The blond poured tea into his to-go cup and closed it.
"You know living with you would be more tolerable, if you didn't wake up at 9 in the morning," his roommate said.
Felix chuckled, "I made breakfast it is in the microwave,"
Yuqi gave a thumbs up and sat at their dining table.
"Yuqi, you okay?"
The red head nodded, "Yeon and I went to a beginning of the school year frat party and we had a little too much fun suffering from the after effects," she explained.
Felix nodded and set the plate of pancakes in front of her along with coffee.
"There is cut up ginger in the fridge eat some with eggs if you are still feeling sick. Don't forget today is the start of shopping week and you have class at 11," Felix said.
Yuqi groaned and stabbed one of the pancakes with her fork. She really did not want to be bothered with it.
"I am going to be in the lab all day help professor Jung,"
"Okay, I'll see you at the convenience store at six,"
Felix nodded and gave her a kiss on the cheek, "Love you, bye,"
The blond left the flat, waving to neighbour as he left.
"How are you, dear?" The old woman asked.
"I am good. First day of the semester. How are you?" He asked as he locked the door.
She smiled, "Good. Actually, my niece is starting her freshman year at your school. Do you think you can look out for her?"
"Of course. What is her name?"
"Jackie Cruz, she is a literature major,"
Felix nodded, "I'll keep an eye out for her,"
The old woman smiled and patted Felix arm, "Thank you. While you're here have a pack muffins to go with your lunch," she reached into her bag and pulled out a pack of muffins.
Felix thanked her and took the muffins.
"When will your roommate be leaving?" She asked.
"Around 10 or 11. Ah, I should go now. Bye, Ms. Cruz,"
She waved as Felix rushed off.
Reaching the parking lot, took off his bag and opened the storage container on his motorcycle and replaced his helmet with his bag.
He put his helmet on and got on.
Before he could ride off he heard his name being called.
"Wait Lix,"
The blond stopped and waited for Yuqi to get on.
"Forgot I was meeting with Soyeon this morning. The pancakes were good," she said putting on her helmet.
"You ready?" He asked.
Yuqi gave a thumbs up and wrapped her arms around the younger's waist.
Turning on the motorcycle, Felix the parking lot. It would probably take them about fifteen minutes to get to campus if they didn't catch lights. Unfortunately they weren't that lucky and caught almost every light.
As soon as they parked Yuqi took of her helmet, her red hair a mess, "I am so going to be late!"
Felix took of his helmet and ran a hand through his hair, "I am sure Soyeon will understand. Are you riding with Soyeon to the convenience store?"
Yuqi nodded, "Okay. I have to go. Thanks for the ride, babe, don't think too hard that you turn into an evil genius," she said.
The blond laughed. "Bye, Yuqi,"
She kissed his cheek with a chuckle and bounced off to meet with Soyeon.
Felix put his helmet in the storage container and pulled out his bag.
"Your tie is crooked,"
He looked down and hummed, it was.
Jisung reached out and unbutton the first two buttons of the blond's shirt, "If you are going to wear your tie like that then you have to unbutton your shirt,"
"It was from the wind,"
Jisung shrugged, "You look hot either way. If I wasn't in a committed gay relationship I'd hit it," the wallaby-like man said.
Felix clicked his tongue and fixed his shirt and tie, "It is a safety hazard to wear clothes like that in the lab, too many chemicals," he said.
"That is right you are a lab assistant,"
"Yup, the credit goes towards my degree,"
"Does it really make sense that you have these science credits towards your degree? I mean you are going into law," Jisung mentioned.
Felix shrugged, "Everything is good,"
Jisung hummed, "Just remember to live a little, hook up, date, go on some blind dates, have fun, you know,"
Felix pressed his lips together.
"Ji, not many guys that I've seen are going to be interested in me. I don't exactly have the looks,"
Time and time again Felix had been told by guys that he just didn't have good looks mainly due to his freckles, that more recently he had taken to covering up.
"Screw those guys. First of all you are fucking ethereal, like why Minho went for me when you were right there still makes no sense. Also, you have a brilliant brain and personality," Jisung stated.
"Oh, it makes perfect sense why he is absolutely in love with you, don't put yourself down," Felix said.
"Then don't put yourself down. You are beautiful and you have a sexy brain,"
Felix chuckled at the comment. He listened as Jisung talked.
But still he was in his own mind. Sure, he had the brains and a okay personality, but he didn't have the perfect looks that everyone wanted. And his opinion who would want someone who just didn't look good?
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