Bah Humbug!
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Set pre-Fablehaven, while Vanessa and Warren were in their Knights era
⟢ Vanessa/Warren ⟣
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Vanessa and Warren had been sent to rural Poland on a quick mission. But, when a freak snow storm buries their hotel (which, coincidentally, had only one bed available), they're trapped over the Christmas holiday. With so much downtime, the two end up becoming a lot more than just mission partners.
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Ever since running away from her very Italian, (and consequently very Catholic) home as a teenager, Vanessa Santoro had neglected to celebrate Christmas. It simply had not been on her mind. From Society missions to her double agent status with the Knights of the Dawn, she stayed booked and busy. And, even if she had time and remembered the holidays, who would she celebrate with? Just herself in her home alone?
That would make the holidays even more depressing than usual.
For all these reasons, she barely realized it was December 22nd until she looked up from her uncomfortable airport seat to spot Warren towing his luggage complete with felt antlers and the ugliest Christmas sweater she had ever seen.
"Oh my god." Vanessa took off her sunglasses and looked him up and down. "Santa has lost one of his elves."
Warren sat down in the seat across from her. "Now, why aren't you dressed up?"
"I'm not quite sure that was a requirement in the mission file."
"You're a scrooge." He flicked a hidden switch on his sleeve, and the lights on his sweater turned on. Acclaimed pop hit Santa Baby began to play, presumably from some speaker on the accursed sweater.
Vanessa shot to her feet immediately. "I cannot be seen with you."
Warren accompanied her on her brisk walk. "Why not?"
She sent him a look that hopefully conveyed the irrationality of such a statement. "There should be a car waiting at Terminal C to take us to the hotel. Let's go so you can change out of this as soon as possible."
Warren laughed and slung an arm over her shoulder. Heat burned where their skin met.
If Vanessa knew anything, it was that Warren Burgess was not a name she would be forgetting any time soon. This was their fifth mission together ever since she had joined the Knights as an undercover agent six months ago.
They were slowly becoming permanent mission partners as their missions ended up significantly more successful than any other combination of Knights.
Together, Vanessa and Warren were even faster, more efficient, and smarter than they were on their own. And that was saying something considering how highly rated the agents were as individuals.
Simply, they were a dream team.
As Vanessa plucked his blinking, musical arm off her shoulder, she tried to ignore the voice that said there was something more than just efficiency going on.
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It was nearly midnight by the time the cab dropped them off at their hotel. Or, sorry, inn. The entire place was two stories and about as large as her own penthouse back in the city. Vanessa sighed. She did not have high hopes for the amenities.
"Thanks for the ride," Warren said. He paid the cab driver, and slid out of the car to stand behind her. "Very with the season, right?"
Vanessa raised an eyebrow.
"The snow-covered inn? Now we just need a big city girl and a small town country boy." Warren waited for a laugh that never came, and frowned at her at her blank expression. "Vanessa, have you never seen a Hallmark movie?"
She scoffed as she went to pick up her luggage. No, she had no idea what that was.
Powdery snow beautifully glinted under the bright full moon as Vanessa lugged her suitcase through the heavy snow. Red and green light bulbs decorated the inn, and icicles hung down from the eaves. A snowy garland wrapped around the fence, and a wreath welcomed them to the front door.
Człopa, Poland had no shortage of White Christmases.
Vanessa tried the door handle, but it was locked. She knocked, and Warren caught up to her with his duffle bag.
The door opened, and a middle-aged man stumbled out in his pajamas and a flashlight. When he saw them, he straightened up and ran his hands through his hair. "So sorry. Are you the Fredricksons?"
Vanessa nodded.
"Okay, okay," he said as he opened the door. "Come in. I'm Mr. Broz. Your registration didn't mention such a late arrival."
The lobby itself seemed more like a small sitting room than anything resembling a hotel. On the right, a too-big Christmas tree hit the ceiling and curved to the side, taking up most of the space. Opposite the tree, sat two chairs, and then a reception desk. A model snowy Christmas village sprawled across most of the counter.
"Yeah, we're very sorry about that," Warren said. "Our flights got delayed seven hours."
Mr. Broz nodded as he rifled through the drawers of the desk. "The snowstorms will do that, most times...A-ha!" He held out a key, which Vanessa took. "Your room will be the second door on the second floor."
Vanessa raised an eyebrow. "Our registration should show that we booked two rooms."
After the long night of flying that she had had, all Vanessa wanted to do was crash in bed, but it seemed there were further complications. How jolly.
"Oh, well," the man laughed good-naturedly. "That's actually not what the registration shows. And, you're a married couple, no?"
"He snores," Vanessa replied flatly. She tried to control her irritation. One downside of masquerading as a couple was all the misunderstandings involved. Unfortunately, it was the most natural way to explain their relationship. They definitely could not pass for siblings.
But, whatever, this was fine—she would just going to have to pay for an extra room herself. Thankfully, the Society paid well. She reached into her purse and brought out her wallet.
Warren put his hand on her wallet. "Wait, Vanessa, it's fine."
"No." Vanessa shook her head. "I'll just pay for another room."
"Oh," the man said, his face falling. "We have no other rooms. See, it's Christmas and we're a small inn..."
Vanessa closed her eyes slowly. Her life just kept getting worse. Was this some divine punishment? To get back at her for not celebrating Christmas these past years? Now she got to spend the season in the most horrendous way possible.
Warren smiled and nodded at the man. "That's fine. Have a good night."
They chatted for a few more minutes before the man bid them adieu and went to his own bedroom. Vanessa simply waited them out.
Irritation must have been pouring off her countenance because Warren held up his hands in defense as soon as she turned to him.
Vanessa raised her eyebrows. "What do you think I'm going to do—hurt you?"
"I don't know," Warren said as he slowly lowered his hands. "Seemed like you had your claws out over the whole one room thing."
She sighed. "If you do actually snore, I will smother you."
"Hmm." Warren took a step back. "Maybe I'm the one who should be objecting."
Vanessa rolled their eyes. Once they left the lobby, they stayed quiet out of respect for the other sleeping guests as they traversed the stairs to their room.
Unfortunately, Vanessa failed to keep silent once she opened the door to their room. Her jaw dropped. "This isn't a double?"
A red and green checkered comforter covered the single queen bed in the middle of a cozy, tastefully decorated room. Light shined from the reindeer-shaped lamp on the wooden bedside table. It was her personal nightmare.
Warren peeked over her shoulder and laughed. "I think the Knights have had a hard fiscal year."
"Like hell they have."
After they entered and set their bags down, Vanessa collapsed onto the top of the bed. "You're taking the floor."
"It's freezing in here," Warren said as he fell onto the other side of the bed. "Absolutely not."
Vanessa sighed. "If only my mission partner was a gentleman."
"I believe in equality, and a person's inalienable right to blankets, pillows, and a mattress." Warren pulled back the comforter and shimmied under the layers.
Shock widened her eyes. "You're getting into bed in your outside clothes? That's disgusting."
"What's more disgusting would probably be holding a UV light to this bed."
Vanessa groaned and slid off the bed. She collected her bag of toiletries and headed into the bathroom. "I'm not sharing a bed with you if you're wearing jeans under the covers. Change."
Vanessa shut the door and turned on the shower head. Despite the water noise, she could hear Warren's voice loud and clear.
"Aye, aye, captain!"
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"Do you hog the blankets?"
"Do you snore?"
"Of course not."
"Do you move around all night?"
"I've never been awake to find out."
Vanessa surveyed the bed like a flaming pool of lava. Warren had on a Santa onesie which was acceptable enough for bed clothes, but unfortunately that meant he was in the bed already.
Hmm. Vanessa did have a tranquilizer in her bag. She could stick him, roll him off, and he would never know.
"Whatever you're thinking, please don't do it. I have my whole life ahead of me."
Vanessa rolled her eyes. "You're what, 25?"
"24." He raised an eyebrow. "Do I seem distinguished enough to be 25?"
"24? You have one foot in the grave." Vanessa kissed her teeth, sarcasm laden on her words. She turned 24 in four months. "If you take the floor, I'll let you have a blanket and two of the pillows."
"Very gracious." Warren snuggled into his pillow. "I have a better idea. Climb into the bed, go to sleep, and stop acting like a paranoid freak."
"I have reason to." Vanessa stuck her hands on her hips. "We're secret agents."
"We're friends! If I was going to kill you, I would've just pushed you off that cliff in San Marino," Warren muttered into his pillowcase.
Friends was an interesting proposition. She had never really had friends before. At this point, she knew him well enough. Would she call him a friend?
But a better question came up. He thought he could successfully kill her with a simple cliff push?
"I can't believe you think I wouldn't catch myself."
"On that cliff? It was basically inverted."
"Still, I'm insulted."
"Fine. I'll keep in mind to stab you before I do any pushing."
"Good. Now I feel dignified."
Warren cracked a smile and patted the mattress next to him. "Come on, ice queen."
Vanessa turned off the reindeer-shaped lamp, delicately folded back the blankets, and climbed underneath.
In the darkness, she felt out of control. She couldn't see Warren, but she knew he was inches away. His warm breath hit her neck, and heat radiated from his legs underneath the blanket. He readjusted the pillow, his knuckles briefly scraping her head before retreating.
She held her breath. She was terrified.
Vanessa felt so vulnerable, so exposed. Too wired to sleep at all. The distant horn of a train broke the silence, and Warren's breath kept a steady rhythm.
But as inevitable as the crashing of the waves against the shore, she slipped into a dreamless sleep.
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When Vanessa first felt herself wake up, the comfort slipped into an awareness known only to an agent who has been working since she was a teenager. She compiled a report of her surroundings immediately.
There was a foreign, soft presence on her forehead, and a warm, heavy weight across her midsection. With a slight crack of her eyes, she glimpsed Warren's arm as the heavy weight and some of his dark locks overshadowed her sight. So, his head was close to hers. That warm softness on her forehead? It had to be his lips.
It wasn't a kiss. No, it wasn't a kiss. His head just happened to be against hers in a way in which she felt them.
Vanessa paused and took several breaths. The moment of deliberation did not help. It only allowed her to identify the delight inside her. There, she admitted it! It felt nice. Whatever!
But, this was not professional, and she did not want to try to extricate herself and be caught. The embarrassment would kill her. There was no doubt about that.
Rather, she desired to fake sleep until he woke up naturally and removed himself. That way, they wouldn't have to have an awkward conversation in which she moved and woke him up and they both had to realize the other person knew how they had woken up and yadda yadda.
But, she wasn't going to stay like this forever so she gave a little head start by softly tapping his arm like a boxer tapping out of a headlock.
After she did so, Vanessa slowed her breathing to a sleeping person's, and remained still as she felt him struggle to wakefulness.
He pulled away almost immediately with a soft "oh, fuck." She felt the mattress buckle as he slid off the other way.
Vanessa continued to feign sleep for several minutes until he knocked something in his suitcase over with a loud thump. She took that as her cue.
Vanessa blinked open her eyes open and sat up. Yawning, she reached for her glass of water. "What time is it?"
Warren continued rifling through his suitcase.
"Hmm?" He turned around with an almost frantic, distracted countenance. His eyes flew everywhere and he kept rubbing his hands. Oh, man. This had had an effect on him.
"I asked what time it was."
"Oh!" He looked at his watch. "10:20."
Alarm overwhelmed her amusement, and Vanessa jumped out of bed. "10:20? We have to get to the preserve by noon!"
"Relax," Warren said. He crossed to the windows and threw the curtains open. "I don't think there's a chance of us getting there anyway."
Before Vanessa could fully bristle at the suggestion to chill, she stood and looked outside. Ferocious wind whipped snowflakes and the snow cover reached the pine needles of the trees outside. Snow devoured cars, leaving only the top part visible. "Holy shit."
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Warren brought breakfast back to their room and almost tried to eat it on the bed before Vanessa sent him a stern glare.
She had already called the preserve caretaker who was very understanding, and she was now on the phone with the Lieutenant of the East, their boss. The conversation was not going great.
"I don't know what to tell you, Vanessa," he said. "Consider it a vacation until the snow plows get it all off the roads."
"The caretaker said that could take up to a week," Vanessa said.
"Then, you have a week of PTO."
Why couldn't they get a snow plow from the Knights? Or organize a helicopter? Or do something? She didn't want to wait around. That went against her very nature.
But she heard the exhaustion in his voice as they had already been over that point several times, and so Vanessa swallowed her further objections. "Thank you."
He laughed. "Talk to you later."
Vanessa set down the phone with a sigh.
"That bad?" Warren asked.
"The mission is off. But, we're stuck here until the roads open. So, most likely three to seven days," Vanessa said.
He sat down on the bed. "Aw, well that sucks. I was really looking forward to Christmas with my family. We were going to go ice-skating."
"I'm sorry."
"What about you?"
"Plans? For Christmas?" Vanessa asked. He nodded, and she shrugged. "Probably the same as any other day."
"Do you not celebrate?"
"I used to as a kid. But, I don't really care for the holidays. They're all so focused on family, and when you have no one to celebrate with, it's not as great." She cleared her throat, stood up, and brushed off her coat. Abort. Abort. Why did she say that? Warren always made her way too comfortable. This was a problem. "Is breakfast still open?
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A thousand puzzles pieces covered the small coffee table, which Warren and Vanessa had already been hunched over for about an hour already. They had completed Santa, but still needed his sleigh and reindeers.
Vanessa liked puzzles. In fact, she liked quiet activities in general. Personally, she believed puzzles to be a quiet activity. Warren did not share this conviction.
"So, where are you from?"
Vanessa raised her eyebrow. "That line of questioning is not allowed under the Knights code of conduct."
Warren burst out laughing and, in the process, accidentally sent a puzzle piece flying onto the rug. She noted its location to retrieve it later. "Oh my god, Vanessa, lighten up. It's not like I asked you for nuclear codes."
She rolled her eyes and took a sip of her coffee very slowly. In the Society, mission partners never talked about their personal lives with each other. There was more fear wedged in between, probably. Would Vanessa ever tell someone like Torina Barker her hometown? Of course not. That was inviting trouble. She would have to be stupid to do something like that.
In contrast, the Knights were a little more bumbling with their administration. Holes pockmarked mission plans, and people were a bit more relaxed. Sometimes, in the past six months of her deep cover as a Knight,Vanessa missed the competence and efficiency of the Society.
"Fine. I'll go first. I'm from a rural part of Pennsylvania."
"That's great, Warren," Vanessa mumbled into her bite of her leftover chocolate croissant from breakfast.
"You're a tough cookie to crack."
She placed another puzzle piece down. "I finished Rudolph."
"Seriously, give me something. Favorite color? Movie? Band? Season?"
"I like Greenday."
"Well, I feel I could have guessed that."
"What's that tone? Are you insulting me?"
"You? The ice queen? Never." Warren sent her a swirk. "I happen to value my life."
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"You can take the bed tonight. I'll take the floor."
Vanessa raised her eyebrows. "I thought we came to the conclusion last night that it was dumb to do something like that and I should, and I quote, get over myself."
Warren laughed. He ran his hands through his hair. "Just, you know, I realized I need my space."
Vanessa shrugged. "I thought it was fine."
"You thought it was fine."
"Well, you convinced me." Vanessa lowered her voice. "Are you, Warren Burgess, admitting you were wrong?"
Warren pursed his lips. She could practically see the wheels turning in his head. Vanessa had learned on their first mission that this was the fastest way to contradict him. "Never."
Vanessa shrugged and turned off the lamp light. She snuggled into the covers. A minute later, she felt him climb into bed.
She smiled.
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Her report that morning differed. As she woke up, the tactile stimuli suggested that she was laid half on top of him, her arms loosely wrapped around his neck. He had one arm wrapped around her, resting lightly on the small of her back. It was like a hug, but better.
She tilted her head a tiny bit higher, hoping to see how his head laid, but instead she caught his eyes. His hazel eyes widened. His breath stuttered in his chest underneath her.
Vanessa sat up with the quickness of an agent. He pulled his arm back like she was on fire. He scooted to a sitting position, back against the board, and she retreated to the foot of the bed. They stared at each other in silence.
Vanessa cleared her throat, and tucked her hair behind her ears, hoping to convey a sense of calm. "Must have gotten cold last night. Humans tend to migrate to the nearest heat source."
Warren laughed, his hand on his chest. "Were you grown in a lab?"
"Excuse me?" Vanessa raised an eyebrow. "I take offense to that."
"Okay," Warren rolled his eyes. "You were just cold."
"Yes," Vanessa said, indignation in the word. "What are you implying? Your hand was wrapped around me, too. It takes two to tango."
Warren shrugged. "Fine. I like you."
Vanessa stood, and pointed at him. "Warren, no. That is unprofessional. We are agents and mission partners and this is way over the line!"
"Come on, Vanessa!" Warren slipped off the bed and took a step closer to her. The drawstrings of his pajama pants must have come undone in the night, because they were hanging dangerously low. Her eyes flicked to his stomach briefly, and his eyes followed her. He raised his eyebrows in incredulity. "And, you're saying you're not affected by any of it?"
"I can appreciate that you are obviously very muscled and warm."
"Thank you."
Vanessa shrugged. "But it doesn't do anything for me."
"Nothing," Warren repeated with doubt.
"Nothing at all."
He took a step closer, and she took a step back. Warren raised his eyes. "I've never known you to be a coward."
Vanessa straightened. "There is a reason agents aren't supposed to become involved."
Upon the words leaving her mouth, she faltered in her conviction. There was a reason. It made agents sloppier and more willing to be compromised by their partner. This could be a good thing. For Vanessa, of course.
Warren rolled his eyes. "Big whoop."
Wheels began turning. If she began a relationship, maybe she could further infiltrate the Knights. She could bite Warren in an intimate way that he would never expect and it would be great for her cause.
He noticed her hesitation because a huge grin brightened his face. "Vanessa?"
She took inventory again. His toned stomach, deep brown hair, gorgeous smile, and his piercing eyes. She took a step forward, and then another. It would also be really nice.
Vanessa took her final step. They were face to face now. She wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned in until their lips were almost touching. His breath hitched and his hands found their way to her lower back. Stilling, she locked eyes with him. "No effect. Whatsoever."
He rolled his eyes and migrated one of his hands to her forearm, slightly squeezing the inner part. He raised an eyebrow. "Brachial pulse. It's pretty high."
"Color me impressed. And your voice is pitchy."
"Well, I'm not afraid to admit my feelings."
"Neither am I. I just don't have them." Vanessa kissed him and his back hit the wall. Delightful energy sparked from her lips, and it raced through her veins. All she wanted was more.
But, Warren tangled his fingers in her hair and broke apart from the kiss. "None at all?"
"Nope." But, she contradicted herself by diving back into a kiss again. This time when they broke apart, Vanessa kissed down his neck. This was her opportunity. It could be disguised as a cute little moment. But she didn't bite him and simply returned to his lips. She told herself she had next time. That this was a means to an end. She would simply be getting a new vessel.
Nevertheless, the rest of the morning went the same—she never bit him.
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That night, by Warren's request, they watched a Hallmark movie. She cuddled up next to him in the bed. Relishing the warm touch, she tried to forget about her duty to the Society. The movie was supposed to be an escape.
In the movie, Jordan, a photographer from New York City, gets set up with Tyler, a Western rancher. As the movie went on, they inevitably fell in love. It really was a big city girl with a good ole country boy—sappy and sweet. Various challenges spring up, but against all odds their relationship blossoms through the power of love.
Vanessa watched the side of Warren's face as he took in the rising action of the movie. Could it be as easy as the movie suggested? That it was enough for two people to simply like each other?
That seemed absurd.
Warren was a secret agent. She was a double agent. They faced death side by side, week after week.
One day would come when she would have to betray him. Possibly kill him. And he could never know. They could never have the light-hearted romance that the two characters had.
Heavy with the knowledge, Vanessa returned her gaze to the movie, but she wasn't really watching.
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That night, Warren opened his arms and Vanessa fell into them. It was no surprise in the morning when they woke up entangled, and stayed there.
It was the best Christmas morning of her life.
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Two days later, the snow plows cleared the roads and only seven hours later, Vanessa and Warren successfully made it to the Warsaw International Airport. After a Christmas celebration shared with the rest of the inn and two days filled with snow day activities like puzzles, movies, and board games, Vanessa carried a comfortable contentment on the ride to the airport.
Together, they checked their bags and traversed security, before finally arriving at the gates. Vanessa had to go to terminal B while Warren's ticket read C. This was where they parted ways.
"What are your plans when you get home?" Warren lounged on the top of his suitcase. He had already dragged out the goodbye fifteen minutes longer than it needed to be. But, Vanessa found she didn't mind.
Vanessa shrugged. "Probably clean the house."
Warren shook his head. "Come to my apartment. My friends are throwing a huge New Year's celebration. Have you met Dougan? He's a knight."
Vanessa hesitated. She could create more contacts with the Knights. But, this felt like crossing a line.
"We can tell Dougan the truth about your knighthood. But for the others, I'll tell them you're my girlfriend. We met on the train about six months ago. Connected over Hallmark movies and your lovey-dovey nature." Warren smiled at her rolling eyes. He held out a hand. "What do you say? I'll go and buy your ticket right now."
Vanessa wavered for just a moment. Should she just say yes? What was the harm? Shouldn't she be infiltrating in any way she could?
But, this could make her too attached. She shouldn't know more about Warren than she needed to. Her strategy could end up flipping and compromise her instead. That was surely a threat.
But, this could be fun. She knew her limits. She was a master at compartmentalizing. It would just be another mission. In, out, with only a facade of emotional connection.
And, when was the last time she went to a party?
She took his hand.
He left and she stood alone, basking in the Christmas lights and wreaths that had been strung up all over the airport. Usually, she would hate such a reminder.
But, this was shaping up to be her best holiday season yet. Of course, it wasn't due to the famed Christmas magic. It was simply because of Warren.
And that? That terrified her to no end.
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