Getting to know me better (by being tagged) :3
Well this is gonna be interesting i got tagged by @thickerthandeath (a freaking long time ago, im such a bee -_-)their a friend of mine in wattpad (030)... lets get on with tis,shall we?
Rules (for me and other people XD):
*You have to say the rules to the people you tag
*Say 13 things from you're life or about yourself
*You CAN'T say no to the tag
*You have to do the tag or face punishment (by me of course :3)
*You (please) can not be mad in the comments
*You have to make the title creative!
Read if ya want, i hope i dont offend nobody...
1} I AM A PEGASISTA!!!! Yes i love mlp since well, i was a little kid ;3 and well i have like 20 somethin' mlp figures and a castle to :3
2} I LOVE ROCK!!! And well any kind of music but mostly rock like, Skillet, Fall Out Boy, Panic! at the Disco, and many more
3} I LOVE MELANIE'S ALBUM "CRYBABY"!!! I love it because its like a cute-sy psychoetic kind of songs and i like it :3(I'll put a song up, k? But its gonna be nightcore)
4} MEH FAV ANIMAL IS CATS!!! I like animals but mostly cats because i think there cute and fuzzy that i want to hug them (more like squish them -.-) in a way im like Sebby-chan (please dont kill me fangirls /(>.<)\)
5}I AM THE ONLY GIRL!!! Wow why am i putting this here? Oh well i guess im gonna do it, i only have 3 brothers so im the only girl,2 brothers are older than me and the other one is younger and is only part of my dad (hes like 1 yo)
6} I LOVE TO HELP PEOPLE AND ANIMALS!!! I don't know why but i like to help things and make them happy, i know its clechay (i don't know if i spelled that right) but its like when someone or something is happy then im happy, i just don't know why, but i get sad sometimes...
7} I WAS AN IDIOT WHEN LITTLE!!!XD lol, but i was its embarrassing to say XD, i was a trouble maker (you're a trouble maker, trouble maker...sorry i had to...XD) back then and when anybody got me mad i would snap and then hit them XD, so my mum payed a psychiatrist to go to school and get me out of class, but guess what i ALWAYS thought it was just a RANDOM person just to make me happy, XD XD XD XD im was such an idiot XD(and no i don't have one now...or do i? Dun dun duuun)
8}YESH, I STILL HAVE TOYS!!ples, don't judge meh...but im still a child! XD
9} IM 11 YEARS OLD!!! Im pretty young to say "bad" words, but oh well, and my innocence is gone...wah! DX
10}IM DURTY MINDED!! yesh, thats right, ya looking strait at it X'D
11} IM BIO!! Im kinda nervous about tis...oh well, no time to go back (or do i?) Yesh, i like boys AND girls,(ples) don't judge!
12} I STILL SLEEP WITH PLUSHES!! im such a child X'D
13} IM A ARACHNOPHOBIAN!! (did i spelled it right? :T) yesh, DON'T JUDGE (PLES) MEH NO LIKE (MOSTLY) BUGS THAT CREEP MEH OUT,if i see one i will run the hell outta there! >.<
SORREH!!!!! IM SO SORREH IM SUCH A BEE!! I'll have to post another chappie for the tags im gonna do, author to lazy to check -_-...
Shut up sanity! Anyway have a wonderful life my lil vampire darlings~!
Love, Vampycuteness ♥
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