Chapter 7
A/n: sorry for very very late update and i'm really moved you guys like this story although it took me time to thought for next plot 😭😭😭 anyway... Enjoy!!
It was cold, it was dark and its winter time. Rip Hunter adjusting his coat as he walk through the abandon city, and his main objective is to save the son of Dark Knight.
"You planning to barge in like a dead chicken?" a familiar voice with thick elsh accent greet him from behind.
" Oh, bloody hell, John, you almost got me." he scowled at the blondy trech coat man along with the other crew.
"I'm not gonna let you steal all the credit." the man with heavy fire arm walking towards them.
"And Rip, I'm not gonna let you leave Gideon, Again." A woman with black suit along with two more join her.
"Besides, family don't leave behind," said a man in his armor suit.
"Come on, hair cut. stop ruin the moment." Rory cocking his fire blasting gun.
"Let us focus to the main event, guys." said Captain Lance as she twirl the baton.
"So...Dark knight aka Batman call us to save his kid, am I right or do i heard something else?" Nate looking all confused with the mission objective that they received for now.
Team Tommorrow assemble again after 5 years since Firestorm or Jackson unable to use his power due to Dr. Stein's death which lead to disbanded.
"Ray, how's your business gone?" Rip opening his watch looking for thermal presence in the abandon town.
"Quite alright. Nora and the kids handle it like pro." said Raymond as he adjusting his suit control panel.
"That's good." John Constantine lighten his cigarette. All the member sneereed at him.
"What?!" John shrugged as he seen their faces.
"Things won't happen like this if you didn't mess up in Sentinel of magic." said Amaya as she shake her head.
"How am i jumble it up, when its not my bloody fault for this thing to happen?" Constantine raised his hand as he tries to prove he has nothing to do with the recent event.
"Well, for starters, you let Zatanna handle Rachel's case." White Canary checking her equipment as she comment on John's action that lead to the unfavourable situation. " She got freak out and notify the other member," she added.
" Which lead to this," said Nate as he went Steel mode.
" Nate, butt off."
"Ladies and gentlemen, are you done?" Rip eyed on them as he bought his beam gun.
"Not until it WELL DONE, yet." Mike Rory added.
"Haha, very funny." John sneered at the big guy.
"Here's the plan. Zari, Amaya and Nate, I need you to distract Wilson. Mike and Ray, free the bat-lad while John and I trying to figure out what is Wilson hiding behind this barn." Rip explain his game plan.
"Wait, how about me?"
"Sarah, you are the commander." Rip gives a pat on her shoulder.
She scoffed then smiled. "Don't mess it up, guys."
They nod and quickly to their position.
####flash back####
"You've done it well, Demonhunter." Raven who is now siting on a log that situated nearby her almost worn down cottage. "My cottage is ruined." she sighed as she lay down her hood.
"Well, at least we sent them back to hell." Damian sighed as he set the suit back to its compact casket mode.
Raven, then stood and grab his coat that hanging from her fallen stand besides her. "Here." she handed the coat to the dark hair lad.
"Thank you."
Raven chuckled as she use her cloak to wipe the stain out of his face.
"What are you doing?"
"This job always messing your face. Is it necessary?" as she inspect the paint stain on his face.
"I'm use to it." he removed her hand from his face. " Besides, it's futile to care about looks, i got people's life to save."
"Does that means... "
Rachel waited for his question as pulled her cloak covering her against the cold night.
"You only care for looks? " Damian arched his brow, wondering if this woman only goes for the pretty and handsome people, who knows.
"That is preposterous!!" Rachel pouting as she looked away. "I care everyone despite of looks. Everyone deserves equal treatment. " as she pulled her hoodie covering her face feature.
Damian pursued his lips then tilt his head, kind of like 'oh' in facial gesture. "Sice your cottage is ruined..."
"I'm not from here and i have nowhere to go. " Rachel whisper breathless as she gazed at her worn down safe house.
Damian ruffled his hair as he thinking, feeling responsible for ruin her house. "Would you follow me back to the Gotham Bay?"
Rachel quicky turn her heads towards him, "You... Take me back with you? I mean, isn't it to soon to marry? "
"What? "
"What?" Rachel quickly cover her embarrasment with a question. She shouldn't expecting that, maybe the ideas of elderly in Phoenix keep getting into her minds where people live together she assumed to be married.
"Uh, nothing. Forget what I said. " Rachel she shifted her eyes to the ground and nervously rub her arm. Heat started to travel to her face. She... Never felt like this before ever since she reach here. Something is happening and she don't know what it is.
"You want me to hand in marriage? "
Rachel jolted as she heard it then looked at him, his face are now closer to her, a few inch as he sit on the log besides her.
"Wh... Whaa... "
"It seems kind of misunderstood. " he sighed. "I am offering a place to stay, knowing that you have nowhere place to go. Maybe...You could... Find somewhere at Gotham Bay. Perhaps...start business there. " Damian muttering which she almost could barely heard the end of the sentence.
"Me staying at your place?" She wrap her arm around her knees. "I... I don't know. If your parents would accept me...I'm just a nobody." She muttered as she out her chin on her knees.
"They would. Besides, all of us are from broken family. " Damian stare vacantly towards the trees as he exhaled.
"Us? "
"My siblings. My father. "
Rachel felt a wave of heavy and sadness from him. Must be tragic when they lost someone they love, just like her, lost her place, Azarath.
"If... They would, then... " as she rise up and dust off her clothes. "Let's go. " she turned to him with a smile on her face.
Damian blinked as he saw her hand held to him. He arched his brow then grab it. "Looks like someone eager. Eager to be married. " he chuckled lowly as he stand up.
She puffed her cheek and furrow her brow as she heard it. "Seriously? Again with that issue? "
"Seriously. If no one wants to marry you then I will. "
"Stop talking nonsense, Demonhunter. "
"Now you're being stubborn like your father. " Mr. Wilson hissed as he finished dumped cold water toward Damian and walk away.
Damian feeling numb almost his whole body. His wet clothes, winter really has bit every inch of him. He couldn't felt his fingers and toes. He closed his eyes and remain shut his mouth about the great queen whereabout.
Raven. The girl that he'd never expected to be fall for. What's more unexpectedly, she's been keeping her secret for a year and yet willing to help him to hunt the demons. The queen itself.
He's been wonder why she did it, maybe because of vengeance she had because her demon father destroy her place, Azarath? Perhaps so. As he had feeling with thoughts that keep him awake from getting hypothermia, he felt a slap across his face.
"What? " his weak voice but theres a bit of his annoyance.
Then, Mike slap again on his right cheek.
"Good, cuz yer dad might be mad if yer ded. " said Mike Rory as he cocked his flame gun.
"My fath-" before Damian could finish his word he felt his hand loose.
"Boy, glad to see you still alive, Damian. Who knew this Mr. Wilson actually the culprit. " said Ray as he return into normal size after he shrink himself to untie Damian, unnoticed.
"Yeah, I knew. That's why i won't tell. " Damian rubbed his wrist after being tied for a long time. "Where are the others?"
"Well, they plan to give a lesson to that ol man. "
"Mike, Ray. Call them back, he knew how to summon the demons. " Damian stared at them sharply as he let his voice to heard clearly. That man is dangerous, more deadly then the queen herself.
"You guys... We got Damian here. Let us fall back. " as Ray nervously speak through his intercom.
"And why is that? " Nate asked him back.
"Damian said that old man knew how to summon demons. "
""Everybody. Stay alert and fall back. Don't let him or demon got you. It's an order. " Sara gives out her command.
"Roger, Cap. "
"Bloody hell. "
"What's the matter, Rip? " Sara now in anticipating.
"That fucker just summon bishop class. Five of them! " John voice huffed as he use his magic attacking them.
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