okay?” Micah asked, setting a mug of tea in front of Felix.
Felix nodded, “Thank you,”
Micah pursed his lips and sat next to Felix.
“I'm not Yuqi or Jisung, but I am always here to talk if you need it,”
The blond smiled a little and held the older's hand, “I just am having a bit of a day and Yuqi and I need a break from each other,” he said.
“Well, you are always welcome to stay,” Micah said, squeezing Felix's hand softly.
Felix smiled a little more at the gesture and glanced at his phone.
Can we meet up please?
He shut his phone down and set it aside. That wasn't something that he wanted to deal with right now.
Hyunjin sighed as he tossed his phone to the side.
This was stupid. Why did he care what Felix thought and why did he care about if he knew Felix or not?
He has had plenty of hookups in the past, so why was he worried about this?
Before a month and a half ago Felix was no one to him, he was someone his friends knew and he didn't care about.
Even now he didn't know Felix, so it didn't matter.
Grabbing his phone, he opened Felix's contact. He looked at it for a moment before he clicked on the three dots and blocked the younger's number.
All they had was a fling and it wasn't important.
It wasn't.
For days, Hyunjin would see Micah pick up and drop off Felix. He also noticed how Yuqi and Felix weren't exactly talking.
Neither him nor Felix had talked to each other in probably almost two weeks.
“You have a midterm today, you have to go,” Mingi stated.
Hyunjin rolled his eyes, “I don't really care if you haven't noticed,”
Mingi huffed. He was not in the mood to deal with Hyunjin and his tantrums today.
“I am going to say this once. Get your ass up and to your class. That position that was offered to you with Del Rosario galleries is dependent on you finishing school, so if you want it go take that damned midterm,”
Hyunjin stopped scrolling on his phone.
Mingi was right. It was dependent on him finishing school. So he had to go do it even if it meant he'd end up running into Felix.
Groaning, he shoved his phone in his pocket and got up.
The older smiled, “I'll see you in two hours,”
Hyunjin rolled his eyes and left.
This was stupid. He didn't even know why he cared at this point. What did it matter if he ran into Felix?
It isn't like they were friends or anything of the sort. They were just two people who had sex a few times.
It didn't matter and it never would.
Hyunjin walked into the science class and cursed at himself.
He was way too early. How did he know?
The only two people in the room were him and Felix, who was skillfully setting everything up.
With a sigh, he went in and sat in his seat.
It would be fine. They were both adults and they could act like it.
When Felix turned around and saw Hyunjin, he sighed.
He cursed at Mingi, because that was the only reason Hyunjin was this early.
Walking to the front of the class, he erased the whiteboard.
“You and Micah seem to be hitting it off pretty well,” Hyunjin broke the silence.
“There isn't much to hit off when I have known him for two years,” Felix stated.
“I mean I have just been seeing you guys around together more often than not. He is picking you up and dropping you off,”
“I have been staying with him for a bit,”
Hyunjin stood up and walked over to Felix, and helped erase the board.
“I thought you lived with Yuqi?”
Felix sighed and set the eraser down, “I do, but stuff happened and I am staying with Micah. Now, are you down with the interrogation?” He questioned.
Maybe, Felix was being a bit harsher than needed, but this wasn't something that he wanted to talk about, not with Hyunjin.
“I was interrogating you, I was just asking questions,” Hyunjin stated.
“Questions that are unnecessary, considering we aren't nor have ever been friends,”
Felix could see the way Hyunjin's jaw clenched.
Hyunjin set the eraser down and looked at Felix, “Right, we aren't. We are just two people who fucked around a little,”
The blond scoffed, “I am surprised you even remember considering how many people you get with. What is it a new person daily?”
“You know, I wonder angel, does he fuck you like I do, hm? Does he touch you in all the right places like I did? Does he know what you like or is that just for me to know?” Hyunjin questioned softly but a little harshly, his hand resting on Felix's hip and squeezing lightly.
There wasa short pause, before the tension between finally snapped and Hyunjin was pressed Felix against the white board kissing him.
The kiss was filled with a lot of things, pent-up frustration at each other, a little bit of general anger, then there was something else, something a little more possessive about the kiss.
From the way Hyunjin would slight nip and Felix's bottom lip a little too hard to the way the brunet had a strong grip on the blond's hips, it all seemed a little more possessive.
Felix pulled away, his chest going up and down fast even as Hyunjin kissed and nipped at his neck, surely leaving bruises.
Finally, Felix pushed Hyunjin's shoulders slightly and Hyunjin pulled away.
“I'm not yours, you don't get to be possessive over me,” Felix stated, moving away from Hyunjin.
“Who said I wanted you to be mine? And who said I am possessive over you?” Hyunjin questioned.
Felix clicked his tongue and grabbed his bag.
“He does fuck me better than you,” the blond said as he left the room.
Hyunjin scoffed.
Of course, they couldn't act like adults for at least ten minutes, because what was the point of that?
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