pink crew gone baaaaddd
The ghost rest on hoth. Ezra just woke from the same nightmare as before. He was frankly scared it would come true so he went into the common room to get breakfast.
They were starting to run low on supply and there was hardly any food left.
Ezra groaned and then went into the common room once more. He was tired so he lyed his head down. He drifted off into sleep.
The whole crew is laughing and covered in pink paint. Including ezra.
He woke up smiling. Kanan was looking down at him. "Kid?" He asked.
"Yeah?" Ezra asked still tired.
"You know what time it is?"
"1300" He chuckled.
"Wah!" He yelled and got up. He quickly calmed himself.
"Hey wanna see a magic trick?" He smirked.
Soon the whole crew was hand cuffed.
"Cool trick kid. Now let us out." Zeb said with no enthusiasm.
Ezra laughed and then smirked."oh I forgot the keys." He looked at him pockets. "Oh wait there aren't any." He said in a fake incceont tone.
"What?!" Hera and kanan said.
"I'll call ahsoka." Sabine threatened.
"Her comn is disconnected thanks to someone." He smiled and pointed to zeb.
"I blame him."
Ezra had a ton of pink paint from sabines room. He blindfolded the crew, as he painted every Las bit or color on the ship pink. He also put sparkles in the crews hair and dyed it pink. Hera's lekku were also pink as was most of her face. Ezra smeared some on his face by accident.
Ezras eyes were starting to ich and were geting watery. His whole face was very ichy.
As soon as ezra was done, he took off the blindfolds. Hera screamed and started sobbing into Kanan's shoulder.
"What happened to your face?" Asked kanan. Ezra stopped scratching for a few seconds and shrugged.
Sabine and zeb were mad, furious. But zeb couldn't help but laugh. "Nicely played I'm goin to get you."
"Yeah...okay." He said turning around, hiding fear. He was always a bit scared of zeb. But that's a diffrent story.
"Let me out so I can pulverized you!" He yelled. "Coward!" At this ezra spun around. He. Was. Mad.
Ezra took his lightsaber our of his belt. He walked slowly to zeb. He could feel zeb growing scared as he struggled. Ezra activated his light saber and cut the handcuffed.
"No wepons." Zeb clairifyed.
Ezra silently nodded still mad.
Zeb ran towards him but ezra didn't move. Zeb was confused. He didn't even care.
He through a punch at Ezra's face. He knew it hurt but ezra didn't flinch. A black eye and cocked nose started to form. Not to mention a nose bleed.
Ezra was used to being beat. He was in a gang with some big guys, bigger than zeb, who used to do the same thing. He never flinched.
Zeb through a punch on the ribs that knocked ezra down right in front of kanan. Zeb picked ezra up and tossed him so he skidded against the w all and that made for an unconscious ezra.....
Zeb ripped the rest of the handcuffs of the crew. Kanan dragged ezra but his feet. No one wanted to touch the kids skin. It was getting red.
Ezra was waking up on the medbay floor. He chuckled it was pink. His eyes were blood shot. His skin had a hives.
Kanan was talking to hera about the paint. He took that time to grab an empty bottle.
"DANG IT!" He yelled and two turned around.
He Through the empty bottle at the wall and put his fingers to push his hair back.
"What?!" Kanan said.
"I forgot I'm a allergic to that kind of paint." He mumbled. "Sabine started buying a diffrent kind. From the last time I used it."
"Ezra this could be serious. What medicine do you need?"
"First I need to get out of this ship." He said as he scratched his throat and ran to the ramp.
Once the ramp was finally opened he got out side and ran away from the ghost. He got on his knees and wheezed, just happy he could breath clearly again.
"You okay kid?" Asked zeb.
"No." Ezra croaked. "I'm not going in that death trap again."
"My own room." Zeb laughed.
"Your own pink room." Corrected
"No we can remove it." Kanan said
"Well, sorry love, we don't have paint remover, and we don't have the money to buy any either." Hera said to the jedi. He groaned.
"Is there anywhere in the ghost you haven't painted." He said rubbed his templates.
"Nope. The whole thing." Ezra laughed, as he rubbed the eye the lasat punched him. It had a black ring around it.
"Zeb, why'd you punch him so hard?" Sabine punched zeb's arm.
"Ow, oi' all I did as give it to 'im strait." He crossed his.
"Yeah he did nothing. I've had worst." Ezra steeped in. Everyone turned there head towards him. A loth cat purred up agaisnt him.
"What do you mean I've had worst?" Kanan asked.
"Well I can honestly I've dealt with guys bigger than zeb, and they 'n' were bulkier." He scratched his arm.
"So we're we putting ezra?" Asked sabine, ignoring the last comment.
"Well he'll need to ride it our until we meet ahsoka tommarow." Hera replied.
"Ugh..." ezra groaned.
Hera looked at her watch,"we need to leave now.
"Fine..." ezra hesitantly got in the ghost.
The ghost jumped into. Hyperspace. The crew was all in the pink common room. Ezras eyes were red, blood shot, ichy, watery and twitching.
His arm what hives as did his cheeks.
He was scratching his shin with vilence.
"Stop scratching and it'll go away.." hera recommended as she wiped her headtails and face.
"Can't....stop...." Ezra's hoarce voice said as. He began scratching his neck. Ezra sneezed and his nose started turning red.
Meanwhile kanan and sabine were trying to get sparkles out or there hair. Zeb was getting sparkles outa his fur.
"Man, ezra looks horrible. I still can't belive he painted the whole ghost." Sabine said.
"I hope tano can give us some supplies" kanan replied.
Zeb walked in laughing. He was bent over from laughing. "BAHAHAHAHAHA!"
"What's so funny?" Asked sabine.
"The kids face!"He roared.
"Zeb! Your so mean." She huffed.
"Serves him right." Zeb grunted.
The three spectors walked to the common room were ezra had his head down, asleep. Yet he was still scratching his cheeck. Kanan couldn't help but laugh. Zeb burst into laughter. Sabine punched his arm.
"Eh." Zeb grunted.
Ezra shot up, "ichy!" He yelled and started scratching then he sneezed a couple times.
"Kanannnnnnn" the kid whinned.
"I know."
"I'm ichyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"
"I know, Ezra"
"Ezra." Kanan said getting annoyed.
"My throat hurtssssssssssssss."
"You'll be fine just go to sleep."
"I can'ttttttttttt" He whined.
"Stop it." Zeb stepped it
"I'm going to die and the last thing you say is 'shut up'" he pretended to faint, "I'm wound." He sneezed about 5 times into his arm.
"Sure you are." Hera said.
"We should all get some sleep, it's past midnight." Kanan said sighing. The spectors went to there cabines.
Ezra woke after about an hour later. "Trap!" He yelled. "Zeb best watch out." He snuck out of the cabin carefully. He needed to sneeze but he restrained it. He walked to the ladder the crew was on earlier. The bucket of paint was up read to fall.
"ZEB!" He yelled and noticed how his voice was deeper and scratcher.
"Wha? Kid! You woke me up. I was tryin' to sleep." Zeb said and soon the whole crew was around the ladder again.
"Oh 5 for 1" he smirked. The glob of paint fell on everyone. Ezra was carefull not to get any on him.
"EZRA!!!!!!" Everyone yelled.
Zeb smirked. "That's what you woke me for." Ezra stopped laughing at his scarry low voice.
Zeb picked ezra up and tossed him down into the paint. Zeb put one knee on top off him and pushed his face in the paint and smeared it. Forgeting that he was allergic.
"Zeb get off of him." Kanan ordered.
Zeb grunted and got off.
"C'mon let's wash it off." He said to ever who was making his symptoms worst by rubbing his ichy eyes. The rest of the crew tryed to. Ezra was coughing and sneezing like crazy.
By the time kanan was finished cleaning ezra, it was about 3:00 am. He decided to stay up, ezra on the other hand was not so willing. He cane out of the kitchen half awake. He walked to his cabine. Before he managed to open the door, he just ran into it. Kanan flinched but then ezra opened the door and just fell forward.
His rash was basicly killing him. His gas was just red. His skin was pink from scratching and bumpy.
Kanan shook his head and went to the cockpit. He saw ahsoka beeping in on the comn. He awnsered fast.
"Master Tano." He smiled.
"Never favored the master thing just ahsoka will do." She smiled back. "Thank force your still up. We have a very hard and important mission you need to complete."
"We can't...." he said scratching the Back of his neck.
"Ezra decided to......pull a prank........"
"Oh, is anyone hurt. Hera told me that the gjost is pink she'll explain later"
"Who? Just tell me stop procrastinating."
"Ezra had an allergic reaction to the paint he used, the fool padawan." He sighed.
"How bad?"
"Just hives, sore throat, and ichyness."
"Hmm....I can't help with the paint remover, but once the paint drys I can see if I can get meds."
"Okay that'll work....I'll tell her to tommarow. We are going to need fuel."
"That much she told me." Ahsoka turned the transmission of.
"Okay meet you at rendezvous." He finished.
Hera came out of her cabine and streached. She ealked into the cockpit to see kanan snoring in the chair.
She chuckled and kanan woke up with a hand mark were He rested his head.
"Love, where's ezra? Did he go to bed after the insident?" She asked.
"He didn't go to bed. But he took a trip." Kanan laughed.
She glared, "but where is he? I need to check his rash."
"He went into his cabine."
Hera got up, commanded kanan in charge. She went into the boys cabine. The lasat was snoring louder than a broken speeder bike.
She stepped on something softer than the ghosts floor. She looked down and ezra was on the floor drooling.
He started to wake up. "Hey, why are you on the floor?" Asked hera as he scatched his cheek.
"Because I wanna be."
Later that morning at about 10 in the am, the crew gathered in medbay. Ezra was scratching everywhere.
"How do we get him to stop?" Sabine asked watching the youngest memeber desprately iching. Though the hives were gone, his rash still was red and of course ichy.
"Well, once a little boy on my planet had poison oak so he had to have gloves."
"Well that isn't helping ezra, he's a human." Kanan pointed out.
"Well we could put socks on his hands." Sabine suggested.
"I guess..." hera said unsure.
Zeb ran to his and the kids room. He grabbed a pair of Ezras black Rock he smelt them and they were horrible.
He gaged but they were the only pair that were there.
He came back to medbay hold his nose.
He stuck the socks in ezra. They looked at him as he was scratching against the wall.
"5 seconds til rendezvous." Hera smiled and left quietly.
The crew made there way to meet ahsoka as they boarded they saw senetor organa with ahsoka.
"Hello, old friend." He said to kanan. Ezra took the socks off and threw them down.
"Ezra your looking...." Ahsoka frowned, "good?" She lied.
"Yeah sure." He said Sarcasticlly and rubbed his eyes.
"He put the pain in paint." Zeb laughed.
Ezra stoped scratching and glared for a minute.
"Here." Ahsoka handed a crate over.
The crate had words on it
"And the fuel is over there." She pointed to the corner of the ship. The Phoenix crew was already loading it.
There was a course of thanks from the crew, except ezra who was unsuccessfully scratching his back.
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