Ultimate Sibling Wedding Videographer Duo (Patent Pending)
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This is set in 2014, seven years after the events of Rise of the Evening Star and six years after KttDP. Seth is in her sophomore year of college, and Kendra is in her senior year of college. No Dragonwatch.
⟢ Vanessa/Warren ⟣
⟢ Kendra & Seth & Vanessa & Warren ⟣
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Vanessa and Warren's wedding through the eyes (and camcorder) of Kendra and Seth.
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[The camcorder starts recording with the time and place stamp on the picture. The picture is, of course, up a young man's nostrils as he tinkers with the settings.]
Seth: Is this thing on?
[A hand wrestles the camera away and it focuses on Seth's face, at a decent distance now.]
Kendra: If the red light is blinking, it's recording. Now, keep your grubby hands away. Vanessa asked me to record.
Seth: That's only 'cause she thought my flight was landing late. But, I'm here early enough.
[The camera pans around the room. A woman in a bridal gown sits at the vanity and applies her makeup. She smiles in the mirror at them. An elderly woman sits on a couch and raises an eyebrow at the two siblings.]
Ruth: Sometimes, I wonder if you two will ever settle down.
Seth: As long as I never become boring enough to wear khakis like Warren.
Kendra: Seth! He's going to see this footage later.
Seth: And I'd say it to his face.
[Laughter from the room. The bride turns to Seth and points at him mockingly with a makeup brush.]
Vanessa: Be careful or you might lose your groomsman status.
Ruth: Speaking of, why don't you go join Warren and Dale? Tell them to be ready in thirty for the first look.
[Seth stands up and walks to the door. He points to the camera.]
Seth: Don't record without me. The wedding needs my comic relief.
[The screen snaps to black.]
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[The camera turns on, but the picture remains black.]
Kendra: Take off the lens.
[As the lens is removed, a beachfront scenery comes into view. The sky is still dark, with only hints of sunrise.]
Seth: I knew that.
Kendra: Of course. That's why you needed me to tell you.
Seth: Does this remind you of—
Kendra: That lighthouse beach?
Seth: Yeah. Does it?
Kendra: I don't know. I think I blacked out that portion of my memory.
Seth: Remember, that's when Bracken exposed them two.
Kendra: Yikes. Yes.
Seth: And now they're getting married.
[A chorus of aww's follow]
Kendra: Shh, Vanessa's coming.
[The camera pans until coming into focus on Vanessa, walking down the beach with her veil flowing behind her. She stops and looks around.]
Vanessa: Is Warren here yet?
Seth: He's coming.
[The camera recedes accompanied by sounds of moving. Then, a slow zoom occurs until Vanessa takes up the entire frame.]
Kendra: There he is! Turn around, Vanessa. Close your eyes, Warren!
[The couple laughs and adjusts, with eyes closed, until they're back-to-back.]
Seth: Okay, 3...2...1!
[Vanessa and Warren both turn around, smiles stretching their faces. Tears erupt on Warren's face and he laughs as he wipes them away. They hold each other in a tight hug and sway back and forth. Their voices fade as the camera backs away.]
Seth [whispered]: Should we—
Kendra [whispered]: Yeah.
[The screen snaps to black.]
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[The screen opens to a ceremony. Vanessa and Warren stand on the beach with an older man reading from a book behind him. The man stops every few seconds to wipe his tears.]
Kendra [whispered]: Grandpa's doing great.
Seth [choked up]: Yeah.
[A small, hushed chuckle from Kendra as she quickly turns the camera to show Seth's tear-ridden face. He shakes his head and flips the camera to show Kendra, equally a mess. The screen returns to the ceremony.]
Vanessa: When I think of my life, I think of a "before Warren" and an "after Warren." The mark you've made on my life cannot be overstated. I've become a better person because of you. And I never truly thought of love as a real thing before you. I always imagined it to be some fantasy that reality could never live up to. But, you changed that. Waking up with you, eating breakfast with you, doing the little crosswords you love in the New York Times with you every morning—those are my happiest moments. So, thank you. Thank you for making life a place worth waking up to.
[Warren presses a kiss to Vanessa's hand and wipes his tears away.]
Warren: Before you, I didn't see my life including a wedding. I didn't think of that as in my trajectory. But, ever since I first met you, all I knew was that I wanted to be with you—as friends, as mission partners, as everything—for the rest of my life. It has been the greatest gift to get that wish. You've kept me grounded, and I know our love story isn't traditional. There was some maiming in the middle of it.
Warren: But, if I had to go through all of it again to be with you today, I would. Thank you, Nessa, for being the brightest spot in my life. And I vow that if we ever have a fire, I will help you rescue your leather jackets first before anything else.
Vanessa: Good. Then, we can get your Hawaiian shirts.
Warren: Naturally.
[The recording skips ahead.]
Stan: Vanessa, do you take Warren to be your lawful wedded husband? Do you promise to love and cherish him, in sickness and in health, for richer for poorer, for better for worse, for so long as you both shall live?
Vanessa: I do.
Stan: Warren, do you take Vanessa to be your lawful wedded wife? Do you promise to love and cherish her, in sickness and in health, for richer for poorer, for better for worse, for so long as you both shall live?
Warren: I do.
Stan: I now pronounce you husband and wife.
[Vanessa pulls Warren in for a kiss, and their arms lock around each other. Warren dips Vanessa, then pulls her back up, ending the kiss to whoops and celebrations. The camera shakes up and down before cutting out.]
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[The camera starts recording and focuses on a man holding a glass of champagne and standing at the front of the tables.]
Dale: I am not usually one for long speeches. But, today, my baby brother is getting married and I think that merits a few words.
[Hurrays follow with Seth's the loudest]
Dale: Now, even before I met Vanessa, I knew all about her. Warren went on and on about his mission partner and how she saved the day and whatnot. Every time, I asked, and they were just friends. Of course, now we all know he was lying.
Dale: When I met Vanessa, I could see how they could get together so well. She was smart, quick with it, and incredibly kind. She came with me every day to see Warren. Several years later, I knew she was the one for Warren when she gifted me a bedazzled shotgun—the jewels, of course, being Seth's contribution to the gift—and it was the exact make and model that I use. Moreover, it was perfect, as we finally have someone stylish to balance out Warren's lack-there-of, and erase the fashion embarrassment we had in our family.
Warren: Hey!
Dale: Now, I knew Warren had come to the same realization I had when, a couple years ago, he came bursting into the stables, huffing and puffing, raving about some mission. I handed him a rake, and while we mucked out the stables, he told me that he could never live without Vanessa. He said it terrified him to think of a world without her. Suddenly, my reckless brother who ran head-first into danger, had acquired all sorts of injuries, and served as a Knight for the majority of his adult life showed fear on his face for the first time. And it was on behalf of Vanessa. For losing her to scare him that much? I knew that he had found his other half.
[A chorus of aww's echoed through the crowd.]
Dale: To love!
Crowd: To love!
[Screen jumps ahead.]
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[Camera focuses on Kendra, holding a champagne glass, who has one arm around Vanessa's waist. Her bridesmaid dress pops against the white dress. It's clear both have been crying, and the recording cuts into the middle of Kendra's speech.]
Kendra: Vanessa offered me guidance and friendship when I was terrified to lose both. Never let her fool you! She's really a softie at heart. Whenever I needed someone to go to, she offered me her ear. Especially, after the battle...
[Kendra's voice breaks and fades out. She coughs to get it back as Vanessa squeezes her hand.]
Kendra: After the battle, you helped me so much. You're truly one of my best friends. And I know Warren and I are cousins somehow, someway, and so I really am excited to welcome you as a cousin-in-law. But, truly, I have felt sisterhood with you for much longer.
[Vanessa says something that doesn't get picked up by the microphone. Kendra nods and raises her glass.]
Kendra: I love you so much, Vanessa. Congratulations.
Vanessa: You're so sweet, Kendra.
Kendra: To sisterhood!
Crowd: To sisterhood!
[The two embrace to cheers. The camera flips around to show Seth and Warren sat at the table.]
Seth [voice loud due to proximity to camera]: What's up, sister?
Warren [voice loud due to proximity to camera]: What's up?
[Camera cuts out.]
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[Camera focuses on Seth at the front of the tables. He has a smile on his face and continues his speech.]
Kendra [voice loud due to proximity to the camera]: He's already off-script. You owe me ten dollars.
Tanu [voice loud due to proximity to the camera]: I'll pay up later.
Seth: Now, Warren already told me I have rights to his tombstone, but apparently in terms of wedding writing, I did not even break top three. Dale, I'm coming for you!
Seth: Just kidding. Dale's my man. But, Kendra...
[More laughter]
Seth: Jokes! Now, back to the happy couple. Vanessa is just the absolute coolest relative you can ever have, so many thanks to Warren to looping her into the family tree, convoluted as we are. When she first picked me up in her sports car—I think I was like 12—I was blown away. Then, with our little field trip with the satyrs, I fell in love. With the car, of course.
Seth: Now, when I first heard that these two got together, my first thought was that Warren didn't even have a cool car. But they overcame that barrier. The most insurmountable one, I imagine.
[Recording skips ahead]
Seth: —now, right? In all seriousness, thank you two for always believing in me. At times, it felt like I was flying by the seat of my pants, but you two? You always had faith in me. And that meant a lot. To faith!
[Screen fades to black]
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[Camera focuses on Warren and Vanessa, slowdancing in the middle of the dance floor. The camera cuts and now the room is dark and glowsticks abound. Loud music strains the limits of the camera and it focuses in on two grinning faces.]
Kendra and Seth [together]: Best wedding ever!
The End
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