But I'm a Cheerleader
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Set after
Keys to the Demon Prison
(No Dragonwatch)
⟢ Kendra/Alyssa ⟣
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While Alyssa takes care of Kendra, Kendra discovers she's more than sick—she's lovesick.
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Alyssa hadn't planned on trying out for competitive cheerleading. She wasn't much of a cheerleader, really, except for a brief stint in middle school. The hand motions were familiar to her and the silly names ("Candlesticks" "Daggers" "Buckets") were stuck to her brain like glue.
So, it wasn't that far-fetched that she put her name on the sign-up sheet.
"Yeah, I put my name on it."
The mashed potatoes slurped off the serving spoon as Alyssa confirmed her mother's question.
"You did? You were so against it the other day."
"Well, I changed my mind." Her spoon carved a smiley face in the starch. "My friends are going to try out."
"Okay. Well, as long as it doesn't interfere with soccer."
"It won't."
That night, as car headlights danced aurora borealis on the ceiling, Alyssa scrolled through her phone. A notification diverted her attention from a random image. Kendra is typing...
Alyssa grinned and swiped over to Snapchat. Red squares lined her messages, but Alyssa clicked on the one that mattered.
You signed up??
Yeah, Alyssa typed.
Cant wait to see you in the uniform!!!
Alyssa let a smile spread across her face. Assuming I make it
Oh come on ofc you will. Cya tomorrow
It was the confidence instilled by Kendra's messages that Alyssa held as she walked into the tryouts. Her bow stood on top of her head and the white shirt hung off her frame.
Kendra ran up to her with a smile and tugged her to the grass. The stretches Kendra showed her were simple but the next three days were not.
It was much more than the hand motions. There was a cheer, sure, but also a dance that Alyssa spent hours in front of her bathroom mirror perfecting. Four videos to Kendra and a bunch of compliment criticism sandwiches later, and she was a pro.
Until the stunting.
Oh boy, the stunting. It was stressful and hard and Alyssa had very much wanted to go home.
However, Kendra had her back. And her ankles. And her butt. And any other body part Kendra could grab to make Alyssa fly right.
Kendra was a great backspot.
"I'm going to hold your seat and ankle and then propel you upward." Kendra imitated the motion. "Then once you feel the upward motion, stand and lift up."
"What do you mean lift up?"
"Shrug your shoulders up and take a breath through your belly and keep it in your chest. And pinch your butt like you have a penny in there."
Alyssa felt frustrated tears prick at her eyes as the instructions seemed more to get more and more vague. "Yeah, like this?"
Her weight shifted upwards as she did the instructions.
"Yeah, I knew you got it!" Kendra put her hand on Alyssa's shoulder. "Now, make sure to keep your feet flat and eyes forward. And don't be worried about falling, I'll catch you."
And catch she did. Especially when the circle formed to help each other stunt and Alyssa's stunt group tried out a liberty—where her two bases hold one foot and her other foot tucked into her knee.
People shouted so many instructions at her as she stood with a single foot on several shaky hands.
"You're leaning forward!"
"Straighten out!"
Kendra's voice rose above it all. It was all Alyssa focused on. "Take a deep breath, Alyssa. Like we did earlier."
Alyssa's back straightened and her shoulders pushed up with the breath. Everything tightened and she became much more stable.
What wasn't stable, however, was Alyssa's confidence in the hours waiting for the results from the tryouts. They had been nerve wracking. She had messed up on the dance and her voice cracked during the cheer, but she had kept smiling. Like Kendra had told her.
The next morning Alyssa rolled over to a buzzing phone. Kendra is typing...
We made it!!
It had been a long four months of grueling practices, but there was only one short week left until the big, state competition. They had done fine at county and regionals, but the coach wanted something more for state. Instead of their current show-and-go lib (where the flyer only popped up briefly), she wanted them to do a switch-up lib (where the flyer is thrown up on one foot and lands on the other) and then turn to get into position for the inversion. Personally, Kendra thought that was too big of a step up. Especially for Alyssa who was a first-year.
Nevertheless, there Kendra was, squeezing Alyssa's ankle on the toss up and reaching high above her head to catch the other ankle so she didn't get a foot to the face. Yet, the bases missed their grips and Alyssa crashed down onto them. Again. Again. And again.
Kendra kept trying to push and give more support to the bases, but the stunt was not hitting. She blew hair out of her face and reached her arms high.
Tension built within the stunt group. Sweat plastered the hair of Georgia, the main base, proof of the toll today's practice had taken. The side base, Victoria, pinched her eyebrows together—a sign she was refraining from commenting on a failure of Alyssa's. Alyssa was the only first year in the stunt group, so when stunts went wrong...well...
They went up again. They successfully hit the switch up, and the bases cheered as they adjusted their grips. But, less than a moment later, Alyssa's arms pinwheeled.
Her foot kept twisting.
"Tight!" Kendra squeezed Alyssa's ankle and forced Alyssa to be still. Maybe she would retie Alyssa's shoelaces after this to give that extra stiffness. In between counting for the group, she shouted to Alyssa. "Tight!"
It was time for the turn.
Alyssa threw her body to the side instead of letting the bases turn her and she slipped—her body hurtling towards Kendra's face. Modified instinct had Kendra stepping in to the falling flyer instead of the normal human reaction to run. Alyssa's back hit Kendra's chest and her legs swung up into her arms. The momentum pushed Kendra to the ground, but Alyssa did not hit the floor. Instead, she stayed in Kendra's arms like a bride.
Kendra gazed down at Alyssa—first to check if she was alright and then stayed because she got caught up in her eyes. A mosaic of oceans, rivers, and afternoon skies mingled in her friend's irises. Chapstick glistened upon her lips and drew Kendra's eyes to them.
"Are you okay? Are you okay? Did she hit her head?"
Their bases' voices slowly faded back into sound.
"Yeah, yeah. I'm okay." Alyssa untangled herself from Kendra's arms. The warmth left and Kendra stood up.
But before she completely left, Alyssa touched her arm. "Thank you."
"You..." Alyssa had felt so nice in her arms. Alarm bells rang in Kendra's head. She was in deeper than she had previously thought. "You betcha."
As Alyssa walked off, a small hope blossomed in Kendra—against her better morals—that the next time they stunted Alyssa would fall again. Not to the ground, no.
Into her arms.
Alyssa walked off to get water, trying to wipe the shock off her face that she was sure her Coach would interpret as pain.
Did she imagine it? Kendra's eyes flickering down and that look?
It could be Alyssa's own mind trying desperately to pull affection from the object of her desire.
Over the top of her water bottle, Alyssa watched Kendra take a seat and rub her face. Alyssa hoped she hadn't hit her that hard.
It wasn't like a usual fall. Usually, Kendra would whisper something to her. Something Alyssa would cherish. Little "I got you's" or "It's alright, I'm here" that Alyssa would lock in her memory to replay when she wanted that phantom warmth again.
This time, Kendra hadn't said anything. Was she...was it because Kendra was caught up in...Alyssa? Or was Kendra mad at her?
Alyssa watched intently as Kendra stood and rolled her neck.
"We're running it again!" Her coach waved Alyssa in, snapping her out of her stupor. "Full out!"
Alyssa hoped Kendra wasn't mad. She didn't know if she could take that.
That night, Kendra watched the video her coach had sent so they could scrutinize how they could improve. But, she didn't care about that at all.
She focused on other things—the tumble, the fall. But more importantly, the way Alyssa looked back over her shoulder at Kendra with her cheeks red. Kendra hadn't seen that afterward, too caught up in her thoughts.
She did now.
Kendra let her thoughts run wild with dreams of requited love and silent pining before logic stepped in. Everyone had just exerted themselves trying a whole new stunt sequence, of course, Alyssa's cheeks would be red.
It had nothing to do with Kendra.
Oh well.
Kendra shut off her phone and laid her head down.
A girl could always daydream.
The next day's practice was normal. There were a few falls but Kendra wasn't the one to catch Alyssa either time. Kendra shouldn't feel disappointed about that. But she did.
That night, Kendra tried to get mock-ready for the competition in preparation of how she would do it on the weekend, but it was hard. Kendra gave in and called Alyssa.
"I can't do winged eyeliner." Kendra laid her phone against the bathroom wall. She could see up Alyssa's nose in the FaceTime window. Eyeshadow cracked in plumes as Kendra jammed her brush in the palette. "Did you see the makeup for the competition?"
"Yeah, it was simple." Alyssa grinned mischievously, knowing Kendra's pain.
Kendra huffed and held her phone camera up to her face, showing off the monstrosity on her eyelid. "I've been trying to get the shadow for over an hour now."
Alyssa stifled her laughter before failing. Kendra had to turn the volume down; she was so loud. "Don't worry about it. There's still going to be a huge sleepover the night before, right? I can do it for you the morning of."
"You're a lifesaver."
"No problem."
The lights were dim. The night had been spent watching movies and playing games and gossiping about the coaches. Twenty girls had milled about Katie's absolutely gorgeous house. Her parents were pretty over-protective and didn't allow her to go to other peoples' houses. But, kind enough that they didn't want to exclude their daughter from a big event like this. As a happy compromise, they offered to host the sleepover.
Kendra was glad they did. It was beautiful. A princess spiral staircase led up to Katie's bedroom, but not everyone could fit up there. Five girls were up in her room on Katie's bed and a blow-up mattress. Three girls were in the guest bedroom. Four girls were on the couches. Four more were on blow-up mattresses in the study, and two others had opted to just drive home and come back in the morning.
God, Kendra wished she could drive already. She was 16 and a sophomore as one of the older people in her grade. However, the whole saving-the-world thing had messed up her getting her learner's permit on time which in turn had delayed her chase of a license. Oh, well. Alyssa would be able to get her license before Kendra, and then Kendra could just become a passenger princess.
Speaking of Alyssa, it was only her and Kendra still awake. Those two had both brung sleeping bags, so they had their pick of the place. With that in mind, they had chosen the dining room. Beautiful floor to ceiling windows showcased a shocking amount of bright stars as Katie's place was way out in the boonies so the night sky was way fuller than she was used to in Rochester. Kendra only really saw such a gorgeous night sky all the way out in Fablehaven. However, constellations had never come easy to Kendra, so she never really knew the significance of the stars they were looking at. Alyssa, on the other hand, was into all of that astrology stuff.
Alyssa pointed to the sky. Her short blonde hair was tied half in a bun. "Look there, that's Libra."
Honestly, Kendra had no clue what she was supposed to be looking at. For her, there was no Libra to be found. All she could find was the North Star because Warren taught her that one on his cabin's little observatory landing. But, this? This was a little out of her league.
"You're a Libra, right?" Alyssa turned to look at her. Her bright blue eyes reflected the moonlight.
"Ever since I was born."
Alyssa chuckled. Kendra loved making her laugh. "Well, that house-looking set is the Libra constellation. I'm a Capricorn, but I can't find that constellation tonight."
"It's alright," Kendra said. "I can't find any of them."
The two continued their discussion on stars, the sky, and astrology. Kendra's eyes kept falling shut mid-conversation and Alyssa laughed at her. "Tired?"
"Alyssa, we have a competition, tomorrow." Kendra rolled her eyes. "Get in your sleeping bag."
"But it's not soft enough," Alyssa complained. "I've felt yours, yours is like clouds."
Kendra huffed and pulled down the zipper. "Then, get in here!"
She stilled immediately. Oh my god? Did she just say that? Invite Alyssa to sleep with her? The shadows of the dark room hid her internal panic while Alyssa just shrugged.
"Okay." She started to wiggle in. "Move over."
Her panic dissipated with how normally Alyssa met her demand. Alyssa's short blonde hair got in Kendra's mouth as she squeezed in. Kendra spit it out, laughing. "I'm trying! This is meant for one, you know."
Alyssa settled in as the little spoon and tucked the sleeping bag under her neck. Kendra patted Alyssa's hair down out of the way and threw her arm over Alyssa. It was just more comfortable that way. Not that she wanted to cuddle or anything.
Alyssa interlocked fingers with Kendra's hand and brought it beneath her cheek to lay on. Nevermind. Kendra definitely loved cuddling with Alyssa. "Not anymore! And I was right—it's fur lined in here."
"Vanessa is picky about her sleeping bags."
"This is Vanessa's?"
Alyssa sighed dreamily. "Vanessa."
Kendra laughed into Alyssa's ear. "I know."
Somehow in the night, they had migrated to face each other. Alyssa's arms were locked around Kendra's neck and Kendra's lips were pressed against Alyssa's forehead.
When Alyssa woke up, she froze. Not out of fear. But to savor the moment. Despite the fact that cuddling in a fur lined sleeping bag naturally led to intense heat, another kind of softer warmth pervaded Alyssa.
This was what she wanted. These were all her dreams. Kendra's lips soft on her forehead and pure morning bliss.
Alyssa closed her eyes to go back to sleep, but then she heard a few of her teammates coming this way. Quickly, she unzipped the sleeping bag and scrambled out, waking Kendra late in the process.
Alyssa leaned over the bathroom sink along with four other girls and inspected her hair. The little she had was slicked back and hair-sprayed down with a big white bow. Perfect. She already had her uniform and shoes on. Make-up was the only thing left.
Kendra leaned in the bathroom doorway. "Can I get your help with the makeup after you finish your stuff, Alyssa?"
When the time came, they migrated back to the privacy of the dining room where the morning sun shone brightly through the full-length windows.
As Alyssa used brushes to apply the golden eyeshadow to Kendra's face, she became more and more aware of their intimacy. Kendra was lounging on the sleeping bag, held up by her elbows, and Alyssa had straddled her to get the best vantage point. She paused in her makeup application and studied her model.
The morning sunlight highlighting Kendra's face couldn't have picked a more beautiful subject to illuminate. It curved around her little pockmark and dwelled on her smile. But the candlelight didn't stop at her mouth, it traveled to Alyssa's steadying hand on her cheek as she flicked the eyeliner. It spread across Alyssa's skin like Kendra herself was sharing her beauty.
It was warm. It was safe.
It was love.
Kendra stayed still like a statue until the end of her makeup. Their current position reflected so many absent daydreams Kendra had toyed with during boring math lectures or long car rides. Alyssa's hands heated Kendra's face as she held her in place for precise strokes of makeup.
"All done," Alyssa whispered, like she too felt the tension that hung in the air. And knew that any loud word would spook it off.
Alyssa didn't remove her hands from Kendra's face. Kendra studied Alyssa. Vulnerability splashed across her features and Kendra knew.
She leaned into Alyssa's left hand that cupped her cheek. Warmth burst from the contact. Alyssa's breath caught and her gaze flickered to Kendra's lips.
Giddiness rushed through her veins and before she could lose her nerve, Kendra cupped Alyssa's face and kissed her.
It was like an explosion. Alyssa kissed back, leaning down onto Kendra. Kendra ran her hands through Alyssa's hair, the quick ending so novel to her own. Their noses kept butting heads and Kendra laughed as they figured out how to tilt their heads to prevent that.
Their kissing was a lot like their stunting. Awkward, painful, and a failure at first, but a beautiful rush when they finally matched each others' tempos. Red lipstick smudged all over their chins and foundation, blush, and concealer smeared into each other. For once, Kendra didn't mind the mess.
In the distant background, their coach called for the stragglers to load into the cars. Alyssa broke from the kiss and smiled. "Now, let's go hit zero."
Personally, Kendra could not care less how they placed in the competition. Every single stunt could fall and Kendra would still feel like the luckiest girl alive.
She had already won it all.
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the end
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