Dare #31
Voletcomicmaker: Toy Bonnie, I dare you to tell someone about Mobster and Goofball, it is your choice, but I suggest you tell Springbonnie. She may be able to help get them out of your head and give them their own bodies or something. Also, *gives Goldie Ear protectors that are used for hunting and will Block out the majority of the noise.*
Toy Bonnie: I-if you say so...
(Mobseyr: Do it, bro!
Goofball: Don’t you want us out of your head?)
Toy Bonnie:*Thinks: I'll tell her...; walks over to where Springbonnie is talking with Emerald* Hey, S-springbonnie? Can I talk to you?
Springbonnie: Sure!
Emerald: Do I need to go...?
Toy Bonnie:*Thinks: Whay do you guys think?*
(Mobster: Sure, bro!
Goofball: She could help!)
Toy Bonnie: Nah, you can stay.
Emerald:*shrugs wing and leans against wall* What do you need to talk to us about?
Toy Bonnie: I-i need to tell you guys something... that I have been keeping a secret fwah a long time...
Emerald:*relization flashes in eyes* I think I know what you're talking about.
Toy Bonnie:*confused* What?
(Mobster: Bro, she knows! {She knoooo-ows!}
Goofball: I bet Fred told her!)
Toy Bonnie: How do you know?
Emerald:My own snooping, Fred's hearing, and... Welp, the recording mic picks their voises up.
(Mobster: Dude, that is one serious mic!)
Springbonnie: Um... What are we talking about?
Toy Bonnie: Ya know how I had two other voice boxes befwah this one?
Springbonnie: Yes, what about them?
Toy Bonnie: T-they have been stuck in my head the past 3 years...
Springbonnie:*surprised* What?! I don’t think that's a good thing!
Toy Bonnie:...
(Mobster: Bro, savage!
Goofball: Um, that's a lady...)
Toy Bonnie: They're being idiots right now.
Springbonnie: That's not nice, Toy Bonnie! They're you, remember?
Toy Bonnie: I forgot about that...
(Mobster: Bro, you just got roasted. BY YOURSELF!!!*bursts out laughing*
Gofball:*laughing* Ah... Only us Toy Bonnies could manage that!)
Toy Bonnie:*growls* Can it you two!
Emerald: So... This was a dare, but it is the truth...
Springbonnie: I could help get them out of your head and give them their own bodies!
Toy Bonnie: R-really?!
Goofball:*screaming louder*)
Toy Bonnie:*puts hand on forehead* Will you two just shut up!
Springbonnie:*looks offended*
Emerald: Talking to the voices, not us.
Springbonnie: Oh.*clears throat* So... To do this, I will have to build two other bodies, then extract them from you and put them in said other bodies. It will be a little painfull.
Toy Bonnie: When can you have said bodies done?
Springbonnie:*grins* Give me 'till Monday.
Emerald: But that's only fo days!
Springbonnie: Two for each! Building and all!
Toy Bonnie:*stutters* W-wow, thanks S-springbonnie.
(Monster: Yeah, thanks Broete!
Goofball: Thank you so muuuuuuuuuch!!!)
Toy Bonnie: Mobster and Goofball are thanking you two.
Springbonnie:*snigers* Mobster and Goofball?
Emerald: At least it's not Toy Bonnie 1 and Toy Bonnie 2.0
Springbonnie: This is true. Well, I better get to work!*walks into Parts and Service room*
Toy Bonnie: Oh, and the darer wanted to give Golden Freddy these.*hands her the hunting ear protectors*
Emerald: Thanks T.B! I'll go give them to him.*slips into Golden Freddy’s room*
Golden Freddy:*laying there, being bored; looks over to Emerald; waves and musters a smlie*
Emerald:*waves back; places esr protectors over his ears; says* Is this pretty sound proof?
Golden Freddy:*smiles and says* Yes... hey, i can speak normaly with these things on and not hurt myself.
Emerald:*hugs him*
Golden Freddy:*hugs back* M-may i do the o-outro?
Emerald: Sure, if ya want!
Golden Freddy: L-leave us questions, dares, gifts, or anything really in the comments. Farewell.
{Golden Freddy lied. I'm in need of catching up, so don't leave anything to go in another chapter in the comments, or if you do, it won't happen fo a while. Okay, that's all, GOODBYE PEOPLEZ OF THE INTERNETZ!!!}
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