Third Day Battles
Lily's eyes bug out of her head when she sees my treasure. Thanks to Queen Hydrangea, I win by a landslide. Mirror is in second place, and Edwin is close behind in third.
Lynn places fourth, Axis fifth, and poor Hikaru in sixth because he can't climb trees. His archive magic wasn't any help either, since not much is known about the dryad forest in the first place.
I decide to take a quick shower to wash off all the dried rotten Notch fruit juice. By the time I come back, the match-ups have been announced.
Fairy Tail is fighting last once again. The lineup for the third day is Mermaid Heel vs Blue Pegasus, Lamia Scale vs Quatro Cerberus, and Fairy Tail vs Sabertooth. Reiki is going to fight today after all. Stupid crowd match-ups.
The first fight is Lynn Angel versus Fae Marty. This should be... interesting. We haven't seen Fae since she went berserk on Avery in the maze.
Master Bob's firm scolding seems to be working, because Fae's acting much calmer today. Although she still glares at Lynn with envy when Opal loudly wishes his girlfriend good luck.
"Let's have a fun match!" Lynn smiles brightly. Like her dense boyfriend, she seems to be completely blind to Fae's feelings.
Fae Marty grinds her teeth. "I'm gonna beat you."
She raises her hands and the earth bends like putty around her. Fae raises dozens of earthen spikes and Lynn jumps to avoid them. Fae cages her in.
Opal cheers for his team as well as his girlfriend, and Fae is clearly able to pick his voice out from all the rest of the Blue Pegasus fans. She grins up at him and he gives her a friendly thumbs up.
Lynn takes Fae's moment of distraction to summon a few floating cloud sheep which swarm her opponent. They don't look like they cause very much damage but they do surprise Fae and choke her in fluff, giving Lynn time to squeeze out of her earthen cage.
She's at a big disadvantage. As proven by how Fae Marty went toe-to-toe against Avery, her earth magic is combat-oriented, where as Lynn's dream magic seems better suited for support.
Fae manages to claw her way out of the wool, but now she's pissed. She still doesn't blow a gasket, a testament to her high regard for Master Bob.
The earth forms a giant hand and chucks Lynn at the wall, where she leaves a crater. Keeping up the onslaught, Fae Marty forms several floating spears and aims them at Lynn.
The spears fly, but Fae was never aiming for skin. Instead, she uses Lynn's billowy clothes to pin her to the wall of the arena.
Lynn hangs against the wall, deceptively limp. Fae approaches, forming a earthen boxing glove around her fist for the finishing blow.
When she gets within reach, Lynn suddenly tears herself free of the arena wall and lunges at a caught-off-guard Fae. She leaps onto Fae's back, wrapping her legs around the other girl's waist to stay on while trying to grab Fae's head with her hands.
Fae Marty struggles against Lynn, the earthen glove dissolving into sand that gets into Lynn's eyes while Fae grabs Lynn's arms to prevent her from doing whatever she's trying to do.
Fae bucks like a wild bronco, snarling and backing up to slam Lynn against the wall and try to get her off her back. Lynn manages to keep her legs wrapped around Fae's midsection.
Lynn's hands touch Fae Marty's temples, and she shouts "REM cycle!"
Fae's eyes begin moving left to right to left very quickly and she screams. Fae charges forward as if trying to escape the spell, with Lynn still on her back. From what I can observe, REM is a watered down version of Enigma's sensory overload, one that causes a migraine rather that insta-fainting.
With a maniacal burst of strength, Fae grabs Lynn's arms and yanks the other girl off her back, slamming her into the ground. I wince. Brutal.
Fae does this repeatedly, hurling Lynn over her head and slamming her into the ground. She only stops when she lets go of Lynn's arms to clutch her head again, eyes still vibrating.
Lynn lays there, wheezing, while Fae Marty shouts a multitude of interesting profanities. Fae tries to attack again, but her earth spikes are way off target because Lynn's spell is messing with her equilibrium. The earth rolls like ocean waves as Fae stumbles around, unable to function properly.
Fae, despite her nasty attitude, is an incredibly talented earth mage. The earth quakes as it's wielder writhes and screams in pain.
Lynn is barely able to get to her feet. She winces and grabs her side, then begins stumbling towards Fae once again. Her hands glow pinkish.
The rolling earth protects Fae in her delirium. She's like the eye of a hurricane; the center of an earthen storm. Lynn has difficulty getting close.
Finally, Lynn stands before Fae, who can't see anything through her rapidly vibrating eyes. She raises a hand, holding it out in front of Fae's face.
"You can rest now. Sleep." Lynn whispers.
Fae Marty's eyes stop moving. They focus on Lynn for a second, before her heavy eyelids close and her knees buckle. Fae drops like a rock.
Lynn stays on her feet just long enough for Chapati to declare her the victor. Then she falls to her knees and keels to the side, groaning in pain.
Both have to be carried out of the arena using stretchers. Opal Moody comes running from the Blue Pegasus viewing box to help and goes straight to Lynn, the more seriously injured of the two.
Fae's been woken up with smelling salts at this point, and the last thing I see before her stretcher leaves is the glimmer of tears shed over an unrequited love.
The next battle is Lamia Scale versus Quatro Cerberus. Emilia Blendy will be facing off against Ricky Leigh.
There isn't much contest. Emilia is the adopted daughter of Aunt Wendy's friend, Aunt Sherria. Aunt Sherria took Emilia in after her parents were killed by burglars, only to discover that Emilia is talented in the very same sky god slayer magic that Aunt Sherria used before losing all her magic in the war against Uncle Natsu's brother's empire.
Ricky is... sticky. That's it. It's probably really handy magic in a team situation, especially when able to set up traps beforehand.
But one-on-one? On the empty arena floor with no cover or time to prepare? Emilia obliterates him.
And now it's time for the match I've been dreading even worse than my own against Opal. Reiki is going to fight. He can't even hold back to preserve the last two seals, because his opponent is Enigma.
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