scars and beaches
Ezra was going to the cockpit for a meeting Hera called. She said it wasn't a op, he didn't get why it was important.
He had been in a very bad mood from his last prank. He had applied a cream subtance that made his rash and watery eyes go away.
He mad it to the cockpit and saw there were no seats so he leaned against the wall.
"So, since it's been kinda stressful from the past few days, Kanan and I have decided the crew needs to go to the beech."
Ezra paled at the though of swiming. While the rest of the crew cheered he was quiet.
"Are you okay Ezra?"Asked the pilot.
Ezra felt sick. He quickly climbed it to the vent and crawled to a closet. He rembered hiding there when the crew was talking. He was ease dropping, and well to, til Kanan found our by the force.
The crew looked at Ezra's empty spot.
"What the heck just happened?!" Kanan asked.
"Maybe the kid has some bad memories at the beach?" Sabine said.
"No, He's probably never been. Perfectly fine he'll see there is nothing to be scared of." Kanan smiled.
"Okay, we're" Hera smiled.
Everyone came out of the ghost in the suits. Kanan in green trunk , zeb had black, and the girls had diffrent taste. Hera had a blue one peice and Sabine had a red bikini.
Meanwhile Ezra refused to get near the sand.
"Ezra, at least get your swim trunks on." Kanan pleaded.
"Fine, but..... No. One. Ask any questions." He said going to get his suit on.
He went to his cabin and changed.
He looked at the scars, some still pink.
One said SR77 It was big and on his chest. He remembered when that was carved in him. The day he tried to escape from the cell all the lothal kids without homes where held in.
it meant, STREET RAT 77 they labeled the street rats.
He wasn't proud but he was a burn that the gang hand Given him. It was a line through a circle that swirled at the top.
He had a ton of scars on his leg. Once he had tryed to get out of the gang amd they didn't forgive.
The one on his back was pink and fresh. He was in the black market, and that was all he remebered.
He sighed and walked out side and sat on the ramp. His knees pulled up to his face.
The crew looked confused. They quit staring.
"Hey, padawan. If you don't come in the water I'll force you in." Kanan smiled.
"Okay if you say so." Kanan started lifting Ezra with the force and through him into the water.
"KANAN NO--" Ezra was cut off by going under. He breathed in a bunch of water.
He tryed climbing buy there was nothing. His chest was tugging him to go up. He just couldn't do it. Kanan swam down and pulled him up.
Ezra was still consious. He started coughing on sure. Water spillspill from his lungs, out of his mouth.
"No, No, No....." Ezra repeated as he went back onto the ramp. His hair was dripping of his face. He was shaking. Kanan got a towl and raped it around himself and another around ezra.
"Why didn't you tell us you couldn't swim?" Asked Kanan.
"I can swim!" His voice cracked.
"Sure and I can paint the cockpit with out Hera yelling." He smirked.
"Swiming is pointless." He argued.
"Okay. But are you going to explain those Marks."
"Scars." He whispered. "He pointed the biggest one. SR77 "I'm street rat 77."
Then he pointed one of his legs, " a gang."
Then he pointed his back, "black market."
Then he pointed to his arm, "gang."
He pointed to his lower stomach, "speeder."
"What do you mean speeder?"
"I was hit by a speeder because they didn't see me."
"Ezra, when you were hurt, did you have stitches?"
"Most of the times no, but a few I did."
"Ezra your never leaving the ship again."
"What? Oh you can't keep this contained." He laughed.
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