Chapter 12
Hey guys! So I've decided to carry on in this book and not create a sequel, to be honest I don't think that much people would read it lol. Thanks and carry on giving this book a chance, I appreciate it so much.
"So what do you think of this dress?" I asked Mason as he rummaged through a rack of jeans. He just shrugged at the yellow cami top and continued to look at a collection of denim jeans.
Mason and I are currently shopping for college. I am so excited to start a new chapter of my life and the best part is Mason is going to be right there by my side through all of it. We leave tomorrow morning.
Life has been pretty good. My parents are not as over-protective anymore. After the whole Xavier 'incident' they wouldn't let me go out without a guard but they don't do that when I'm with Mason.
It still worries me that Xavier is still out there but I know as long as I am with Mason he can't hurt me.
After picking a few clothes, Mason and I went to the counter and like always Mason payed for the cami tops I had decided to buy. He was holding the shopping bags with one hand and my hand with the other as we made our way to Starbucks. Mason's car was loaded with shopping bags. We go and sit at a table.
"Mason, you do know I can pay for things myself." I say whilst looking at him as he sits.
"But I like to buy stuff for my baby." He says while pouting. I laugh at how childish he is and kiss him on the cheek. Then the waiter comes and says, "May I take your order?" He says while looking at Mason who orders a vanilla coffee.
He the looks at me and then says, "What can I get you, beautiful?" causing me to blush and Mason to growl. I order a cappuccino as Mason continues to glare at the waiter.
"Asshole." Mason mutters as the waiter foes with our orders causing me to laugh.
"Mason everything's okay. Don't worry." I say.
"He was flirting with you." He says.
"But I am with you and I wouldn't change that." I say smiling at him.
After a few minutes the waiter comes back with our orders and leaves giving me a napkin. I look at Mason awkwardly as I open the napkin to find his number written on it. I am about to rip it but Masons snatches it from my hand and looks at it. When he realises that it is his number he turns around and glares at the waiter who smirks at him. Mason tears the note which now causes the waiter to glare and Mason to smirk.
I chuckle and look at Mason.
"What? He was flirting with my girlfriend." He says in a baby voice causing me to laugh even more.
After drinking his coffee he looks at the time. "We should be leaving. We have a lot of packing to do and not to mention my parents invited your family for dinner tonight." He says.
I nod. We get up and soon are in the car driving to my home. We reach our home and Mason helps to get my shopping bags inside.
"Thank you for buying me all this stuff." I say.
"I like buying you stuff. Don't thank me." He says
He leans down and kisses me on the lips and then says, "See you in a few." I nod and then go inside. I go into my room and look out of the window only to find him speeding away.
I look at the time, 3:00pm. After a few minutes Gina arrives and begins helping me pack. Jessie and her boyfriend are going to the same college and had left last night. I look at Gina who is busy putting my makeup in a plastic bag and say, "So when are you leaving for college?"
She looks at me and then says, "I am leaving tomorrow night with Jacob." Jacob was Gina's boyfriend. They had been dating for 3 years and still look strong.
After a few hours I was finally done packing. Gina had left because she also had a lot of packing to do.
I was lying on my bed exhausted. After a few minutes I looked at the time, 6:00pm.
I groaned and got up. I went to the bathroom and took a hot shower. I came out of the bathroom dressed in nothing but a towel. After blow drying and curling my hair I headed towards my wardrobe and took out a floral dress with some black pumps. I changed into my outfits and looked at myself in the mirror, satisfied with what I was wearing I went downstairs to find my parents ready waiting for me. I smiled happily at them. My mum was wearing a long black dress while my dad was in a luxe black tux.
We went to the car as my father began to drive. Soon we reach their house. It was extremely big and beautiful. I get out of the car and follow my parents. The butler opens the door and we head inside.
As soon as we enter a women with blonde hair just like Mason's comes and greets my parents. Her eyes landed on me and she hugs me.
"You must be the beautiful Aubrey. I can't believe such a beautiful girl is my son's girlfriend." She says causing me to blush uncontrollably. After a few seconds I hear a forced cough as his mother releases me. I look at the source and see Mason standing there in all his glory. I smile at him cheekily as his mum takes my parents into the living room.
Mason comes near to me and says, "You look beautiful." I smile at him.
"You don't look so bad yourself." I reply causing him to chuckle. He holds my hand and takes me into the dining room where everyone was already seated.
The dinner went by as expected, with his parents occasionally asking me questions and soon enough it was time to leave.
"It was really nice meeting you Mr. And Mrs. Anderson." I say.
"You too, sweetie." Mason's mother replies.
I smile. Mason comes near me and whispers in my ear, "see you tomorrow beautiful." I nod and peck him on the lips before leaving.
Today was perfect then suddenly my phone began to buzz.
1 new text message
I open it and my eyes widen with uncertainty. I just stared at my cell phone screen.
From: Unknown
I see you.
The text was extremely small but made my blood run cold.
Who is this person? Is it Xavier?
I sigh and close my eyes while clutching my cell phone. Maybe it was some stupid kid trying to play a prank on me? But I knew that was far from true.
I decided to ignore it. I threw my mobile phone onto the bed and stared at it. I am not going to let a text message ruin my happiness for which I fought dearly.
I went to the bathroom and changed into a pair of pyjamas I came out with my hair in a messy bun above the nape of my neck. I locked my bedroom window then plopped onto the bed. Sleep enveloped me as soon as I hit the pillows.
Next day:
The next day I woke up to mum shaking me. "Sweetie get up or you're going to be late for your flight." She informs me.
"What's the time?" I say sleepily while placing the pillows on my head.
"9:00am and Mason is going to be here soon." Mum says.
As soon as she said that I hurriedly got out of the bed and ran to the bathroom while my mum laughed.
After a few minutes I heard the doorbell ring indicating Mason was here. I groaned inwardly for being late and hurriedly showered.
I hurriedly came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel.
Suddenly I heard a whisper, "damn."
I jumped and clutched at my towel as I turned around and saw Mason lying on my bed eyeing me.
I stared at him wide-eyes then say, "You pervert," as he laughs. I hurriedly grab my clothes and go to the bathroom. After a few minutes I come out wearing a pink blazer with white shorts and a black graphics shirt along with my favourite black handbag and minimal makeup. I wear some black sandals and turn around to face Mason.
"All ready." I say while putting my hands up into the air.
He laughs and gets up from the bed and makes his way towards me. He holds my by the waist then kisses my forehead. "You're beautiful." He says causing me to blush. We began leaning into each other when we heard my mum.
"Kid's you have to leave or you'll be late!" My mum shouts before ruining our perfect moment. I groan as Mason chuckles and made our way downstairs.
We go downstairs to find my parents near the door.
My mother hugs me and then says, "Be careful sweetie and call us when you reach Cali."
My father pats me on the shoulder then says, "Be safe kiddo, and no funny business." He says eyeing me and Mason playfully.
We laugh and go to the car making our way to the airport thinking I will be safe at California. I mean he wouldn't follow me a thousand miles, right?
We reached the airport in about fifteen minutes after forcing the driver to drive over the speeding limit.
"So are you parents okay with you going to the same university as me?" I ask as Mason and I sit in the waiting area after passing through the security check.
He shrugs and then says, "They don't are but they really liked you. My mother couldn't believe you are my girlfriend." He says chuckling at the last part. I smile.
Soon enough we were sitting in our seats as the plane took off. I relaxed and looked at Mason who was chewing gum and had headphones on while one of his arm was around my shoulder.
California here we come.
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