Felix couldn't get his mind away from last night which had become evident to everyone who knew him, well enough
“Felix, are you okay?” Jisung asked.
“Uh, yeah, just thinking,”
“Really? Because you have been fixing the one centerpiece for twenty minutes,” Minho mentioned.
Felix pressed his lips together, “Hypothetically, I am sleeping with someone. We have this arrangement that it is only sex and the obvious aftercare, but one of the times we went to do it, I technically safeworded.
He stopped and it got like really intimate. Like beyond aftercare or beyond helping with a sub-drop. It was like being intimate in a relationship,”
“Is there a question attached to this hypothetical situation?” Jisung asked.
“In this hypothetical what would it mean?” Felix asked.
“Well, it could mean that the hypothetical guy you are sleeping with is very caring or it could hypothetically mean this person likes you,” Minho said
Felix nodded.
“This is all hypothetically, though,”
“Is this a hypothetical?” Minho questioned.
“Yeah, I was just curious. It came up in one of my classes with a friend and I was just curious,” Felix said finishing the center piece.
Minho and Jisung were definitely curious, because it sounded like it was more than a hypothetical, but they wouldn't question it more.
“I have to go get ready for tonight. I will see you guys later!” Felix beamed running off.
“So what do you think? Is it a hypothetical?” Jisung asked his lover.
“Definitely not,” Minho said.
Jisung hummed, they would figure it out eventually.
“Hey, are you ready?” Seungmin asked, peeking his head into Hyunjin's room.
No, the older was in fact not ready to go.
“Really? You knew we had the function to get to,” Seungmin grumbled entering the room and taking the joint from Hyunjin.
Hyunjin huffed, “I don't want to do this. I don't see why Chan is having us do it,”
“Because Soyeon's sorority couldn't do it this year. Now, get your ass up and get dressed we have to be there in forty minutes and everyone is waiting for you,”
The brunet groaned and got up. He much rather be here or maybe in a hotel room with Felix.
Last night…
Hyunjin bit his lip thinking about it. It was softer than all the previous nights they had spent together.
Every touch and kiss was delicate and it felt nice in every way possible.
Shaking it off he changed into a suit, he wasn't fond of tonight's function, but he would deal, just for tonight and maybe tomorrow he could see Felix… in a non-sexual way.
“Are you okay?” Minho asked Hyunjin.
“Uh, hypothetically, if I were sleeping with someone a lot could I, you know, start developing feelings?” Hyunjin questioned.
Minho raised a brow, this sounds like a story he's heard before.
“Hypothetically, yes, you could, I mean you are doing something quite intimate with said person. Why do you ask though?”
The brunet shook his head, “No reason, I have to go to the bathroom really quick,”
Hyunjin scurried off as Seungmin walked up.
“Where is he going?” Seungmin questioned.
“Great, where is Felix?”
“I'm right here, sorry, I couldn't find my tie,” Felix said walking up.
“It is fine, you are up first so be ready,” the younger said.
Felix nodded and Seungmin walked on stage to the podium.
“Good evening and welcome to the annual dating auction. Now, normally the Royal Bloom sorority holds this, however, after an incident last year Evergreen fraternity has taken over for the time being.
Now, this year we have implemented a new rule, any touching that is not consensual will result in you being removed from the premises, that being said please keep all of your body parts to yourself.
I do have to remind, that one our dates tonight Minho Lee is in a committed relationship so if you are here hoping to start a relationship with him, I am sorry he is taken,”
“Yup, he's mine!” Jisung called out.
Seungmin sighed.
“Now to the dating auction, our first date up is Felix Lee, 20 years old, he is a pre-law student, rides a motorcycle, and according to our resident artist he looks like an angel, a date with him starts at 1,500,”
Felix's eyes widened hearing that.
That was a lot, but again it was for a good cause.
“2,000,” Soyeon called out, holding up her paddle.
Felix's eyes widened seeing who said that.
Silas smiled and gave Felix a wink.
“4,000,” Oh, great now Westson was here.
“Isn't that Felix's ex?” Minho questioned Chan.
“Isn't he married?” Chan asked.
“No, he and Jamie divorced, because Jamie was cheating with Wes,” Minho explained.
“Hey, what did I miss?” Hyunjin questioned.
“5,500,” Silas called out.
Hyunjin's brows drew together, bidding already started? Who was up there?
It took him a moment, but it finally clicked that it was Felix up there.
Felix was up there… Wait, why was Felix up there?
“Why is Felix up there?” Hyunjin asked.
“I asked him weeks ago to join,” Chan said.
Hyunjin pressed his lips together and nodded.
“6,700,” Wes said, his confidence wanning.
“Isn't the cap 10,000?” Minho asked.
Chan nodded, “But if they wanted they can go over that limit,”
“I doubt any of them wi-” Hyunjin was cut off by another booming voice, “100,000, for the date with the beautiful angel standing on stage,” Micah said.
Whispers erupted in the room and everyone was shocked.
Hyunjin looked on stage Felix had a very evident blush going from the tips of his ears down his neck.
“Uh, 100,000, going once… going twice… three times? And the date with Felix Lee is sold to Micah Johnson,” Seungmin said.
Felix got off stage. Chan, Minho, and Hyunjin all standing there in shock.
“100,000?” Minho questioned.
“Don't ask me, I am not the one who said the number,” Felix said.
“Isn't Micah just coming out of a divorce?” Chan asked.
“As far as I know his divorce was finalised weeks ago, and it is a charity thing so it's not like it really matters,”
Hyunjin clicked his tongue, “He just spent 100,000 to go on a date with you, I'm sure it is something more,”
“Even if it is, does it matter? I mean neither him nor I are seeing people, therefore there is nothing wrong going on,” Felix defended.
“You're right. Neither of you are seeing people so it doesn't make it wrong,” Hyunjin stated moving past the three and walking on stage.
Felix rolled his eyes.
“Is everything okay there?” Minho asked curiously.
“Why wouldn't there be? You know, I am going to go find Micah. I'll see you guys later,”
There totally wasn't anything wrong.
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