5:30 p.m.
Kaikyo Tsubaki has been added into a group chat "Teiko".
Hiroki Kazuhiro has been added into a group chat "Teiko".
5:30 p.m.
Kaikyo Tsubaki: Eh? Who added me here?
Seen by Hiroki Kazuhiro at 5:31 p.m.
Hiroki Kazuhiro: I have the same question as you Tsubaki-chan.
Seen by Kaikyo Tsubaki at 5:31 p.m.
Kaikyo Tsubaki: Ah! Kazu-kun! You got added too?
Seen by Hiroki Kazuhiro at 5:32 p.m.
Hiroki Kazuhiro: Apparently so. Who else is in this group anyway? I want to personally talk to them so that we can both leave.
Seen by Kaikyo Tsubaki and Momoi Satsuki at 5:32 p.m.
Momoi Satsuki: Tsubaki-chan~ Kazuhiro-kun~ I warned you I would do it!
Seen by Hiroki Kazuhiro and Kaikyo Tsubaki at 5:33 p.m.
Kaikyo Tsubaki: Satsu-chan, why!?!
Hiroki Kazuhiro : ^
Momoi Satsuki: Because you refused to watch the game Dai-chan was playing!
Hiroki Kazuhiro: I don't even like him Satsuki! Why would I!?!
Seen by Kaikyo Tsubaki, Momoi Satsuki and Aomine Daiki at 5:36 p.m.
Kaikyo Tsubaki: Oh god, he's here...
Aomine Daiki: Oi, stop clogging up the inbox Satsuki. And who are they?
Kaikyo Tsubaki: Can't you read the names basketball idiot!?!
Hiroki Kazuhiro: ^ I totally agree with her
Aomine Daiki: You! I want a rematch!
Seen by Momoi Satsuki, Hiroki Kazuhiro, and Kaikyo Tsubaki at 5:38 p.m.
Kaikyo Tsubaki: Which one? There are two of us.
Seen by Aomine Daiki, Hiroki Kazuhiro, and Momoi Satsuki at 5:39 p.m.
Aomine Daiki: The one that just spoke!
Seen by Kaikyo Tsubaki, Hiroki Kazuhiro, and Momoi Satsuki at 5:39 p.m.
Kuroko Tetsuya: That's rude Aomine-kun.
Seen by Aomine Daiki, Hiroki Kazuhiro, Momoi Satsuki, and Kaikyo Tsubaki at 5:39 p.m.
Hiroki Kazuhiro: WHAT THE HELL!?!
Kaikyo Tsubaki: WHAT IS THIS SORCERY!?!
Aomine Daiki: GAH! DAMN IT TETSU!!
Momoi Satsuki: Tetsu-kun ~
Seen by Kuroko Tetsuya at 5:40 p.m.
Kuroko Tetsuya: Ohayou Momoi-san.
Seen by Kise Ryouta, Aomine Daiki, Kuroko Tetsuya, Momoi Satsuki, and Hiroki Kazuhiro at 5:41 p.m.
Kuroko Tetsuya: I was there the entire time...
Hiroki Kazuhiro: BULLSHIT!
Kise Ryouta: Don't say that!
Kise Ryouta: Hidoi-ssu~
Seen by Kuroko Tetsuya, Kaikyo Tsubaki, Hiroki Kazuhiro, Momoi Satsuki, Akashi Seijuro, and Aomine Daiki at 5:44 p.m.
Akashi Seijuro: Shut up peasants, you're disturbing me.
Seen by Midorima Shintaro, Kise Ryouta, Aomine Daiki, Kuroko Tetsuya, Murasakibara Atsushi, Akashi Seijuro, Momoi Satsuki, and Hiroki Kazuhiro at 5:56 p.m.
Midorima Shintaro: Start praying, nanodayo.
Murasakibara Atsushi: Oh, you probably angered Aka-chin. Run.
Kise Ryouta: I'll be at your funeral-ssu.
Aomine Daiki: I love feisty chicks, not suicidal ones. You're on your own.
Kuroko Tetsuya: Good luck Tsubaki-san.
Seen by Midorima Shintaro, Murasakibara Atsushi, Akashi Seijuro, Kuroko Tetsuya, Momoi Satsuki, Kise Ryouta, Aomine Daiki, and Kaikyo Tsubaki at 6:00 p.m.
Hiroki Kazuhiro: Even I know you screwed up Tsubaki-chan. AND YOU SCREWED ME IN THE BARGAIN. FUCK THIS I'M RUNNING.
Momoi Satsuki: RUN TSUBAKI-CHAN!!
Kaikyo Tsubaki: Eh? Why should I? He doesn't know where I live. Why are you running Kazu-kun?!?
Akashi Seijuro: You know, I never figured you were childish enough to wear Pokémon shirts to sleep.
Kaikyo Tsubaki: O_o
Kaikyo Tsubaki: You know what? FUCK THIS SHIT. I'M OUT.
Kaikyo Tsubaki: Eh? My logout button isn't working!!!
Kise Ryouta: RUN
Momoi Satsuki: Ki-chan's right! RUN!!
Kaikyo Tsubaki: Oh please. He wants to fight? I'll take him on! I'm not a fifth degree black belt for nothing!
Hiroki Kazuhiro: That's not enough to stop him Tsubaki-chan.
Kaikyo Tsubaki: Then what about my switchblades?
Seen by Kaikyo Tsubaki, Kuroko Tetsuya, Kise Ryouta, Midorima Shintaro, Momoi Satsuki, Aomine Daiki, Murasakibara Atsushi, and Akashi Seijuro at 6:09 p.m.
Kaikyo Tsubaki: Coward. Fight me bro. I can take you on.
Akashi Seijuro: You asked for it.
Kaikyo Tsubaki: That's right, IT'S ON BITCH!!
Kaikyo Tsubaki: Wait, who the hell is knocking on my door?
Kise Ryouta: RUN KAIKYO-SAN!!
Aomine Daiki: I agree with the idiot. Run
Kaikyo Tsubaki is offline
Akashi Seijuro is offline.
Aomine Daiki: Shit...
Hiroki Kazuhiro: Ah crap he got her...then again, she could win...she's been practicing martial arts since she was a kid.
Kise Ryouta: Eh!?! Really Hiroki-san!?!
Hiroki Kazuhiro: Yup, she was always better than me in it even though I practiced as long as she has.
Midorima Shintaro:'ve been beaten up by a girl, nanodayo?
Hiroki Kazuhiro: Yeah. When you fight her, you would know it's not that embarrassing.
Aomine Daiki: Oh please!
Kaikyo Tsubaki is now online
Seen by Hiroki Kazuhiro, Midorima Shintaro, Aomine Daiki, Murasakibara Atsushi, Kise Ryouta, and Momoi Satsuki at 6:15 p.m.
Aomine Daiki: YOU'RE STILL ALIVE!?!
Kaikyo Tsubaki: NO SHIT SHERLOCK.
Kaikyo Tsubaki: By the way, what's the best way to transport an unconscious body? I need some help...
Kise Ryouta: O_O
Midorima Shintaro: It's not like I'm scared or anything, nanodayo...
Aomine Daiki: O_O
Kaikyo Tsubaki: Haha, jk jk. I'll just let him rest on the couch or something until he wakes up.
Seen by Murasakibara Atsushi, Hiroki Kazuhiro, Kise Ryouta, Aomine Daiki, Momoi Satsuki, and Hiroki Kazuhiro at 6:23 p.m.
Kuroko Tetsuya: Excellent choice Tsubaki-san.
Aomine Daiki: WHAT THE HELL TETSU!?!
Kise Ryouta: KUROKOCCHI!
Kaikyo Tsubaki: GAH!! WTF MAN!!!
Hiroki Kazuhiro: HOLY CRAP!
Kuroko Tetsuya: So, how have you been Tsubaki-san?
Midorima Shintaro: You know her nanodayo?
Aomine Daiki: What's her cup size Tetsu?
Kaikyo Tsubaki: Yeah. Kuroko and I became friends our third year in Teiko.
Kise Ryouta: Ne Kaikyocchi, do you play basketball?
Kaikyo Tsubaki: Uh yeah. I don't play on any school team though. Kazu-kun and I both play street ball now.
Hiroki Kazuhiro: Yeah, but I'm ten times better than you!
Kaikyo Tsubaki: Oh please! I beat you up black and blue in tae kwon do practice! And I definitely can dunk more than you can!
Aomine Daiki: And I can beat both of you.
Kaikyo Tsubaki: Did anybody ask you Ahomine? No? I didn't think so.
Seen by Murasakibara Atsushi, Momoi Satsuki, Kise Ryouta, Kuroko Tetsuya, Aomine Daiki, Midorima Shintaro, and Hiroki Kazuhiro at 6:28 p.m.
Kise Ryouta: OOOHHH AOMINECCHI JUST GOT BURNED!!! #needsomeiceforthatburn
Midorima Shintaro: You suck Aomine.
Kaikyo Tsubaki: Whatevs. I'm going to go to sleep, and I expect to be out of this chat by tomorrow. See ya~
Hiroki Kazuhiro: Bye Tsubaki-chan!
Kuroko Tetsuya: Bye Tsubaki-san.
Momoi Satsuki: Bye Tsubaki-chan~ I'll miss you!!
Murasakibara Atsushi: Bye Kaikyo-chin.
Kise Ryouta: Bye Kaikyocchi!
Aomine Daiki: Bye.
Midorima Shintaro: Good riddance, nanodayo.
Kaikyo Tsubaki: One last note. FUCK YOU MIDORIMA YOU'RE OHA-ASA'S BITCH. Now it's goodbye :)
Kaikyo Tsubaki has logged off
Aomine Daiki: She's right you tsundere carrot! You're Oha-Asa's bitch!
Midorima Shintarou: Shut up, nanodayo!
Kaikyo Tsubaki sighed as she laid her phone down on the bedside table. She glanced over at the unconscious Akashi Seijuro lying down on her floor.
"He looks like a walking blood sack sometimes..." she muttered to herself while remembering her days at Teiko.
Akashi Seijuro was (unknown to her) starting to wake up. He had to admit, the girl could punch. Tsubaki on the other hand, thought he was knocked out still and walked over to him, then sat down next to him. She stared at him before hesitantly reaching her hand out and touching his hair lightly.
"It's as smooth as blood too." she mumbled, satisfying her curiosity. Back in her Teiko days, she used to call Akashi 'The Walking Bloodsack' behind his back. She had often wondered if his hair felt as smooth as the said liquid, which has now been satisfied today.
Akashi on the other hand, was now completely awake, but slightly disoriented.
"Akashi Seijuro...why do you have to have red hair and not me?" Tsubaki muttered to herself, unaware that he could hear. Akashi mentally scoffed at her, thinking that she was stupid. She sighed.
"I'm going to have to place you on the couch for the night..." she mumbled, discarding the thought as she put one of his arms over her shoulder. She stood up after, then put him on the couch that was next to where they fought. She laid him down on the couch, and dusted her hands of imaginary dust before turning around.
"At least he doesn't know that I was the one that spread that nickname of him!" Tsubaki laughed out loud.
"And what nickname might that be?"
Tsubaki froze. She turned around, and paled as she saw the mismatch-eyed basketball player sitting up and staring at her with what seemed to be anger.
"The Emperor!" she blurted out randomly. She mentally face-palmed at herself. Could she not come up with something better!?!
"Hm...I thought you didn't go to Rakuzan?" Akashi stated, crossing his legs.
"Kazu-kun does! I told him to spread it!" I lied. Akashi glared at her.
" seem really familiar." Akashi said as he got up, but he stumbled a little bit. Tsubaki quickly caught him, but was shaken off by Akashi.
"Get off me peasant." he said with a cold tone. Tsubaki grew angry and did the only thing she knew that would shut him up;
She knocked him out.
"Pressure points are a blessing." she mumbled as her purple eyes stared at the unconscious body warily. She put him back on the couch and sighed. She walked to her bedroom, changed, and jumped into bed. She decided to sleep in early, since she knew that she would have to wake up early for her martial arts training.
Hiroki Kazuhiro's coal-black eye twitched in irritation at around the same time that Kaikyo Tsubaki had gotten off her phone. The chat had ended up with them all meeting up at his house tomorrow at 11:30 a.m. This pissed him off, but also made him laugh. Why? Because they don't know his address, but they didn't ask him for permission to go to his own house.
He sighed and ran his hand through his short orange hair, thinking about Tsubaki being with Akashi under one roof before sweat-dropping.
"What am I thinking? She'll murder him in the morning before she even brushes her teeth." he mumbled to himself before putting down his phone and heading to bed. He yawned, knowing that he was going to have to wake up early to do martial arts practice with his childhood friend.
Don't worry dear reader.
This is only the beginning of the pairs' days of hell.
How was it? Good or bad?
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